I know the world has always been a crazy
place but I think it's officially just
gone batshit crazy I mean when it's not
even safe to just be a gamer go to a
tournament and have a fun time with your
friends playing a game I think it's
really really sad day and things are
just really bat shit crazy right now
I mean Madden Madden football game right
now I know a lot of people try to preach
that you know violence in games is what
you know creates people to do violence
you know ad types of games now something
happened this particular weekend at a
Madden game you know a person got very
very angry and they went and shot and
killed Twitter's individuals and then
took their own life and a Madden game so
I don't really think that video game
violence is really the blame for these
type of things I think it's just people
are just snapping crazy now two
different elements today's video first
of all I just think that it's really sad
and my condolences go out to all the
people families and the victims of this
particular event that happened in
Gainesville Florida I'm really sorry
that you would have to deal with
something like this especially it's just
something like football which is like
pretty much a pastime in America like
everybody loves their football their
basketball their baseball and they
pretty much all sports America is very
sports oriented country and you should
be able to go even to an eSport and know
that you're safe so let's start off
right there first okay first off you're
at an event and you see that there are
all these shootings that have happened
in the past
another thing shouldn't every war that's
an event these days start to have like a
metal detector I'm better security to
make sure that a person first of all
can't even bring a weapon into a
tournament that's the first thing about
this security because of the way the
world is now this batshit crazy going on
you're going to have to install many
more of these metal detectors and have
much more critical searches
these types of things for people's
protection I mean it's just the way it's
going to have to go I mean I mean think
about how these people feel you know the
victims families even even the person
who did the violence think about how
their family feels I mean all about this
and if those better security this could
have been avoided completely this this
didn't have to happen it really didn't
have to happen that's what's really got
me down there there could have been so
many different ways that this could have
been avoided now the person in question
I'm not going to name them because I'm
not gonna give them five minutes of you
know their time you know publicly sorry
I'm come really frustrated with this
this this kind of like touch me in a
kind of a weird way I just I heard about
it yesterday and like me and Anthony
talked about it for a while and just
like man okay this is just it's just
it's gone - it's gone too far
you know things need to change and this
person is I guess known to have a
history of having mental illness now
what exactly this mental illness is I
don't know I'm not a shrink I didn't go
delve in and go like do this great big
dig on this person to find out about it
but if a person has a history of mental
how do they get a gun that's the really
really deep issue here is like how did
the person who has these problems get a
gun and this gentleman not only had one
gun he actually had two guns in the
trunk of his car he only brought one and
with him he didn't bring both of them
but he still had access to that gun so
you walked out to his car after losing a
tournament so I guess he was in like the
pre-qualifications or whatever formatted
in the game and he lost and after he
lost he walked out of the building came
back and with a gun and then began the
shooting now it's a game like how anyone
could be so upset and so angry about
losing a game that you would shoot
somebody I in my mind I can't even wrap
my mind around it I'm just like totally
confused this makes me want to cry and
bang my head I just I don't understand
it whatsoever I'm not saying that I
couldn't kill somebody but there would
have to be a definite reason
self-defense being the main one like if
they were trying to actually kill him
yeah but you're playing a Madden game a
sports game and that was like probably
the biggest the biggest probably almost
I don't know but in history of poor
sportsmanship that ever happened I mean
that's beyond a sore loser you're so
angry and upset over a game that you get
a gun and you go in and you take the
lives of other human beings those people
can never get their lives back ever ever
again they're gone
no more sunsets no more cool food no
more gaming no more girls no more
anything now
the oldest victim was 28 years old you
know but these people were still they
were under 30 they're pretty much in the
prime of their life cut down over just
trying to go out and have fun at a
Madden event you know metal detectors
would have been there better security
they would have caught the gun and if
you want to go even further back
Massachusetts probably really needs to
take a look at their gun laws and do
something different I mean I know
everybody America wants to own a gun all
the movies have us all believing that
we're being invaded by aliens or being
invaded by the government or we're
basically going to all you know be at
