hey fans glad to see you guys back here
once again on the channel I'm elric with
buddy the dog here on tech of tomorrow
now today Apple made a whole lot of
announcements regarding their product
line and there's been a bunch of things
announced but the one that we're going
to talk to you guys about is the brand
new refurbished you know revamped mac
pro now the mac pro i gets in behind me
does everything that i need it runs my
recording studio edit our videos on it
and one thing I've always really liked
about it is the fact that it's pretty
much kind of an open architecture
machine especially compared to anything
else by Mac you buy an imac one of those
little my mac minis there's not much you
can do to it though with the mac pro
that i bought though you can change the
video cards out i have specialized sound
cards that are like my omni for doing
our music stuff and it's very very
highly expandable now comes the new
machine the new mac pros for the ages
now this thing's crazy-looking check out
the screen behind me you guys since his
thing it's totally round and some ways
he reminds me totally funny of one of
those garbage cans you see that we like
you click it with your foot and the you
know top pops off and throw your garbage
into it so this is the computer type so
you throw your computer garbage into it
now this thing is going to feature dual
xeon e5 processors really amazing as far
as speeds go it's going to feature the
latest ECC ddr memory as well this is
eighteen sixty six megahertz stuff it's
going to be very very fast it's also
going to feature direct pci esata so all
in all this machine is going to be very
fast but is it going to be as open
architecture as the old machine because
the old machine i could do all this
stuff you guys can see this it's all
round the thing also features for
thunderbolt 2 ports it's got all kinds
of connectivity it's going to support
actually brand new graphics cord so
you're going to see now inside this
machine fire GL Pro cards from AMD hmm
kind of strange move around a lot there
but these cards are totally geared for
doing opencl stuff so they're going to
blaze when we're doing stuff like
rendering videos editing our videos and
stuff like that but the thing is I don't
know if it's going to be as upgradable
as a previous version and also the price
might just be off the
so what do you guys think though do you
guys like the way this thing looks from
what you've seen so far the few peters
we've showed you what do you guys think
from just what you've seen it seems wack
now a lot of other things were released
today as well there's also for those
folks interested the new iOS 7 has come
out they've actually got a brand new
calendar program coming out so you guys
can schedule all your stuff now how long
it takes you to walk to get to a
restaurant out of long takes you to eat
your burrito you know your breeder with
cheese there's also going to be a whole
new refresh on the macbook air's
obviously featuring the new Haswell chip
with their embedded graphics the new HD
4600 and so so hopefully we'll see how
those things are doing as well we
actually have articles and all these
things over on our website including a
lot of pictures and a lot of information
about this you know obviously brand new
around Canada you know Mac Pro so if you
guys are interested in checking all that
stuff out make sure you guys just bounce
over and check that out now download
links below down below that like button
you guys will have all the information
you need so you can go click on those
things read about it find out all the
more information see all the pics you
know and make some comments now me
personally if this machine is not as
expandable as the other one if I can't
change stuff around easily I'm not going
to really know if I'm gonna really be
interested in getting it now I know my
friends I'm like tldtoday I mean those
other guys out there they're going to go
out and sell their mom so they can
probably go out and try to get this
machine so if you see a picture of his
mom I'm craigslist you know no he's
trying to get that Mac Pro that's why
he's doing it and forgive him up front
I'm just joking but some people may be
doing crazy to get this thing me
personally I'm gonna wait see if it
comes out see what it's all about and
then we'll go from there so anyways i'm
l arc here with buddy the dog its launch
day for more products from mac as they
do their refresh for their new apple
line peace
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