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Is There Magic In The Shaman Amp?

hey what's up everybody glad to see you guys back here on the channel now today we're gonna be doing something a little bit different in the house today I have my guitar player from seven deadly sins his name is Shawn Hernandez Shawn thanks for coming over to the show and we're gonna be checking out an amp from the people over at Panama now if you guys don't know anything about this company at all these guys are a little bit different they're definitely thinking a little bit outside the box everything is handmade at the side of a volcano in Panama and they do it out of all kinds of woods that they can keep using over and over and over again so it's totally sustainable tonewoods they use different type of build materials in their amps that i've ever seen before when we take a closer look at the amp you guys are going to see that it's built really nice I mean you have to admit Shawn this thing just looks really nice don't you think I mean and the whole front of the thing is just beautiful in the way it's laid out plus it's a very very small amp you can take it with you wherever you go Panama amped sell there you have them on eBay they have them on reverb they really haven't broke food to the majors yet and one thing I can tell you about these guys even though this particular amp sold for $5.99 they have always make an offer on eBay and on reverb but if you make them a reasonable offer they're a very reasonable company they will take your money trust me so today we're gonna be looking at the shaman now the shaman amp is really nice it goes all the way from like really nice clean shiny stuff all the way up and pretty much I can't really say melts your face metal but it does get very very heavy tones with inside of the Sam so with that said Sean's here today he's gonna be taking this nice little Jackson guitar we got right here he's gonna be using his guitar skills to run through the different saying so we're gonna show you the clean tones there's also a lot of features inside of this so let's jump right in and let's take a close-up of the amp itself take a look at the app itself you guys can see it features are very nice tolex outside the front of the amp is very nice it has really nice wood colors you guys can see the wood on this is just absolutely amazing you have the panama logo what you guys can't see is what's actually in side of the app and there's five 12ax7 and two el84 now taking a look at the front of the amp on the top you guys see the input switch below that is the foot switch to the right-hand side of that this is the voicing there are four different voicings on this particular amp so you can change them up or down to get the settings that you particularly like so starting off let's check out the control knobs now each separate channel has its own control knob so that you can control them independently so starting off we have the gain knob then we see treble mid bass the presence knob and finally the volume knob this amp also features two different types of power structures when the switches to the bottom it's at 10 amps when the switch at the top it's at 20 amps there's also a switch on the end this switches between the different channels and then last but not least we see the power and standby control switches on the back of the amp it's pretty simply laid out you have your power input and then you have your different type of settings for your speaker's you have 8 and 16 ohms and actually there's a hard bypass switch as well as a fully functioning effects loop for adding effects to the amp so the amp does look really nice right but one thing you do not want to lose is this little slip of paper right here I'll admit I had to look at it a couple of times because all the control knobs have funky designs for changing all your different settings I mean if you lose that can that book you're gonna be like oh yeah you like lots in space what do I do I'm sure Benji could figure out you sit there and tweak around them till you get used to it but definitely don't lose that now with that said though let's jump in and let's test how this amp sounds now first we're gonna be showing you the different settings on the clean channel this is absolutely straight into the amp there's no pedals anything else then we're gonna go into the heavy stuff which they call clean and unclean which if any of you guys out there are science fiction fans there's this book out there but Thomas comment the unbeliever and he was unclean anybody who reads do you know old stuff you guys will get that but with that said though let's jump in let's see how the shaman am actually sounds the shaman shaman shaman it's so we're gonna start off with everything at the 12 o'clock position then we'll start changing all the different knobs for different tones go ahead and add a little bit more trouble to the mixer is really driving a little bit I'll show you where I guys think is my perfect role setting for this a little bit more this is my particular favorite setting on this now remember we said there's two different voicings that was the first voicing now I'm going to switch over to the other voicing you guys can see very bright I'll say really Bassets well the clock position will start over again again dirty dirty dirty my particular favorite sitting in this particular channel I like it a little bit brighter a little bit more bass not as much as on the other channel and even a little bit more particular trouble on this particular setting and a little bit more volume I think on the bright child this is my favorite a little bit more presence if you want [Laughter] everything's you guys just heard was in the 10 watt mode now it's turned the power up and let's do it in 20 watts so now let's check out the unclean channel we're gonna start out on 10 watt and