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NVIDIA 2080 And 2070 Video Card Rumors (March 2018)

let's just face it folks video card prices at the moment are just out rageous they are off the hook no one can really even afford to jump into gaming right now and so it even seems like reviews of video cards have slowed down since their solver over you know overpriced that people aren't even buying it now I was actually planning on doing a review today on another video carp I kind of thought about it for a second I was like you know what that's alright since right now the video cards just outrageous people might not even really want to see that kind of got a little bit of flack on the last one but a rumor has come out da-da-da-dah that Nvidia at GTC will possibly have two new cards coming out you know two new cards who knows now ampere and tuning are pretty much what the chip says our supposedly rumor to be and this rumor comes from tweek town they said that an inside confidential source is said now at GTCC they will be releasing these new cards and I don't know a couple weird things about that I now I know that Nvidia really needs to get cards out there to compete hardcore in the mining market cuz let's just face it right now you guys all know that AMD cards are the first and most sought-after for mining and then secondary come the Nvidia cards now in video cards obviously for gaming are still the most sought-after so it would kind of make sense you know for Nvidia to release new cards now at this point though honestly doesn't video really need to release a new video card I mean seems to me like they just just try to get the stock up on the cards that are out there so that the card prices could drop first before they even think about dropping some more video cards onto the market now I admit it would be a smart move for them to have cards that were really you know geared more towards doing the mining as well as gaming the same as the AMD cards now some other interesting facts is that last year AMD actually gained more market share than ever before like Nvidia had like 16% of the market and vidi had 14% of the market and video lost about 16 excuse me sorry wrong number there Nvidia lost about 6 cent of the sales why and vidiian creats there's by a much more dramatic effect that an even intel lost about two percent in their sales but that's not really in the graphics world that's just like kind of overall kind of wondering why the number was there now even if you know nvidia does drop these cards on the market okay we'll just say that at GTCC they dropped these new cards onto market how is that really going to affect pricing and if they're going to be geared towards gaming will that actually just relieve the burden on the five 80s five 70s you know and all those different cards out there will relieve the burden where those car prices drop and if so how will that actually affect the AMD market now will these new cards that and nvidia is going to release will they really compete with AMD neck-to-neck as far as the mining cuz let's just face it right now best bang for the buck for mining cards best paying for the buck from mining cards is an AMD solution it's not an Nvidia solution or anybody else now if they can close that gap hopefully things will change but I mean we have to take this with a total grain of salt I mean let's just face it a guy at this site says he talked to a secret inside guy I mean what is it's like corporate espionage are we doing the Spy vs spy type thing so how actual truth is in this and how much actual truth is in it I don't know but the bottom line is that in the Nvidia for a long time they haven't really have not had to make new video cards they've been ahead for a long time now your AMD fence are gonna scream it doesn't always been that way and you're right hasn't always been that way but for a long time it's been that Nvidia has been in the lead and they really don't have to release cards they just release cards to remain on top and that's what they do so obviously and video will release cards this year hopefully we're going to see volta where the heck is Volta we still haven't seen that but with these two new cards that are being mentioned that are totally geared more towards doing mining I really hope that those cards do come out I hope that it's not just a rumor and that it becomes fact and that we see these cards come out because right now it's just impossible to get video cards I have people like I've said my other videos calling me all the time just wanting my video card ohayo Elric dude you know I know you that you probably have an extra ten atti lying around can you think you can sell it to me like 400 bucks even though they're going like 13 $49 online and what's crazy just bear with me one second your cameraman is this particular card I was gonna bring guys the floor review on so you guys can tell me are you guys still understood in seeing a review of the red devil power color Vegas 64 if so leave a comment down below because I kind of skipped that because it's thought okay this cards a few months old but I really wanted to test the one one percent lows all that stuff give you guys four K naught stuff so if you would like to see a review on this let me know here is the unfortunate total biatch slap in the face about this card though this card is freaking fifteen hundred dollars on Amazon fifteen hundred dollars and you know no this isn't a quadrille card this isn't you know any this super duper you know a super high-end cards this is a Vegas 64 these things are coming into the market about five hundred and something dollars took like a thousand dollars more that's a total ripoff and honestly to you vendors out there who are doing this I'm giving you two birds in my mind and telling you to kiss my backside because that's just insane and you're gouging people I understand supply and demand but when you raise a price in a video card where it's almost 300% higher than its face value come on man that's worse than scalping tickets to a Led Zeppelin concert and they're you know one time in town you know it's just wrong stuff so at the end of the day I hope that there are these new CPUs coming out from Nvidia I hope it changed the market I hope that people will be able to afford all those lower end cards once again because that would be nice that way people could actually get back into gaming honestly I've even saw the console prices literally go up over night they were selling these things on a new egg for like 200 bucks you can get a cool game everything else for 200 bucks these same systems are now $500 so if you do not think that these video card prices are affecting other aspects of the entire gaming industry you would be wrong because even to get yourself a console now is going to cost you twice as much as what it cost you three months ago and that's just totally ridiculous bullcrap the markets broken something needs to happen Nvidia if you happen to watch this video hey release some damn cards we need some new cards we need fresh blood and we need to get this mining craze in the past so people can get their gaming cards and be free to game without breaking the bank and let the miners spend all that extra money in their mining cards and go out there and do what the heck they're going to do so hey I'm Alaric thanks very much for watching the channel I love to hear you guys it panes and stuff would you guys love to see mining cards mint from Nvidia that actually you know did gaming and mining altogether hopefully more news will come out soon until then peace out
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