war with somebody very soon the gun
craze is big here in America I will
fully fully admit it guns are huge I
have many many friends that our
interests have lots and lots of guns
probably more guns and they'll ever need
my cousin Adrian is one of them he just
owned so many guns it's just
mind-boggling now mind you this is a
Christian guy with eight kids and he's
very well-balanced person and he's
really into putting them together and
reselling and stuff like that so him
having guns a little bit different than
a person who's getting guns you know to
use for some kind of you know crazy
thing but you know he has other friends
and they're like these people who like
living to ground you know have shelters
and they honestly really think that
we're going to be going to war so they
own lots and lots of guns now that's why
the gun craze is so big here in America
overall but gun control laws they need
to be much
much more rigid than they are I make you
go fill out some paperwork they do a
mild background checking thing it takes
like 14 days here in the state of
California you can have a gun right in
your hand you own a gun now in
California you can't get really a
concealed weapons permit but just having
a gun anybody can get it so I mean just
because you can't put it inside your
jacket you know you can still put that
gun like in a paper bag and put it in
your hand and walk down the stream
people just think you're eating some
popcorn or something so you know there's
many ways around that at the end of the
day it's very very sad that it now seems
like just going to a gaming event has
become a bloodsport and not by choice
either because these people aren't you
know in the ring like John Claude Van
Damme fighting for something they're
innocent victims you know becoming a
bloodsport which they didn't choose
participate in to have nothing to do
with in the future at all of these
events security has to be up and I know
it's kind of a barm people say oh my god
oh that's terrible but you know what if
they're only looking for guns and stuff
like that with metal detectors and stuff
like that it's only for your protection
I think that's a good idea nowadays um
you guys can leave me some comments down
below what you guys think about all this
stuff in general I mean I don't think
that any gamer or any person should have
to worry about going anywhere in public
and worrying about it you shouldn't have
to worry about going to Disneyland and
having some guy getting pissed off
because mentally he doesn't like Mickey
Mouse so he decides to start shooting
everybody around Mickey Mouse in this
wild crazy shooting thing and that's
about as much sense at this particular
shoe ting in Gainesville Florida it
doesn't make any sense whatsoever you
know what I mean no sense at so no sense
whatsoever I'm frustrated with this
stuff and it could have been avoided
should have been avoided and people who
are known to have a mental illness you
know that's not usually their fault but
this person I will say this it does say
also that he had a history of doing a
lot of drugs I found these are
prescription drugs or just drugs in
general you know but a person who's
completely like drugged out and has a
history of mental illness should not
really be able to go out and /
a gun willy-nilly like that the process
should be much more rigid this person
should have never had a gun in their
hand in the first place and at that
event there should have been better
security making sure that if some guy
like him had a gun in their hand that he
was caught and detained on the spot
before he had caused harm to any of his
other fellow human beings the world's
batshit crazy and we all got to protect
each other and look out for each other
and love each other you know this guy
obviously was so crazy so hurt so angry
that not only did he kill them he killed
himself hurting not only their families
his own family and all the people around
them that are completely freaked out
god bless those families and the victims
I hope everyone you know can get over
this emotionally and I know a lot of
people are gonna feel a lot of trauma
and if this really did shock you make
sure that you get the right help with a
counselor or talk to a family and friend
because I know that a lot of people I
wasn't even there and I feel emotional
when I cry about it so I'm sure that
there are people that were actually
there at the event that you know it
would probably really affect them very
deeply mentally so if you're suffering
from this type of stuff and you you know
you don't know how to deal with it make
sure you reach out to somebody and talk
to somebody and don't freak out and kill
yourself or do something crazy in the
process because of your experience so
videos like this are really kind of like
hard to make because like they're not
about really about tech but they're kind
of like involved in all in our whole
world of tech since we're all like Oh
mostly gamers and PC enthusiasts these
guys might have been console guys but
still we're all one giant family like I
said we should love each other take care
of each other crazy people shouldn't
have guns and there should be security
so guns don't ever get into events I
want to hear what you guys have to say
let me hear your thoughts and opinions
down below
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