Max Payne 3 2560x1600 Dell 30" Monitor Gameplay (Red Dawn Extreme II System)
Max Payne 3 2560x1600 Dell 30" Monitor Gameplay (Red Dawn Extreme II System)
what's up gamers geeks and gadget hounds
elric here once again the tech tomorrow
channel will wear all tech all the time
now a lot of you guys asking the videos
like what happened to your Red Dawn
system did you lose it did you sell it
that it gets sucked up by the evil
people at motherboards org no it did not
for one thing all of the equipment
you've ever seen anywhere on video is
all mine because this is my shiz neck
this is stupid legal battle but this
shit is my shit and it's mine and you
see it in my videos now moving forward
with that I got the system back here
behind me and we've totally retooled the
cooling on it will be bringing you a
video on that but you guys have really
said hey watch ever join us any gameplay
or any numbers or nothing so ah so okay
so we've got it back here I've got 26
80s in sli 2560 by 1600 on my great
monitor back here the dell 30-inch you
guys know that bad boy now I've got
everything set to its maximum and I
never really dropped below 60 frames per
second at all in Max Payne 3 so with
that said let's jump in and let's check
out some max payne 3 action on the Red
Dawn extreme
his sippy fuck judge Phillipe with the
part I drink while I for the volume on I
couldn't understand them but I didn't
have to cheap hoods are the same from
here to Timbuktu the slab of meat on the
boat is clearly the boss Serrano they
called him and it seemed that our
suspicions were correct fabiana was here
somewhere further ahead I had to find
her quickly and quietly if possible last
thing I wanted was a party with these
the kind of fun
I kept moving toward the signs of life
rubbing them out as I went along
a lot I'd seen enough to know that
fabiana was at least alive if not
exactly well her captors didn't look
like they were quite the kind and gentle
type I had to find that room quickly why
should a car come on baby food what you
meant appalling boss if you did for hey
Donny set IE satoshi god
I didn't want to think about what would
be happening on that video feed now just
my own eminent cameo
alright guys so there you have it now we
edit the video unfortunately it does
kill showing the frame rate but this
thing rock through the entire thing I
will shoot an over the head video plus
let me know what you guys think because
last time I did a poll on this they kind
of got a little bit confusing about
people's answers are do you guys prefer
me to do a video like this or do you
want me to have Jesus shooting behind me
filming the actual gameplay tell me what
you want and I'll do it that way I do it
this way because I think it looks a lot
cleaner but anyways I never dropped
below 60 frames per second and i was at
2560 by 1600 now another question you
guys ask is why don't we upload the
video in those specs what we can't
because in the camera that we're filming
at it doesn't allow that so i can't fill
me at 2560 by 1600 so therefore i can't
bring it to you on video so we film at
1080p so everything gets cut down to
1080p so you guys can see it let me know
your opinions hit that like button you
know it's to 12 days of christmas and
i'm giving my love to you so show me
that love back by hitting the like
button now check this out got a winner
Sergio croissant from Romania that's
right keys by windy vampires are in
Pennsylvania you are the winner of the
12 days of Christmas people do it once
again you guys did it before make sure
you guys contact this guy to leave
messages on his page let him know that
he is one all of the information will be
in the description below so you guys
will know what to do because we want to
give him his prize the last few people
have been very very happy been giving
out some crisis to maximum dishing
copies those people are liking and
playing that shit so make sure you're
subscribed that way you're in and hey
Merry Christmas to you guys it's almost
upon us got more videos coming up see
you later
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