Tucker's trekkers and gadget geeks
welcome once again to tech Audemar where
we're bringing you all the tech all the
time so what's going on today
well today we're cranking out some news
for you folks top story of the day a
leaked slide from Intel showing the new
skylake platform now what is sky lake
well sky Lake is a few generations off
but it's a Xeon based platform features
all kinds of new stuff super fast PCI
Lane's say to Express ddr4 just all
kinds of killer technology that's gonna
make everything obviously much much
faster now like usual we have the
full-blown story on this over on our
website which we'll get into a little
bit later next story
up Android phone users I'm one I use the
Galaxy Note 2 but it seems like 99% of
the people out to have an Android phone
are prone to get a malicious attack now
that's really crazy but it seems like
the galaxy s4 for some reason seems to
be immune to this I don't really know
why now a lot of people out there they
always bitch at Apple for having a
closed system but this is the reason why
because now if you have your phone you
get hacked your phone can become a brick
and you're totally screwed with that
expensive ass phone now being unusable
so what do you guys think about this I
think that's totally crazy and I sure
the hell hope my phone doesn't get act
do you guys want to check out the full
article and everything like usual the
link will be down below so last story of
the day features around Apple phones and
you guys know that Apple phones usually
have a very high dollar price tag
attached to them and it seems like
they're trying to make a phone that's
more affordable but in doing so and also
looks like they made a plastic piece of
junk these things are really weird soo
Apple haters out there we invite you to
bring forth the hate today
I mean I'm kind of eating on these
things you guys can see these things
they come in multi colors neon colors
like what are we doing having a beach
party with these things they look like
they're very cheap probably not well
made and we'll probably break an art
worth the money that they're costing but
like usual we have the full story on
this so basically everything that we've
talked about the Newseum processors the
brand-new stuff that's coming about
about these phones all the stories will
be over on our website
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