NVIDIA GTX 1080 & 1070 - Everything You Need To Know!
NVIDIA GTX 1080 & 1070 - Everything You Need To Know!
hey what's up Tech fans at L Ark here
once again on TECA tomorrow now I
haven't slept for three damn days but I
do have the brand new and video 1080 so
let's check it out
unless you've been up in space or living
in a cave you probably know that Nvidia
just had a big announcement this last
Friday and that was the release of their
brand-new Pascal series of cards and we
were lucky enough to check out that
event and get our hands on this
brand-new 1080 carbon it has a lot of
new features beyond just like your
gaming experience they're gonna make
this card really dynamic and pretty much
change the playing field in both price
and performance wise for gamers out
there around the world some of the best
things about this card are some of its
new features one of them is is that this
card has a very low power requirement in
the past almost every card I've seen
that was high end had at least two
connections for the power we'll check
this out on the new 1080 a single 8 pin
power connector is all that's needed to
power this card and one of the cool
things is we all love a solid backplate
in the back of the card I'm gonna go too
crazy on because I know you guys and I
don't mess it up either but it's awesome
the new reference design is really
killer it looks a lot like the previous
generations but it has a lot more
features in it that are gonna make you
guys really want to go hey wow I want to
get my hands on that card and check it
out one of the biggest things with video
cards and I'm going to show you guys all
the cards and all the specs but I want
to talk about some of the features that
really make this card just be on the
card itself let me just set the car down
by one second here so first of all I
know you guys have question to be like
hey man why aren't there specs in this
video ok the specs are still under NDA
until the 17th this month so I can't
bring those to you but what I can do is
I can show you close to the card talk
about what it's all about and some of
the great things about it so basically
one of the biggest things about it is
now it's no longer anymore a 22
nanometer process that's now gone down
to the 16 nanometer FF process it's the
first of its kind and obviously with
that technology they're introducing new
memory as well they work with micron and
they had this new extreme gddr5 X so
this is like the ultimate fastest Gd r5
and it's not jumping up in there the HBM
that costs a lot of money and really
hasn't been cold you know tests proven I
think AMD had a great idea with HBM
stuff but it was kind of like betting on
the wrong horse I think at that
but those people out there you guys who
have multi-monitor technology you guys
have three screens in front of you
for me I have curved screens one of the
biggest problems that you've seen in
games I've heard from you guys all the
time is that when you're looking at your
screen and everything it's completely
screwed up its stretched it's all messed
up will they fix this simultaneous
multi-project incompletely corrects all
of these things so it doesn't matter
whether using a single screen whether
using three screens or curved monitor
you can fix this with a simple clicking
correction and you'll be able to see
everything in perfect viewpoint no more
stretching no more weirdness it's going
to look just like a perfect flat image
no matter which way you're looking at it
so it's a very very big improvement all
the way across the board for gamers
another big thing at the Nvidia event
was complete virtual reality demos they
had a couple that were really really
cool no really really to you know film
the virtual reality thing and bring it
to you we talked a lot about that the
event the only way to really experience
is to have an oculus or to have a vibe
to really see it so but I just got to
tell you that you guys you've seen how
games have progressed from the past how
the graphics ilke all kind of grainy and
they've got sharper and sharper and
sharper well right now if you picked
your back all the stuff in virtual
reality is almost like jumping back like
a few decades almost in the graphics on
a lot of different things but the thing
about it is though you're in a complete
environment that seems real so picture
grainy kind of cheesy kind of little
graphics but you are completely immersed
in a 3d environment and it requires a
minimum of 90 frames per second if you
don't be throwing up all over the damn
floor when you're watching this stuff so
it's just really crazy and with that
said you guys all know about physics
physics is way to all the objects in
game the way they move the way they you
know act naturally well now NVIDIA has
their own sound stuff called VR work
sound and this is basically just to
spell it out is basically physics for
sound so it's real live sound things
