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Is Intel Going Downhill & Are Their Glory Days Over?

hey what's up everybody glad to see you guys back here again so here's where we'll be talking about today Intel at one point was the biggest and most baddest CPU company in the entire world nobody could touch them no matter how hard they try and believe me there have been a few different companies other than AMD there's been C ryx and a few others in the past that have tried to keep up with Intel and compete but they've always failed but here's the thing Intel for a long time was absolutely the company that everybody went to where they were building servers where they're building their bet top and gaming machines everybody turned to Intel and Intel had lots and lots and lots of glory days obviously they've had a few hiccups few lawsuits and stuff like that because that's just how corporate companies go and with all these different kinds of trade agreements and contracts and all the technology you know that they own it just gets really confusing with a lot of that stuff and obviously Intel's done a few shady things in the past as well but now my thought is this our Intel glory days completely over because in the last few years we've seen Intel just step on their dick quite a bit releasing process that were substandard to this latest issue which is really the crazy thing is on right as this year began it was discovered that there was an issue with Intel CPUs there was security vulnerability and there was an Intel patch that came out and this was supposed to be to fix the security vulnerabilities on their CPU but when it was installed all of a sudden people system started restarting shutting down just doing all kinds of crazy weird stuff the Microsoft basically stepped up and said hey don't install this crap it's going to make your system run like crap now AMD on the other hand we all know that AMD is really trying to swing a big bat and come at Intel and all kinds of ways and in all honesty in the last few years AMD has closed the gap both with Nvidia and with Intel as far as performance goes in the old days it was basically like you know if you got an AMD CPU it was going to be a lot slower than an Intel CPU and that sister Dame defense and get mad there were a couple times I admit in the past where AMD did have a CPU that was faster than an Intel CPU and he was the first have 64-bit support from Microsoft and all that stuff but generally Intel was always the top dog now another problem with Intel as well is Francois not gonna name his last name you guys who know him you know who he is he was the engineer and the face and the brains behind so many of Intel CPU launches is crazy and guess what he left the company last year so friends wah left the company we've got the CEO at the beginning of the year selling billions of dollars of his stock off that to me brings up serious red flags like what is going on over at Intel if a guy is selling his stock doesn't that mean that he thinks in his brain that the company's going to go down and that's how I take that I mean if if Jesus the cabmen worked an ice cream company and he owned stock in it and all of a sudden he was dumping all of his stock I would be thinking that hey the ice cream company's about to melt right because if you selling all your stock you're you they're advancing and making money for the companies you know expanding your stocks of split well you're selling it because you want to just get the frak out of it and get your cash real quick and that's what it seems like now AMD the only thing about AMD that kind of in my opinion kind of kills in the hype everything up just so much and then a lot of times they don't just don't deliver on that hype but to me Intel's glory days are most likely over like I said AMD has almost closed the gap performance wise and a lot of different things with their latest CPUs I'm sure they're gonna have newer CPUs coming out here in 2018 that are gonna close the gap even further so when that happens will Intel even really be the best anymore and if they're not the best anymore how will they maintain their position as you know the king of the hill and get their glory they just won't be able to any more at all and that's just kind of crazy I admit most of my systems that I built for people are usually Intel based systems it because a lot of my friends are fanatics about PCs their PC master-race they don't want anything that they feel has subpar performance whatsoever so there going to buy and until CPU and all kinds of people these days are doing D living and all kinds of crazy CPUs that believe me back in the day when I started D letting is CP wasn't even like really thought of like taking the top off the CPU and messing around that that's just some crazy stuff you know and it just is I would buy personally I don't know if I'd really do that or not I mean I guess for overclocking and stuff it's kind of cool like the pencil trick a long time ago with AMD I did the pencil trick when was able to overclock a CPU but that was like a lot simpler stuff nowadays actually cutting off the top of your CPU and changing it around that's a little crazy and with all the problems that these Intel CPUs are having lately it just seems kind of weird because then till in the past sometimes had little issues with their stuff but it just seems like more and more as we go down the road we see Intel making more mistakes we see more mistakes we see more bad stuff so I really feel like I don't know if you guys agree and I want to hear your pins really point of all these videos do you guys also think that Intel's glory days are over and that in 2018 AMD will totally close the gap 100% in the cpu market I don't know if they will in the GPU market and videos got volta coming out so that might change the playing field we'll just have to wait and see even though I know AMD has stuff up their sleeve but for me friends while leaving min guy CEO selling off his stock these are all red flags that tell me that Intel is having not only problems publicly but probably internally as well I'm Eric you guys been watching Tekken tomorrow we'll see you guys back in and for more tech
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