hey what's going on buddy ain't glad to
see you guys back here on the channel
now you guys know I bought all my rise
and stuff last week all my rising to
stuff and I've been trying to get the
system going since then it's been kinda
pill battle I still haven't got there
but before I jump into that and tell you
guys what I've been going through I want
to give some special shouts out to
people first of all number one shout out
to you guys the fans I totally
appreciate everything that you guys have
done for me over the past few years and
what's really weird is I've actually
started shaking on my right hand side
now instead of my left and you guys are
great fans my next shoutout is a guy
named Alan Alan thank you so much the
student sent me some money so I get paid
for my doctor bill today I'm gonna go in
and have and probably look for pre
surgery on my shoulder my rotator cuff
we're not sure which is bad but I'm in
so much pain right now I can honestly
hardly even talk and then last but not
least this dude Matt and B Cena this guy
actually works on a cannabis farm and
he's gonna send me a bunch of stuff that
doesn't have any THC in it whatsoever
because like I said before I don't like
feeling high at all and hopefully this
stuff will help me with the pain now
this system has been a nightmare I'm
just saying this right off this this
aors board I don't know I think it's
pretty bad be let me tell you guys we've
gone through all kinds of procedures to
get it to go I've tried different power
supplies I've tried different memory
we've tried different drives everything
and this system plain and simply will
not go into Windows now the only time in
the past out sorry guys the only time in
the past that I haven't been able to get
a system to go into Windows is when I
was overclocking and there wasn't enough
juice to you the memory of the CPU to
propel it into the Windows environment
and the system is showing those exact
same type of things it just will not
complete Windows whatsoever so first off
I tried changing out a couple different
sets of memory you know I went in I set
the XMP profile I turned it off we tried
all that we tried setting the
motherboard so all its default settings
we tried a different power supply we've
different drives now the configuration
for this system right now is this
beautiful case right here this is a very
nice case from the people over at NZXT
this is the H 440 it's the purple
Edition case it's really nice we have
the the the gigabyte ARS the x4 7 is the
ultra gaming Edition I guess the people
who were sampled directly from AMD they
got a gaming 5
this is the ultra gaming Edition inside
of it right now are 16 gigabytes of
kingston memory at 3000 megahertz like i
said i've tried a couple others i've
tried a data i just tried some crucial
stuff all the same results across the
board never booting i have inside of
here i have what's called a teen group
there's some new company that makes all
kinds of SSDs and stuff this is a 492
gigabyte SSD now if our boot drive is
just a standard the standard Seagate 2
terabyte drive excuse me sorry I'm Adam
I'm actually starting to sweat from the
pain but I really wanted to get this
video out so you guys would know what's
going on it I want you to think I gave
up but weren't trying this because Jesus
has been trying since Monday to get this
thing going
keeps hitting me up for questions we've
called over 2 gigabyte for protect
support they basically told us to shut
off the the on-board onboard Wi-Fi and
unplug the cable because they said
there's actually an issue I guess with
some versions of Windows 10 and that
we've tried that it got a little bit
farther but as soon as it got to the
desktop it just completely froze up
which is pretty much what it's been
doing along over and over and over again
so at this point right now I'm pretty
much certain this motherboard is DOA
it's it's um the CPU really rarely ever
have I seen a bad CPU out of a box and
the music like you know billion-dollar
factories that are making these things
so it's very rare to get a bat a bad a
bad sub bad CPU so that's what we're at
right now we're gonna contact gigabyte
see if we can arm a this board out and
get a new board and see if we can get
this system going but that's pretty much
where it's at we haven't given up or
anything like that it's just we're just
not giving anywhere we actually went we
watched jay-z's video we saw where he
went through all kinds of crap ended up
being a power supply so like we've
messed with all that to make sure that's
illuminating it
but honestly I don't feel like it's
power issue from the power supply cuz
we've tried two different ones we have
the C sonic we have this one in here I
tried a little higher when yesterday I
just plugged in the basic stuff and
tried it did the same exact thing and
froze up so at this point I don't really
know where else to go I've also tried
multiple different video cards video
cards that required power video cards
that didn't require power and honestly I
just don't think it's the power supply
whatsoever I'm at this point really
focusing on it being the board so
hopefully the people at gigabyte will
allow its either come over there god
will either allow us to come over there
and and try to like look at the board
themselves or just out-and-out arm a the
board so that we can get started but I
didn't want to leave you guys hanging
you know about this now this afternoon
if I do go I have pre-surgery at 2:30
today if they do take me into surgery
you guys probably won't see me back on
video for a few days because I don't
really know if I'm gonna get a cast I've
never had my shoulder operated on before
so I don't know where that's going to go
but if you guys are interested in
building a system like this down below
the like button will have a list of all
the parts that we're using this
particular build and it's just it's just
one thing in here all the other parts
are absolutely fine like there's no
reason why you know any of these drives
shouldn't be absolute great for building
any system they're both solid equipment
so at the end of the day that's where we
stand I really thank you guys for
watching we will one way or another even
if I'm in bed we'll make a video and
I'll explain to you what happened with
my shoulder so keep you guys abreast but
you guys have been absolutely wonderful
I totally appreciate you more than words
could ever ever ever say Allen Matt
thank you guys so much and you fans like
I said you guys are amazing I love you
I'll see you guys back on here as soon
as possible
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