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NVIDIA's GeForce Partner Program Is Bad News!

hey what's up everybody now it seems like once again there's some more bad dirt coming out and this time it's on the nvidia side of things and it's called the geforce partner program and now i'll jump into all that just a second now everybody kind of thinks that this is totally brand new news now maybe the geforce partner program itself in the way that it's being you know shown now might be new but the meat and the facts of the stuff that's going on has actually been going on for quite a while now i'm gonna just gonna bring something up XFX you guys know those guys a long time ago they made nvidia cards they made AMD card tore ATI cards whatever was at the time but then they weren't allowed to make Nvidia cards anymore so they only made AMD cards and there are actually a few companies out there and this is kind of to me what the GeForce Partner Program is all about so Kyle from Hard OCP ah the link down below to his site he actually broke this story he spent a lot of time doing research a few weeks and things like that now me and Kyle have kind of a rough history me and him banged heads back in the old days what kind of old men now so it's oh we get along fine but back in the day we actually but it heads quite a bit now on the nvidia side of things i have to say that as a reviewer most of the time nvidia has treated me better than AMD brian dale Rizzo brian burke these guys have been friends and brothers of mine since forever and the day back from almost the very beginning of time so i've been working with these guys a long time now is it all cookies and roses no absolutely not there's been twice in my life where I've been completely banned from the Nvidia camp the first time is when at one of their meetings up north I got into a big argument with Kyle Bennett from our low CP and they didn't like it so they banned me from going to the meetings for a few years another time I was going into the hospital is one of the times I was really sick and I released a video and it was like five minutes earlier and I got banned from review samples for a couple of years so that's just kind of crazy stuff now in the am decided thing it's a lot different they try to actually tell me what to say in my reviews how to do my testing what I even title my video on and I tickley don't like that and AMD that's why you don't see me requesting any samples from you I know that you guys make a product and you compete on the lower end for pricing and all that stuff but when you treat reviewers like I'm just basically your prostitute a prior to say what you want to say screw that you're not gonna be playing ball with me in my court that's just bull crap all the way around and Vidya has never done that now the GeForce Partner Program the bottom line is this and this pretty much just cuts through all the chase all the stuff it's basically this if you want to be part of the GeForce Partner Program that means that you will only be making GPUs made by Nvidia now like I said earlier this is already affected a whole bunch of companies back in the day who since they didn't get the support from Nvidia they wanted you know they had to quit making their cars and only stick with the AMD side of things well now with this GeForce Partner Program this is gonna affect a lot more people it's gonna affect builders it's gonna affect integrators it's even going to affect the big companies so just put it this way gigabyte MSI and a Zeus right now are the big three and both of them excuse me and all three of those companies all make both brands of cards right you can get an AMD card or you can get an Nvidia card from either one of those companies what the GeForce Partner Program is trying to do is it's basically trying to tell these companies that hey if you want to make a GPU by AMD then we're not gonna play ball with you and honestly if that's really the facts of what's going on it's very immature I mean I can see from a business standpoint how Nvidia would try to do that but it's totally messed up for me you for all the companies involved it limits our choice it raises prices up and all in all it's just a bad idea now I'll admit I have not read the exact fine print of everything that's in this GeForce Partner Program I don't have access it you don't have access to it I don't even think Kyle had access to it but the bottom line is the people that he talked to all are very scared of really even say anything because they're afraid they lose their jobs they'll get cut off from from Nvidia not be able to make their cards and you know and videos a giant company billions of dollars and stuff they work with all kinds of companies from the PC industry to the auto industry just a big giant company with a big swinging mill you know what I mean these guys got a lot of money and a lot of power so obviously making them mad isn't a smart choice but the thing is if the G Force partner program really and honestly is trying to force all these companies to just basically make a choice I think that's crappy it's like going to a restaurant and the restaurant says hey we're only gonna serve one type of burger that's it and if you serve a cheeseburger or a bacon burger you serve anything else it's normal in this burger then you know what we're not gonna do business with you and Vidia like i said i don't know if this is true but my message to you if this is true that's bad businessman bad mojo you should let your video cards and the quality of video cards your drivers your platform the whole and video experience should be the reason that people buy your cards and being the best you guys have been the fastest most of the time so being the best should honestly be what Nvidia's goal is being trying to shut people out of being able to make money telling companies oh you know what you can't make any other gpus other than ours or we're not gonna play ball with you I just don't I don't agree with that whatsoever and I'm sure you guys don't as well I like the very fact that I can give an ASIS Rock card and I can get it made for whatever company I want if I want to get killer fans for my antique art I can get it if I want to get nice fans for my Nvidia card I can get it if I want to get aftermarket models with better cooling overclocked all that stuff comes from these board partners so if you're gonna cut all these board partners off what are we going to just have sapphire and power color and XFX that's pretty much the three companies that are making AMD cards right now and so those guys would pretty much be the only game in town now would that be a really good thing for them let's talk about another side of the coin if a sous MSI asrock and these big companies that are out there if they stopped making AMD cards will that actually increase the market for the other companies that are making it could it actually end up helping them in the long run this I don't know I don't claim to be the greatest business strategist in the world because I'm just not I'm just a youtuber but I'm sure in the big ballpark of things that doing that's gonna have effects and ripples in ways that we're not even thinking about because if you can't get those cards from those companies you will be forced to get those cards from the other companies correct so if you can no longer buy an A Zeus MSI all you've heard all before you're going to go to those companies to buy your cards and maybe maybe just maybe that might work out better for them but the whole thing is video cards right now the prices are just outrageous because of stock and I've heard rumors that these companies are really just doing this on purpose they could make the amount of cards out there but they just like this big drop because it makes it all their car just look so more appealing if that's true it's really really pathetic I've already talked in videos how this is the saddest time to be a gamer how the only way you can actually beat the high-end video card cost is to bribe pilled pre-built PC and this has honestly been proven to me time and time again over the last week I've had so many people email me and say hey Elric man here's this pre-built system should I buy it and I'm talking about systems with a nice rx 580 nice specs and everything in it for under seven and eight hundred dollars so these systems I can't beat those prices and pretty much nobody who's building computers at this point at their home is going to be able to beat that because you're gonna be paying for an RX 580 right now about 500 bucks or more depending on who's selling it and that's just ridiculous so at the end of the day the GeForce Partner Program it could literally end up screwing us all it can obscure in the market and changing things to an even worse dynamic than they are now or it could just make things with the other AMD partners actually make more money at the end of the day I don't know exactly what's going to happen only the future will dictate that but if you guys want to check out Kyle's article like I said I'll have a link down below you guys can check out the original article but it pretty much states just all the things that I said here and video wants to force companies who work in their partner program to only deal with them and make nobody else's cards I think it's BS I think you think it's BS let me know what you guys think hi miller q guys been watching teching tomorrow like I said man it is the worst time ever in history to build a PC
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