hey guys welcome to tech of tomorrow I'm
so excited I could just be why well you
guys all know the new xbox one has been
announced by Microsoft and we were here
today to bring you guys the top five
facts about the one and why it's so
exciting so with that said let's jump in
and let's check out the xbox one all
right folks so the number one that is
the xbox is now integrated more with
your living room why because now all
your interconnectivity is much better
you also have the ability to do live TV
music and all kinds of other things that
are totally different than before fact
number two the new xbox one comes with
an eight core cpu and eight gigabytes of
ram plus a blu-ray drive if you guys
want more you guys can check out the
article now it also has a new controller
design which did away with the older
d-pad design and pretty much looks the
same with two mystery buttons that's
right there are two mystery buttons with
the original guide button used to be you
guys can check out the pics and
everything there that's going to prove
to be something interesting now fact
number for the xbox one promises a
latency free experience with the Kinect
responses through movies live TV and
Internet Explorer and one thing it's
going to be really really cool about
this is unlike before you'll actually
have the ability to do some voice
commands which is switching between TV
movies and other things all through your
voice in fact number five that's right
fact number five the kinect now comes
with every Xbox one's and all you have
to worry about purchasing that
separately it actually comes with it and
a lot of things are coming out with the
technology ting faster and faster on the
internet so playing your games online is
going to be even more fun experience now
last but not least check it out you guys
all know there's going to be a bunch of
games that are going to be released with
the xbox one and when they launched that
today they actually did a lot of things
that in a way I feel was actually better
than the PlayStation 4 launch so we have
actually that video as well and that
game is called call of duty
now though let's talk about something
that's going to be quite bad we just
found out after the announcement that
the damn thing is not going to be
backwards compatible if any of the
previous Chizik I mean Microsoft WTF
come on I mean come on people want to
play their old game so it just seems
like everybody's pushing you so that you
have to play your games online through
their service so I mean pretty much the
entire things kind of like steam
everybody's selling you a game and
you're playing it online so I folks I
mean there you guys have it the new xbox
one has been announced by Microsoft
currently there has been no price that
has been discussed as of yet you guys
can see though but it does prove to be
kind of an interesting prospect now the
design of it I don't know it looks a
little bit funky and clunky to me others
may feel differently let me hear you
guys opinions and comments down below
down in the comments section we always
want to interact with you folks and see
what you guys have to say so for more
information everything right down there
in the description you guys can check
out all the links to we have full
articles on these things if you guys
want to see more pics more informations
check out the video all that stuff's
down there by the like button if you
guys did like this video please hit that
like button show us you appreciate us
I'm Eric and we'll see you guys back
here on tech of tomorrow
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