the voicing on this particular one is called crunch and everything is at 12 o'clock so let's rock now this right here this is my particular favorite setting on this amplifier this is where I think it sounds the best you guys can let me know what you think but as far as like just rhythms and this kind of stuff for me this is the perfect setting so now let's go from the crunch to the lead channel and see how that sounds these particular settings right here are my favorite on the high-gain channel so now we're gonna start back off on the crunch channel I'm not going to bore you guys going through everything again but we are going to go back to the crunch channel and turn the amp up to 20 watts I'll just leave it on my favorite settings for both things so you guys can just hear the difference between the 10 watt and the 20 watt so now we're going to show you guys the high-gain setting on 20 watts with a tube screamer 808 in front of it personally I think this just tightens everything up and makes it sound really great so let's check out that riff once again this time though with a tube screamer oh my god no we're just kidding all in all though the Panama shaman is a really nice amplifier like I said at the very beginning of the video this is actually a bee stock item that I couldn't find anything wrong with whatsoever now the street price is $5.99 for this particular amp but like I said you can make these guys a reasonable offer I did trust me they will give you the deal that you want to do now me personally overall for the amp I feel it's a BM what about you Sean would you agree with me that's kind of like right there in the middle of the road I mean it's not a Mesa obviously but the clean channels do kind of sound you know that good you know I think it's a nice foundation alone it's definitely dynamic it's got great cleans and it's got a good decent gain channel but it's something you could definitely build off of yeah the clean Channel I have to say about this particular app is very very nice and something I want to just touch upon real quickly before we close up the video is that our particular chain is just the guitar which is a nice Jackson nice fuchsia Jackson we're going into the tube stream of the 808 and into the app and you guys in the video saw will we mostly through the whole video just use the amp itself and its raw tone with no effects no pedals nothing else except when we got into all the unclean stuff now as far as the unclean stuff I thought it was fluffy a little bit muddy and not really as tight as me as a metal guy would really want what about you yeah I think it's pretty par for the course as a metal guitar player I like a really tight tight gain sound it's nothing that an easy overdrive pedal can't fix but I mean what about if you're just like a guy who does rock if you do rock or you do like just like you know even pop stuff actually this amp would be really good for that right dirty blues anything like that well blues yeah definitely blues yeah if you add like a nice like chai me like pedals like a delay and maybe a little reverb you can get this thing to really shine in the clean chose I mean if I was just gonna rake the amp on the clean channel alone I would probably give the amp an a where I say the amps of beach I think you agree with me like we talked about is that for a metal guy I'm from a metal aspect because we play in a metal band you guys have heard our music we're metal guys now that's not the only opinion and the end all of everything though right I mean yeah cuz like if you were in a different band you weren't playing metal you probably like hey no this amp firm non non high game modern metal I think it's a hundred percent usable out of the box it could use a little love for modern metal but yeah but that's you know but how many of you guys out there actually play modern metal there's not that many people so if you're a person out there and you just play even just regular metal 80s metal that type of stuff or you play rock or blues or any that type of stuff this is a very all-around amp plus it's not just the same old thing let's just face it we've all seen a billion amps from all the major companies how often do you really see an amp that's handmade at the bottom of volcano and Panama that's one of the you know the really nice things that I think about this amp it's interesting because everything else you know made in China made here you have super high end amps it's you settle their places but not really something like this so at the end of the day I give it overall Abbey Sean you agree with that as well yeah definitely it's definitely a B amp as far as I'm concerned but you can get it for a really low price they have a stock B stock items and also one thing I didn't talk about is behind me what we use for our cab on this particular cab I believe they're not selling anymore they're selling a cab kind of like it this is a Prometheus cab and I personally love it because it has two different types of speakers in it you have 50 Hertz in the bottom 75 Hertz at the top so at the bottom they're like vintage 30 speakers and at the top they're like a link Oh blue speakers and you can either set it to bright you can set it to normal or you can set it to bass so you can set it to where you're just using the bottom speaker you're using just the top speaker or using both speakers in combination which is what we did today so I'm Eric this is Shawn Hernandez Sean thank you for coming to the show we can shake hands or do fist bumps or do back slaps um you know whatever we want to do we can do the Three Stooges thing anyways see you guys later we'll have links below top this type of stuff so if you guys want to get yourself an app like this then you can do so we'll see you guys back here on ticking tomorrow say good bye good bye
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