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losing any data most of my friends and I
know that many of you guys my viewers
are really hardcore gamers and if you
had the money you would always invest in
the most equipment the most expensive
equipment and the best equipment you
could get your hands on and that means
getting two cards either to run an SLI
or to run in crossfire now for people
out there who absolutely don't know what
this is this is taking two cars of the
same type
meaning that you take you know and r-tx
20 80 I you match it up with a matching
card you take a Vegas 64 you match it up
with another card this is for the best
performance what this does is it enables
both cards to work together to create a
better score on your games basically you
know doubling your frame rates making
things look better all this type of
stuff but here's the real thing back in
the day when I was doing a lot of gaming
I do what I did a lot more gaming really
when I was younger than I do and I still
game a little bit but I used to be
really into it and I always made sure
that I had two cards you know running an
SLI or crossfire because hey when it
worked it just worked great and back in
the day
there were many games that were being
released for SLI I mean pretty much I
would say ten years ago you were seeing
probably three in five games that had
SLI support well I once the Nvidia site
this morning I start checking things out
and there's 31 pages of games that
support SLI okay 31 page that's quite a
lot of games you'd think you know in the
long run says they've been around
they're gonna have a you know basically
a ton of games that support SLI but
here's the thing the recent games that
have been coming out I feel there's just
really not that many games that are even
coming out now that actually support SL
hi I mean yeah they're shattered the
tomb raider there's division there's a
few more I'll have a link down below if
you guys want to check it out but the
real drawback to this to me and it kind
of feels to me like SLI even though
Nvidia still has it there it doesn't
feel to me like in videos pushing the
agenda with the people that are
developing games to have SLI as one of
the features incorporated into the
programming of the game
I mean sure there are a couple of games
out there that support it but we're
talking about you know if you want one
of the newest cards the RT X cards out
there you know you're gonna be spending
six or seven hundred dollars per card
that's at the minimum the entry level we
haven't seen the 2070 I'm sure they're
probably priced at four or $500 still
and they're still you're looking at
almost $1000 for two cards okay so
that's a big investment two cards and a
lot of people complain about the micro
stuttering and all this other stuff and
micro stuttering is baek's when you're
looking at your game you see your game
there's all of a sudden do something
really just weird and wacky all of a
sudden just out of phase or out of focus
and it's because the two cards aren't
totally connected and working together
as well now NVIDIA has released a brand
new type of SLI through their NV link
it's supposed to bring double the
bandwidth all kinds of great stuff but
that's all well and good that's cool
thumbs up for all those people who have
older games and stuff that'll be hate
really good stuff if you're person who
has a lot of
bowl games and a huge lot of old titles
and you want to be playing all those
tiles in SLI that's a really cool thing
but if you're someone who's just now
coming into the market and building up
your computer most likely you're not
going to be going and buying games from
five and six years ago to put inside of
your collection you're probably just not
I mean let's just face it I mean when
you go buy you know stuff you're usually
trying to buy the latest stuff and you
go out and you buy like musical
equipment or stereo you don't go buy
stereo clubbin usually from 10 years ago
unless you're just really desperate and
trying to start off you're buying the
latest stuff and seeing that the options
for SLI are getting slimmer and slimmer
and slimmer it seems to me right now
SL Lite kind of seems like a dead horse
altogether I mean I don't know if SLI is
dying all together because we have seen
a few games that are coming out but
overall for the cost investment that
you're going to have to put into doing
something like this I just don't see it
being a viable thing for anybody coming
into the market right now buying cards
to buy two cards and do them in SLI now
obviously we're going to be bringing you
the SLI scores of all these cards and
we're going to admit all the games that
don't support us a lie in the past we
just tested a bunch of games and we saw
it okay some games didn't support it
where I'm going to waste our time we're
only going to do the games that we see
support SLI and we'll bring those scores
you'll private we'll try to get 15 to 20
of those games out there if you can
takes a lot of time to get all its
together but we'll try to get together
so you guys can actually see how much
that's like performances you know
compared to some of the older games to
some of the newer games to see that you
know for people out there if you have
like an older car like you have a 970 or
you have a 1070 and you want to jump
into another card you know that might be
something that's you know sort of
feasible but for these brand new cards
that are out there it almost seems
insane to me to go out and spend okay
let's just say you want to get two
founders Edition r-tx 2080 eyes you're
going to be spending what upwards of
twenty-five hundred dollars after taxing
stuff in some countries way more than
that because of their import duties so
we're talking about three thousand
dollars for an investment for a car
that's only going to play about four or
five games better it makes absolutely
totally no sense and I was flabbergasted
I actually sent an email you know to the
guys over at Nvidia you know it's they
could talk to me and say you know what
games they were actually doing and if in
the future they are planning on you know
getting you know more you know with the
developers again and doing this but I'm
not really getting any answers and to me
with the decline that I've seen in SLI
it's kind of crazy that they're coming
up with this new NV link maybe maybe
there'll be some programs and stuff and
the professional type aspect thing or
something that's going to be taking
advantage of that we don't really know
just yet but right now NV link it sounds
great on paper obviously I think J's -
since didson did some testing the
numbers were probably really good
weren't you know where it actually
worked I'm sure we're gonna see the same
exact thing but the bottom line comes
down to this if you're only gonna be
playing the latest games that's what
you're into there's no reason to invest
in two cards in SLI in my opinion
whatsoever I think it's a complete waste
of money if you're going to just invest
and you've got the money just by
yourself the absolute best cards you can
get your hands on stick with that one
card and just forget about all the stuff
all the problems that gets associated
with that now there is other things that
you can do though other than SLI you can
take one really good card and you can
take one smaller generation card and you
can dedicate that other card strictly to
physics which means it'll take all the
physics properties now all the physics
stuff is really the stuff that makes the
game look realistic right but it doesn't
really take a whole you know doesn't
take another you know twenty atti
just to do physics you could get a
twenty eighty or you get yourself a
1080i and get yourself a lower end card
and dedicate that card strictly for the
physics aspect of things and still get
better performance than you're getting
with a single card so you don't even
really have to do SLI you can use a
lower end card and you can see if you
look inside of your driver base that it
gives you the option of choosing a car
dedicated to physics you choose that car
dedicated to physics with your other
card you're going to get better
performance I think all the way around
then investing the money in two cards
and doing
SLI at this point the only reason to do
SLI in my opinion right now is if you're
a person you've been gaming for years
and years and years you have a system
and you have all those games on there
everything's running great you want to
be able to play all those games in SLI
and get that performance then yeah for
you that's a good investment but for
anybody who's just jumping in the game
save your money if you want to get
better performance by one dedicated
really good graphics card buy a lower
level card dedicate that card to physics
and I guarantee you your gaming
experience will be totally awesome I'm
Mel are you guys been watching Tech
tomorrow give me your opinions down
below I think many people already
consider SLI a completely dead horse but
obviously with Nvidia still you know
advancing the technology hopefully
something's gonna change but who knows
if you want to know how many games were
actually totally supported by SLI I'll
have a link down below where you can
check it out there's actually 31 pages
of games but as far as the newer games
for recent releases it's a really
shallow water
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