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Patriot Wildfire 240GB SATA III SSD Unboxing at Crystal Lake in Azusa Ca.

what's up everybody welcome to beautiful crystal lake it's me l refers your host and buddy the dog here the tech of tomorrow youtube channel to bring you guys the patriot wildfire 240 gigabyte unboxing it's pretty hot out here in the sun we got a pretty cool video coming but let's do it in the Mad Dog so here we are everybody up in beautiful crystal lake to bring you guys the unboxing of the new Patriot what is all that new but it's the Patriot 240 gigabyte wildfire SSD now these drives are a little bit pricey they're supposed to be really really extremely fast though the guys over there happen to send me two of these little bad boys right here and we're going to do this awesome outdoor unboxing I even brought my trusty knife going to go ahead and begin the unboxing gonna take the trusty knife here insert it into the plastic and because we are in nature I can no longer throw stuff at the cameraman or trash garbage because it's beautiful beautiful nature so I have to take the garbage put it in my bucket and tear it away with me because we cannot make a mess here in nature so take the knife right here knife into the wood here and begun our outdoor unboxing so we got the Wildfire box front of the box 240 gigabytes lot of gigabytes to the back of box three year warranty yes sir three year warranty good stuff flip it out here open the top part of the box and then we'll uh we'll open it up so here we go folks we're going to show you the inside the box it shows a 2.5 inch SSD the wildfire 240 gigabyte 2.5 inch solid state drive say two three six gigabytes per second movie alright then cool stuff got that now let's actually take it out of the box and shiny shiny shiny shiny that's sunshine and off of everything so all right check it out patriot now gives you the bracket to stick it in your normal 5.25 Bay she was going but you're driving this insert it into the bay away you go all the screws in the sub series are inside there as well beep up to pop the cap on this show you guys that screws metal frame II let the Patriot nomenclature got my elbow go ahead and set that up the side let me show you the rest of it now we're coming down to the nitty-gritty the drive itself there's a little lighting bolt thing in there spin it around it's kind of weird doing an unboxing outdoors with your normal not normal props and stuff but interesting so here's the drive the wop fire that's right the Wildfire drive it's wild it's crazy it's in the mountains flipped around through the back into the power and the SATA connection right there nice thin design like they all are spin it spin it spin it spin it spin it last but not least we have the sticker let me bring it out to you folks the go-fast lightning sticker go fast tightening that's it folks I got two of these I don't need to open both of them up you guys can see what's inside the box but there are two of them and I'm gonna bring you guys a review with these things in raid which is what they asked for so we'll see how fast these bad boy drives are in raid and our next review I don't think I'll be able to drag a system i'll live here to Crystal Lake it'll have to be from the lab but hey hope you guys enjoyed it this was today's trip to Crystal Lake and the unboxing of the new Patriot wildfire 240 gigabytes a 23 s s you you good boy so what's up everybody this is me buddy the dog my mom man we're here at the Crystal Lake Resort let's not a resort but it used to be a resort back before it turned down nine years this place has been closed but today why are we here well we're gonna bring you an unboxing video out here in the wild in fact I've already done the unboxing video this is a pyrrole shot just to show you guys what's up in fact stuffs falling in the background as we're be rolling the is rolling so I hope you guys are having a good day we're enjoying the beautiful sign here at Crystal Lake California see you later a little Drive its money haha that's great
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