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Overclocking the Red Devil RX 470!

hey what's going on tech fans welcome back ticket tomorrow I'm Eric your host so check it out previously we showed you guys the RX 470 red devil edition from the people over at power color and you guys saw that cart was pretty badass in fact it's clocks went from 1206 to 1270 on their car which is a vast improvement over their standard cart pushing it almost into the spec levels of a 480 and making it very very fast as you guys saw in that last video now the thing is the BIOS that we use in that video was kind of crappy the card wasn't running at its true potential or anything else we got the new BIOS we updated the card now we're things running really excellent now a 470 it has 32 compute units and a 480 has 36 so right there there's not too much of a difference and with the memory on the cards AMD has pushed this memory to its maximum they've really pushed the memory so overclocking the memory is pretty much a no-go whatsoever but you guys will see in today's video that the 470 the red devil overclock is reaching almost the same speeds as a 40 just a wee bit of difference between the two and the price limits between the two is not that much whatsoever so we use wot man with for all of our overclocking and all that stuff but without any more further ado let's jump in real quick let's check out our test system which is based off an i7 6 700 K which we keep pretty much on turbo mode all the time at 4.4 gigahertz you guys would see most of the other specs before if you watched our other videos we've got a nice motherboard from asrock we've got some g.skill memory Ripjaws stuff so all in all pretty cool test system the driver we use in all of our tests was the AMD crimson software sixteen point eight point one driver now as we jump in and we check out the benchmarks you guys can see that overclock the 470 is doing really really amazing I mean it's reaching clock speeds that are almost the same as a 480 so if you're looking for a card that's going to be entry-level but still have a lot of headroom this card is the one so now let's just totally jump in and let's check out the benches as far as the temps go you guys can see that with the very first BIOS we use the car words getting about 69 Celsius but with the new BIOS the car jumps up to 79 Celsius is running a little bit hotter but still the card if you push the voltage up even more it might do better I don't know if it might fry your system out but if you do some crazy cooling and do some crazy stuff you might even be able to get the 470 to go even farther as you guys can see in these results we were able to overclock the Red Devil 472 thirteen hundred and thirty five megahertz which is a whopping overclock for this card alright so there you guys can see the Red Devil rx 474 the price range is a really seriously kick-ass card I give it an editor's choice here on the channel because this card for the price range and video cannot touch this card at all with that price range if it has some cards at a higher price range but at this price point there's nothing that can beat AMD whatsoever they are the king definitely right now at the entry-level thing and this card shows to be one serious serious competitor now we were getting between 5 and 10 percent of an overclock with the card you guys saw you know the overclock on that thing was amazing thirteen hundred and thirty-five maker it's on the overclock come on entry-level car that's under 250 bucks and these great scores all the games everything are playing really nice I don't really know how well VR is gonna work on this card I mean that's it's it's you know labeled for recover but I don't know I'm still waiting to get my VR stuff but hey for right now if you're looking for a really seriously kick-ass card I mean you guys can see it's really running close to the for a now obviously not the Red Devil 40 which we definitely have coming for you that'll be our next video coming up just to let you know we were just waiting for new BIOS and stuff to come out to give the card its actual best representation to you so I don't hear any crazy hate from people going what did you wait so at the end of the day hey I got a say power color Red Devil RX 470 you can see it overclock swell for a car in this price range even pushing up there to a 480 like usual we'll have all the information for this car down below that like button hopefully you will go Jackie Chan style on it and we'll see you guys back here for the next video which is the Red Devil RX 4 80 see ya
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