inside a games when you're doing virtual
reality and something falls over here
behind you you're going to have to be
able to hear it behind you because when
you look and it's going there if you
don't have sound to match that your
virtual reality environment it's going
to be a bunch of so basically
these guys are working totally towards
VR it just seems like the entire she's
going VR and what
said this new stuff from nvidia this vr
works is going to make the sound that
you hear inside the game match the
physical world that it's supposed to be
in so it's pretty cool stuff if you've
been following the trends lately you've
seen there's been a dynamic change in
the way that art is being produced
rendered and shown and a lot of the art
that's being shown now is actually
in-game scenes that are captured and
turned into art now there's been a
famous photographer in the past
his name was Ansel Adams he was one of
the most incredible nature photographers
in the world his belief was that God was
nature and that you could see God - the
beautiful nature of the planet and his
pictures were just amazing so NVIDIA has
this new thing where you can actually
have your own cam everywhere inside the
game with you so you can move your cam
anywhere you want to go and take
pictures inside the game and then you
can actually do a bunch of different
things to change the picture just like
you're in Photoshop it has all kinds of
different features and stuff for you to
do this so for people out there who are
emerging in this new art form and doing
these game capturing stuffs and if you
want to get into yourself this is going
to be a really new feature in fact I
know myself I'm gonna screw around quite
a bit I know my son is gonna mess that
it's gonna be really fun you guys I just
got to say Ansel is fun it's like having
kind of like almost new art palette in
the box it's just free and thrown in you
know with your new card Pascal fully
supports this so it's going to be pretty
awesome stuff and if you're a person out
there who I know there are people out
there who are doing this you guys are
going to go oh damn and this is the
shiznit son because you're going to be
able to take your camera from any angle
in there and do this now there probably
will be some restrictions there will be
some you know game developers you might
not want the camera to go you know if we
were enough everybody's but inside the
game but most people I think you're
going to play ball and alight it is
because the more options you have for
filming and doing this the better answer
will be and the better can presented to
the general mass public and become more
popular by a way of views and just by
name and the very last thing about Ansel
that makes it cool is you guys can
actually shoot a complete 360 view
picture inside of the game by a simple
click of a button it takes and takes a
full 360 view screen which you can then
later flatten out and look at so it's
pretty cool stuff all in all I really
want to hear what you guys have to say
down below I want to hear you guys think
this is a corny or something you guys
think is like emerging tech personally
no this artform stuff is coming out and
I think it's going to be pretty cool but
I always want to hear what you guys have
to say as well for years now you guys
know I've been building systems and a
lot of times I see all these comments
down below they're asking me why I only
build a system with two cards in SLI and
why I don't take it further and for
years and years I've been telling people
out there that hey SLI scaling past two
cards really is not that great of a
thing and well at this event and video
said that they now agree and that they
only support natively two cards you're
welcome to do as many more as you want
but they are only supporting two cards
in SLI from maximum performance and also
with the new pet scale release there's
new faster bridges so these bridges are
very very hard and they're throw up to 1
to 3 cards they don't have four cards
because like I've said in the past I
don't think that four cards really works
that great in fact a lot of testing we
did four cards actually made the testing
go down a little bit so I'm actually
really proud of Nvidia for you know
saying this finally because I've been
saying it for years and I'm sure that's
kind of a subject that Dan strum because
you know hey if some crazy person wants
to buy four cards why do you want to
trip them up when they're spending money
I mean it's kind of a bad sales tactic
you know what I mean
so but it's great that they finally
admitted it and so now it's official
there's a brand new bridge they're much
faster but two cards is all it's
supported for maximum performance so
that's bad now I know you guys want to
know a lot about the performance of the
card so I can't like really spur number
specs but just take it this way but 1080
is supposed to be faster than two 980 s
