Lenovo Leaks Legion Series Will Have NVIDIA 11 Series GPUs
Lenovo Leaks Legion Series Will Have NVIDIA 11 Series GPUs
oh man it just seems like nvidia is
going to have a field day with this
launch with people and their slip of the
tongue that we've all heard lots and
lots of rumors about the alleged new
cards will they be 2080s well they'd be
1180s well once again we see another
slip of the tongue this time though from
somewhere strange from the camp at
Lenovo now Before we jump into that
though let's real quick check out a word
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okay so lanova when I think of lanova I
really don't think of Lenovo as like the
gaming company I mean do any of you like
if you do let me know down below in the
comments but awesome and I think the
lenovo i think of you know really good
solid notebooks that are made well but i
don't really think of the name lanova
and gaming like together but it seems
like that these guys are really getting
into the gaming market this time with
their legion series of products and it's
kind of funny because like their
spokesman kind of just casually said
that their new legion 730 PC systems
which is kind of weird because now these
guys have dedicated gaming PC's we'll
have 11 80s all the way up to 11 80s in
them in just a little while so it's like
oh did you really say that guys but time
to market with Nvidia eleven series up
to at eleven eighty down the road so it
does seem like right now that the eleven
eighty and the eleven seventy those are
all coming but check it out the lenovo
also has
another laptop that's coming out and the
specs on this seem like they're gonna be
really really really nice now this is
their y5 30 laptop and it has a lot of
features now currently you can buy it
with a 1050 or 1050 TI but there's going
to be new ones coming out with the brand
new copy like CPU six new coffee like
CPUs were released
now the 8750 H will be the processor
that's actually in this laptop but you
can also get it with now we're coming
very soon anyways with an eleven sixty
with hopefully six gigabytes of RAM in
it that's right so we're talking about
eleven sixty and a 15-inch laptop that
obviously since they're claiming that
it's going to have 144 Hertz it's
probably going to feature g-sync
technology inside of it now suppose it's
gonna have 256 gigabyte SSD 2 terabyte
hard drive and 16 gigabytes of ddr4
memory running at 26 66 megahertz and
according to laptop media it will even
have a backlit keyboard now the only
caveat I see it all - this is the 15.6
inch screen to me if you're gonna be a
gamer I personally would want at least a
17 inch monitor but I'm sure that times
are changing and people prefer little
screens now just this rumour alone and
then saying okay well this laptop these
specs are official and it's going to
happen 1160 well okay if it's going to
have an 11 16 yet that i don't really
see the cards being called 20 80 20 70
20 60 because if that's a 10-6 either
then obviously there's going to be a
1070 I mean excuse me obviously if
there's an 11 60 there's going to be an
11 70 and 1180 and then obviously
hopefully we'll see an 1180 you know
titanium Edition hopefully that's gonna
happen but as you can see once again
someone is making a slip of the tongue
and kind of confirming that yes the 11
series is coming now like I said in the
last video and yes we can we knew that
that would thing was a hoax how could
you be selling a real card in Vietnam
that was the whole thing we just told
you the specs in Austin that they were
taught they were touting on there we
never took it serious I guess some of
you did and havoc had a hernia over it
but I think it's kind of funny because
we're just totally like you make
video like saying oh wow check this out
the two pence the W uh you know T up in
there I guess maybe some of you seem to
have missed at that but from Villanova
camp another link saying eleven series
is confirmed for both their desktop
edition of the légion series from eleven
series all the way up to eleven eighty
laptop with an eleven sixty I don't know
you tell me what you think but I think
at this point we can pretty much really
seriously expect to see these eleven
series cards hitting the market just
like they said probably right around the
time that gamers con comes out so we'll
have to see them will actually get all
the specs and all that stuff and get
them in here and give them a test but I
got to say this that new 8750 processor
that's coming out the Aged series from
intel that looks like a really really
awesome processor with that processor in
that laptop aligned with an eleven sixty
you're talking about a laptop that has a
lot of power in it I mean this is gonna
be a very powerful laptop the CPU is
kind of weird because it has a base
clock speed of 2.2 gigahertz but a boost
speed of 4.1 that's almost double the
numbers in the boot so with this
particular process it'll be great for
running in laptops and stuff as well
especially gaming laptops because you
have that ability if it's running cool
to throttle all the way up and get all
that extra power so I'm Eric you guys
been watching Tekken tomorrow like I
said before at the very beginning of the
video if you guys want to get a really
cheap Windows 10 Pro code you can get
for like $12.50 I think as well right
around what were the exact numbers or
what it is and that's just so very cheap
like usual we'll have a link to the
original story down below plus the link
if you guys want to get that Windows 10
code peace out we'll see you guys back
here on the channel
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