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Mac vs PC

hey what's up everybody out there our affair is here once again on the YouTube channel here for tech of tomorrow now it's been a couple of days into released a video but we're back today talked to you guys about the everything battle between the Mac and PC crowd always a big argument here is one of the most heated things that I ever get on my channel lots of hate comes from both crowds PC guys tell me I post Mac stuff they're not coming back Mac guys are like show me BC stuff and all your channel either kind of crazy so we're going to start today saying why would you want to buy a PC or a Mac will be the reason for your purchase to buying one of these or buying one of these this is a PC laptop this is a Mac backed up all the records today though will be regarding though not just laptops but desktops as well so let's just start off with price even entry-level Mac is about $1000 so that means you need any kind of laptop or anything you want to get is going to be a thousand dollars for the Mac world now pcs you can get into a PC between five and six hundred dollars that will do most of the same things now people are going to say well why would I want to buy a PC or a Mac or a Mac over a PC well there are a few reasons a for gamers if you have a desktop machine in your gamer you're going to want a PC yes you can play games on a Mac computer no problem through boot camp you can do that but the Mac's not really geared for gaming PC has much more options in more games definitely across the board that are going to play on a PC so for gaming alone you're going to want to say hey I want a B C that's it say you're somebody who just like checks their email you're a college student you're out there you're at college you're going to get the money from your parents Mac or PC well really a PC will do anything that your Mac will do if you're just doing just your homework checking your email and all that kind of stuff I know that's all trendy right now and everybody who wants to own a Mac you know because the trendy thing to do sure if you've got money sitting around and you just want to you know tell yourself to back and say hey I got something cool math is what you want to buy you can get into a laptop like I said at $1,000 but you can also get that said PC that will do the same things probably in about four hundred fifty to five hundred dollar range not the comparable thing regarding media though this is where things really change if your person who uses programs like Final Cut Photoshop logic in these type of things that are media geared then you're going to want to be thinking not strictly with using a Mac now PC uses mica monitor and throw their hated comments you can throw all the hate comments out there that you want all day long but if you walk into any professional level recording studio or video editing studio you're going to find sitting by the desk in Mac that's just how it is I'm sorry I didn't you didn't make the noise way this is just how it is now same token said more people's house the United States if you walk into probably 90% of the people in United States will probably have a PC in their home they're cheaper and if you walk into a business as soon as you walk into a business you see all those computers across the floor that are all going to be ap C a PC is a very general usage low-cost thing that gamers excel on it's good for overclocking if you're the type of guy who likes to tinker with stuff tear stuff apart and just basically you wanna be hands-on then a PC is the route you want to go now if you want something that you never want to have mess with it's just like almost like completely dummy proof then yeah a Mac may be the better choice for you Mac's are simpler pcs have a lot more options and flexibility though why do you think Mac's cost more than a very limited number of machines the people of Macintosh take their time to give their machine to be as close to perfect as they can get it and they're going to charge you the pretty price tag for that but not everybody really needs a Mac most users will get by will be able to just buy themselves a PC and will do all the things that they need to do but if you're running something that has to do with anything that's really media vetted then you're going to want to be going towards a Mac so really for me my verdict about Mac and PC is if a if you don't have a high budget and you're not really doing anything with your PC but checking your mail going online those type of things I would say that your best bet is to jump into a PC it's going to be cheaper it's going to be efficient and it's going to do all the things that you want to do now a lot of people talk about viruses PCs get viruses max don't get viruses that's not true there's just not as many viruses written for a Mac that's all there is to it now people keep buying max max keep getting more popular you think there's not going to be viruses for max think again the more popular that Mac becomes the more viruses that are going to be written for the Mac so that being said they make virus control for both of them basically the joke excuse me basically the golden rule there is don't open something from anybody in the internet or go to a website that you don't know what it is if it's something wacky don't go to it you're going to a business and stuff that's usually going to be a website it's going to be secure and safe for you so it should really have to be a concern of yours so that said if you're also up student though and you're in school and you're doing media stuff and you're using Photoshop and a lot of stuff like that you might want to save up a little bit more money and buy yourself a Mac laptop because because for you this might be better also I've heard that a lot of guys who do HTML really prefer just using the Mac now I know a lot of PC guys use their PC to be webmasters but a lot of code guys just tell me I like using my Mac better so there are some of the things price options usage I feel it in PC for the general gentleman everyday usage PCs are perfect if you're a person though who is in any kind of feel that has to do with media and that kind of stuff and you're putting on making money off that you want to have yourself a Mac type computer I hope this Clues learnt for a lot of people I don't want to see any hate on here any reason that you have invalidate that you want to put on here that are solids and Stachel I'm going to listen to saying the same thing of going old Mac's Costas and that in the other we already went this in this videos your comments just repeating what we've already talked about so wish you guys the best of luck hope this cleared things up and I know the valve between Mac and PC is going on but I do got to tell you that guys something if you think that pcs aren't going to totally catch up with what all the stuff you guys have think again because all of your Mac computers are made by Intel and it's also home budget by Microsoft another PC company so you might want to think about that Mac your own by PC world we don't have chunky you you're just like our little high-end then you're like a sports car anyways hope to see you guys back here in contacting tomorrow
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