and SLI and faster than a Titan X that's
right the GTX 1080 comes with nine
teraflops of power eight gigabytes of
g5x memory and there are two versions
being released on May 27th a standard
version at $5.99 and a Founders edition
at $6.99 and on June 10th will see the
gtx 1070 which offers 6.5 teraflops of
power eight gigabytes of g5 memory there
are also two versions a 379 version
which is standard and the 449 founders
edition and this is also faster than a
Titan X so obviously there's a lot of
power here to be said in very low
numbers and this is where it's going to
get really crazy because I know that AMD
fans out there
they're going to be kind of pissy with
this but the bottom line is at this
point right now it's going to be very
very hard to choose cars because if
you're looking at an AMD card their top
of the line card right now it's 499
dollars now I haven't done the per
number specs and testing so I can't say
for sure this is how it is but I'm kind
of thinking that probably that this 1080
is probably going to be faster since it
has eight gigabytes of this new gddr5 X
memory you know I mean it's got a little
bit more memory on it's got new
architecture on it so I think
head-to-head it's probably going to be a
faster card and it's only $100 more
unlike the old days where you bought a
card and was like you know $900 for the
top Nvidia you know and then $500 for
the AMD card that gaps now been shrunk
down to $100 margin and it doesn't seem
like you know there's gonna be anything
SuperDuper high in from AMD until
January and I'm just telling you right
now NVIDIA has more launches going and
more cards that'll be coming out I can't
specify to you exact ones but you know
these guys don't ever slow down they
love this so things are going in a
really crazy way I want AMD to do well I
hope there's some surprise announcement
like really quick because I want to
build a totally dedicated version of the
AMD system I'd like to be able to use
all AMD parts most the time now I have
to use an X 99 chipset motherboard from
Intel whether I want to use Nvidia or
AMD it doesn't matter if I want to build
a multi card system and I want to go
crazy I'm building x99 everything beyond
that just kind of like you know just a
little bit lower than that yeah you can
do it on the other stuff but if you want
the supreme powerhouse hey X 99 that's
where it's at baby
so let's real quick let's take a look at
the car you guys can see that pretty
much does look like a reference card
from the past the fans a little bit
smaller and that's nice and the card
just has that nice sleek design the
backplate that's a very very killer
design we all love that having only a
single 8 pin power connector he'll to
the S that's badass I'm totally happy
with that I know you guys are going to
be as well and then lastly as we check
out the rear i/o you guys can see it
it's a single DVI port three display
ports and a single HDMI port which is
perfect for setting up a multi display
environment alright folks so there you
guys have it everything I can tell you
about the beautiful 1080p at the
time don't worry man on the 17th I'll
have all the full-blown scores all the
integrity tails I can bring to you but
all that's under NDA at the moment so
one of the biggest questions I want to
ask people out there the top of the line
card right now from AMD is about $499
that's we're talking about single card
technology old single GPU dual GPUs yet
we know the more cards out there these
guys are probably dual card later but at
this time I want to know what you guys
think if you guys see that these guys
scores are really really super just
outrageously faster than the highest AMD
card at that price for $100 more I want
to know specifically from you AMD fans
would you buy this card or would you
just say completely screw it because
you're dedicated to a coloring a brand
now one thing I want to say is that I am
NOT a fanboy of any type because for me
I love technology I don't care who makes
it I don't care about any about that I
loved technology so if AMD is making
technology that's awesome I want to get
my hands on it I want to test it play
with it and bring that news to you and
be excited about it
same thing with Nvidia or anybody else
out there technology excites me and I
know that probably you know for the
companies fanboys is probably a cool
thing but between friends and stuff
fanboys it just gets a little bit crazy
you always want to just probably get
what you think is going to be best for
yours maybe there's some features about
one card you like better or another but
hey at the end of the day it's always
your choice I'm Network you've been
watching Tekken tomorrow stick around
because I make another video about five
things we've actually shocked me at this
release and they really didn't have a
lot to do with the video card itself
more just do with crazy
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