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Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays From ToT!

hey what's going on everybody here in America it's Christmastime so for those here in the USA and those who celebrate it Merry Christmas few out there who celebrate different stuff we say Happy Holidays to you whatever that may be we know all kinds of people different religions and stuff have those holidays and all of us here at Tech and tomorrow just want to say absolutely thank everyone you guys very much including buddy the dog for being a part of the tech of tomorrow world without you folks come to the channel and supporting us this channel would be nothing and all of us love you so much for that and so we want to send out our best holiday wishes to everybody out there in the world a big hug come on in here everybody get close alright you baked hugged everybody out there including buddy the dog you know don't forget the bumpers and just say hey thank you guys very much i hope that lots of people out there day is spending time with their family if you're out drinking make sure you don't drink and drive please be safe if you're out there and you're alone on Christmas go somewhere man because there's all kinds of people always wanting to embrace people in the holidays there's really no reason to be alone unless you choose to do so you can come and spend it with us here on the channel that's right you guys gonna will pass you some turkey through the camera lens and you guys can munch out on it or a little bit of ham or some pumpkin pie just let us know also Christmas Day that's right we have the Christmas Day winner Ton Ton Ton Ton Ton he comes to say if the day he's the Christmas winner and he is X weapon 115 did I mess up all right like I start over again all right and the winner is X justice 115 he's going to balance or maybe he likes to justice for all album from Metallica rock on man so anyways x justice 115 you are the Christmas Day what do you when will you get a choice man you can hear get hardware or you can get peripheral whatever you need I know some people already have computers and what cool stuff other people looking for computer parts so you will contact me everybody else make sure you bug him to my merry christmas and everything and tell him he's the winner so that he can collect his brothers and with that said I'm gonna go off and I'm going to eat me some turkey and probably some pumpkin pie green beans ham who I think I'm gonna have some of those tasty little potatoes with little marshmallows on top yeah so anyways peace out I'm Biff Baxter and we'll see you guys back here on Tekra tomorrow tomorrow other than that have a great day
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