it's okay I came home today to a
giant-ass crepe blocking my doorway so
my first reaction is what in the hell is
this thing so you know I basically I
unboxed it and saw this weird thing
right now LG had contacted me and they
said there was some crazy stuff going on
on Super Bowl Sunday you know some
really crazy stuff with Liam Neeson
involved too so I was thinking what is
an action gonna get some stuff kicking
ass so but then I looked at the box and
it said you know man from the future
taking him on and even a date on it so
like I was me action was like okay am I
supposed to wait till like Christmas and
not open it till that particular day you
know or I started really thinking deeply
like what if it's bad stuff like in the
flash like did they send the reverse
flash the reverse meanie like back the
bad Mia is the inside this box
poor bastard but no I think what's
inside this box though has something to
do though with this coming up Super Bowl
Sunday and real quick let me just talk
about this because LG wants me to let
you guys know that there's a game going
on that's right
man of the future I believe is supposed
to be a game that's going on on Twitter
what the people at LG to give you guys a
brand new OLED TV that's right a chance
to win an OLED TV and there'll be lots
of them like an every channels got a TV
for you guys and so that's pretty
awesome stuff but I really have no
clue what's inside this thing so
I've heard rumors though Jonathan from
TLD I know he got one big Lou got one
from bucks therapy I'm sure like all the
youtubers that are you know hos here's
I'm sure all the cool youtubers got one
of these things but what the frak it is
I don't know so it's in a giant box
wooden crate wooden box
okay so let's discover this together
shall we
I'm open it up and Wow okay looks like
this is a giant piece of glass and
another piece of glass so something's
going to fall here maybe it won't
cameraman I can't throw this to you
you're going to grab this that's right
so here we have something right here the
man from the future
oh there's also a bowl
microwavable and reusable as well so
it's green for the planet everybody yes
thumbs up for greenness so come to the
bowl microwavable any and there's some
stuff in this bag it comes with this
plate what else in here Oh what the hell
this is a deck of cards see almost lost
it a deck of cards oh what's this a gold
seal dear tech of tomorrow we hope
you're enjoying the enclosed game with
your valuable people that would be you
folks the valuable people that's right
as the big game is coming soon Super
Sunday game they mean that's right the
Broncos Panthers football fans out there
that's right and that says the more you
play the game
the closer the answer for the mystery of
February 7 2016 will approach you best
which is LG OLED TV team so this is from
the OLED team there's some cool stuff
here let's check out this right here I
actually freed a wall up over there to
hang this on so let me also get this out
of the way mister Jesus camerman your
assistance please so check this out a
nice hanging thing here now I've heard
some rumors that these cards right here
that we're going to hang this on a wall
and then these cards you can throw them
at it and they're actually the cards are
magically going to stick here like some
futuristic thing so bad right now and
have mr. genie hang out in the wall back
behind this what
well I've pre-prepared a place because
like I said I've heard rumors I got the
stack of cards right here again with
these my teeth okay so here are all of
these cards and supposedly if I throw
the cards at the board they will
magically stick to the board okay yeah
so here we've also got another bag of
stuff looks like we have God Oh is Nick
Pappas eating good tonight
ooh caramel and cheese popcorn last but
not least I have another card man from
the future and that so folks real quick
let's just reset up and let's show you
this little man from the future little
thing over here let's see if the cards
really stick like they say and then
we'll be right back
holy crap is this your card you know
folks I gotta say honestly that's the
sleeve should everything so I finally
really figured out what the game is the
game is throwing those cards and trying
to see who can stick their cards the
closest to the center in that thing all
right once you get the card on there
it's psychotic to get it off so some of
the silliest sshould I've ever seen
but what isn't silly is this frickin
popcorn I mean it's frakkin delicious
caramel corn ones live mmm and she's on
the other nothing ridiculous about this
popcorn I'm gonna get a bull for it in a
chair with your friends so I think
really though the main point of all this
folks shooting freedom is my mouth puck
gonna happen is that this Super Bowl
Sunday LG is going to have their first
ever Super Bowl commercial and it's done
with Ridley Scott and his son and
they've done a lot of movies you guys
know what aliens and now they've
combined with Liam Neeson to bring this
crazy commercial about the man from the
future and so what's coming I'll give
you a little insight it's basically I
got a a guy from the future who's really
interested about how tech got to where
it got to be and wants to see you know
what stuff was coming out you know so we
knew he's emerging with the technology
so it's a commercial pretty much but for
you guys what's awesome and my people is
is they call you guys you guys are my
peoples now y'all my peoples that's
right peace out my peoples my brothers
and sisters of tech you guys get a
chance to win and OLED TV all you guys
got to do is play their little game
they're gonna have it over on their
Twitter thing you guys have many chances
to win and you get a chance to win an
OLED TV either a 77 or a 65 inch model
these things are incredible if you guys
missed it you guys can see we did a
video on this TV so it a lot of the
youtubers it's freaking one of the most
incredible TVs you'll ever see in your
life so I'm Network you guys been
watching taken tomorrow I know this is a
silly as video trust me I do
but once again popcorn is
delicious Oh down below like button blow
of all the information where you guys
can play along and oh yeah baby
haha you wanted more information look
below the like button I'm Network you
guys been watching checker tomorrow win
yourself a free TV
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