all right sex fans it's round 2 of
today's video spotlight on the new super
cards from the folks over at Nvidia so
like I said previously you know team
green realized that nabis around the
corner they're releasing a card for 99
they couldn't have any competition for
their cards so way I showed you guys the
2070 super first that's right this Cod
is a $499 not bad price right now we're
gonna be taking a look at the 2060 super
now this card is only 399 bucks
that's right 399 smackeroos that's not
bad for this particular card I don't
think now being that this card is a
Founders Edition which is a reference
edition from Nvidia not a lot will come
in the box not really a lot at all in
this particular car we're gonna get the
card they have a little box here in the
back but there's really nothing in this
particular box you're gonna get a couple
little user's guide things and then
that's it there's actually nothing else
in the box whatsoever we'll pull the
card out and that's pretty much all
there is is the card and the stuff now
take a look at the card graph the bat
you guys can see it features a two fan
design once again it has the name of the
card on the front with a nice shiny
thing I made a joke in the last video
about you know a black people said our
tix is shiny stuff well now even the
card is nice and shiny itself now as far
as the other specs go
the r-tx 2060 featured 30 so you get
four more sm units as far as the cuda
cores go we see an increase from the
2060 from 1920 onto the super card of
2176 now the base clock on the 2060 is
thirteen hundred and sixty five
megahertz the super card is fourteen
hundred and seventy megahertz
now this is something that's kind of
weird down the boost clock on the 2060
is actually faster not by much but you
guys can see it's actually faster 1680
versus six
50 that's just kind of strange now as
far as tensor flops go the 2060 has 51.6
and the super has 57 point 4 we also see
an increase on the texture units the
super card has 136 or the 2060 standard
has 120 the Texel fill rate has also
gone up from 201 point six to 220 4.4 on
the super now one big difference between
the 2060 and the 2060 super however is
the memory interface the memory
interface went from 192 on the 2060 to
256 bit on the super this will make a
big difference as far as the scoring
goes on the card now due to the memory
interface increase we're also going to
see an increase on the memory bandwidth
from 336 point 1 gigabytes a second up
to four hundred and forty eight
gigabytes a second on the Super card now
the memory size in the 2060 was also six
gigabytes and on the Super card it's
eight gigabytes the maximum level one
cache size has gone from nineteen
hundred and twenty kilobytes to twenty
one hundred and seventy six kilobytes
and we're also seeing an increase in the
TDP the 2060 required one hundred and
sixty watts and the super requires 175
watts now continuing to take a look at
the card on the side you're going to see
that there's nothing on here there's no
env length there's nothing else just a
bunch of heat fins right here this is
gonna help dissipate that heat out of
the card because the shroud completely
covers the car now there is a single 8
pin connector it's located on the end
this is pretty much exactly the same as
a twenty sixty card I really think the
only reason that we're really seeing
eight gigabytes on these particular
cards is just because it sounds better
if Peters store and you're looking at a
card that's you know gonna be money you
see oh eight gigabytes versus six
gigabytes you're probably going to buy
the eight gigabyte cards and that's
probably why I'm video you know change
this card to eight gigabytes so you know
good mind for that now on the back of
the card
same thing nice heat shield once again
we see the nomenclature the super card
of the 2060 ah and there it is on the
back but I do like the shroud though
and being that it's sealed and
everything this actually helps all the
heat dissipate from the cart since
nothing can come out in any weird way
the way the card is designed that all of
the heat gets absorbed up and then blown
out the card to keep it running nice and
cool now on the i/o of the card as far
as the connections go there's a single
DVI connector there's two display ports
a single HDMI and a USB type-c port so
that's the card those are the specs real
quick let's check out our test system
then let's check out the benches and
let's see how this car that's coming to
market at $399 does now the motherboard
is the a Zeus Maximus 10 Hero we're
using an i7 8700 K CPU we've got 32
gigabytes of ddr4 memory we've got an
SSD for our boot drive and we've got a
Seagate hard drive for our major storage
drive so this thing's ready to rock and
roll we've also got a liquid cooler
we're also running the latest
anniversary edition of Windows 10 plus
all the latest drivers that were
currently available at the time of this
review so now let's rock out to the
benchmark song and check out those
now as far as the temps go there wasn't
really too much of a difference between
the standard 20 60 and the 20 60 super
there was 73 degrees Celsius and her
full load in the 20 60 and 75 percent
and 75 Celsius on the super so about two
degrees all right now I have to say that
I am pretty impressed with this card at
the price level of that it's at 309 in
dollars because it definitely beats the
1080 there's no doubt about it it beats
the 1080 that's you know solid thing it
beats it it also beats the 2016 so the
2060 super I feel at three to nine
dollars is gonna be the definitely you
know great card in that price range for
what's going on the specs are nice the
performance is nice having just a single
eight pin power connector located on the
end I like that it's good for building
systems for keeping the wires out of the
way and all that stuff so I actually
think this card is going to be an
editor's choice even there's not a lot
you know technically you know advanced
on the card we're just seeing more CUDA
cores and everything that's being sped
up and everything but still at the end
of the day we're only seeing two more
Celsius of heat compared to the previous
generation the card runs fast I mean I
know people want me to beat the card up
but I mean beyond the fact that it's not
any great new technology it is it a good
price point there's more archaic stuff
coming out everyday which will mean you
know the technology will be more viable
six months from now than the complaint
that oh r-tx sucks we'll be out the
window because there'll be so many games
that support r-tx then it won't matter
it'll be full you know mainstream about
what's going on so like usual if you
guys want to get more information about
this car to purchase one for yourself
we'll have a link down there below you
guys can check that out also if you like
the music we'll have links to our music
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that good stuff so if you like what you
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peace out have a great day
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