happy holidays tech fans and gadget
freaks welcome to day two of the 12 days
of Christmas here at Tech of tomorrow
I'm Elric your host now today we're
gonna be taking a look at 64 gigabytes
of Kingston's latest HyperX beast memory
that's right these are all ddr3 these
things are cast 11 and they're meant for
basically big huge power systems now
everybody out this is gonna say why 64
gigabytes well you don't have to use 64
gigabytes but we like doing things we do
all kinds of weird stuff with our system
just make them as intense as possible
that said we're gonna check these things
out they're actually very very cool they
look nice they're black they're gonna go
in any type of system so let's bounce
over the table and let's check them out
alright folks so here we have the kits
now each one of these is a 16 gigabyte
kit - 8 gigabytes in each one shuffle
them around like cards just seem 1:yes
seen them all but there they all are and
that actually looks pretty cool right
there check that out really nice so
let's go ahead and take some out so you
guys can check them up up nice and close
and personal so let's pull one of them
at a time bring these up to the camera
so you guys can check this out at the
same time so you guys didn't see all the
nomenclature everything these are the
HyperX beast look at the top of the Stix
I know a lot of people out there if they
see them installed in the system are
gonna mistake them for something else
and go hey that's something other kind
of memory but nope it's going to be this
so flipping around what you guys see the
sides of it you guys can notice that I
shake a little tiny bit so that's just
me so let's go ahead get another little
angle of them here now like I said
before you don't have to use the full 64
gigabytes you can use these in the 16
gigabyte kit I'm just use these because
we're gonna be building another super
bill with Kingston you guys know us so
this is it guys it's pretty simple stuff
Kingston HyperX men I mean it's the
beast memory now I'm gonna put it inside
of a machine and like I've told you guys
before always go inside when you install
it and go
and set the proper stuff for the memory
otherwise it won't be recognized every
memory comes with its own XMP profile
make sure you go in the BIOS either
select profile 1 or profile 2 so the
only thing you guys need to know pretty
much beyond is going and setting your
stuff and then bios is that these are
cass 11 they're 21 33 megahertz kits
they're very very fast they're for
somebody who wants their system to go
very very fast and run very very cool
hence all the extensive really nice
stuff we see here huh HyperX beast
anyways folks that's pretty much it I
know there's not you know too much
excitement in memory but I think this
stuff's really cool 21 33 megahertz
great for those people want fast systems
it looks really nice which I know a lot
of people really care about you guys can
mess around the calf stuff
it's got great XMP profiles just make
sure you go set them up make sure you
guys liked this video because otherwise
I'll hurt my feelings you know what hurt
me or the holidays do you hurt the poor
nice but anyways also check it out like
we said it's the second day of the 12
days of Christmas and we have a winner
now this guy he just calls himself Joe
you guys can see him back on the screen
over here just Joe simply Joe you know
his channel will be in the description
below and Joe you win the steam game
pack because you are in Norway where I
think you guys eat whale like whale
tacos or whale burritos or maybe just
whale sandwiches I think you guys he
well if I'm wrong correct to me also we
really didn't know how to do like a
Norway accent does an order way accent
is it like this what's it like I don't
know I wonder like you know kind of like
you know talking one but I couldn't so
anyways Joe you are a winner of the
second day got lots of cool games over
it steam to give you bro you're going to
be happy cat so that's it guys
make sure your sub so you may have
chance to win and I'll see you guys back
here tomorrow on tech of tomorrow
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