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what's going on Tech fans well it's me I
work here on tech go tomorrow and first
up I gotta say I think that you people
on the East Coast are much tougher than
us people out here in Cali because when
it drops a few degrees out here like
honestly it was like 90 yesterday and
like 70 today I'm freezing now I know
you guys in the East Coast you're going
sissies but man in California 20 degrees
is a lot I'm actually freezing at 68
degrees I know it's crazy so what are we
doing here on TECA tomorrow well today
we're going to bring you guys the gear 2
from Samsung now you guys all remember
we got the original gear before we did
some stuff with it so now we're going to
bring you the unboxing what so it's all
about then we're going to take it to the
gym and test it out just like we did
before and see hey what this thing is
all about so first off let's start off
with the box we're just like the s5 it's
made out of recycled material and that's
so we Inc not a lot to this box anyways
just got you know basically four little
corners here it says it was made in
Vietnam so that's really cool for the
Vietnamese people getting some of that
Samsung cash thumbs up for you guys hope
it helps your country and that's really
pretty much it not a lot to the box
folks just in the back of it talks about
it's Bluetooth connectivity all that
kind of stuff and basically use this
thing you connect it up to your phone
and then you go from there it's not
really so much a standalone product it
actually works with your phone so with
that said let's go ahead let's flip it
around real quick here I'll go ahead and
pop the cap then inside we see the watch
I'm just going to go ahead and remove
that and set it down let's see there's
anything else in the box which there is
right here we have the accessories
charger it's just your standard micro
USB no USB 3 on this we'll set that down
now next up is something really kind of
weird and from what my friends have been
saying this is kind of a pain in the ass
let me get this out of here this is
actually the charging module so before
you can even charge this and use this
you have to attach this to the back of
your SmartWatch now personally I think
that's going to be a little pain in the
but we'll get to that when we get there
so beyond the actual device and it's
charging accessories we get a little bit
of nomenclature here we got the quick
reference manual this will tell you how
to use the smart
watch how to adjust the band all that
stuff we've got one more little piece of
nomenclature this is the health and
safety and warranty guide so with that
said let's hop in the gym and let's see
what those things all about
or anybody so there you have it we were
in the gym now I just gotta say a few
things about the SmartWatch a for one
thing was a lot easier to use actually
than the s5 you guys saw how easy I was
to set it up and the heartbeat monitor
oh my god
amazingly a lot better on this it reads
from the actual underside of the watch
instead of having to put your finger on
it if you guys are wondering why I'm
squinting it's actually right out here I
feel like I'm filming in friggin Florida
or something day we started out this
morning was overcast and cloudy now it's
getting overcast again well behind me we
have a fountain so you guys all know
this thing supposed to be waterproof so
why not let's just give it a test
fountain let's do a little watering and
then let's act like we're a complete
dumbass oh my god I dropped some money
into the fountain
voila money but I won't steal it I'll
make another wish
alright folks outside we were trying to
the water test and everything was really
hard to see the screen I'm going to have
to adjust how long before the light goes
out because it keeps dimming really
really fast but you guys can see it's
all clear throughout in here and now I'm
actually going to look right here I
actually missed a notification so here's
a notification it says I missed a call
and it says I missed a call from
Jonathan Morrison my business manager
and business partner and I guess he's
going to call me back right now we'll
see how it actually looks when someone
calls you on the phone so you guys can
see now Jonathan's calling up I had my
headphones on like I did earlier I could
actually answer this entire thing
through my headphones or through the
watch itself so let's go ahead and
answer it hey what's up there Johnny
hello yeah actually I can hear him
through the SmartWatch it's a little bit
hard I can hold it to my ear but I can
hear him enough to hold a conversation
like I said most people are probably
going to be having their headphones on
stuff like that I plan to use this for
mainly traveling doing my exercise the
gym and mainly just walking the dog and
stuff like that but so far it seems
pretty interesting and a lot of the
features seem a lot more intuitive
straight ahead than they were on the s5
so we've been to the gym we've been to a
pond kind of Dovan got that thing all
and I've been using this thing now for
about a week since we last saw you over
there and there are some really cool
things about this Smart Watch now there
are some things that are also kind of
lame now using the new s voice feature
is really really cool it's easy just to
go ahead and talk and get things to
access call Jesus
hey bro where's my food my food like
where's my burrito Dawg I'm hungry
what dude I thought you were a Mexican
what happened I was really craving a
burrito sir oh oh I see how it is around
here okay well then uh you just have a
good day there sir all right bye
you can easily access all your contacts
you can immediately keep notes for
yourself like everything's very easy to
access on this new gear too now compared
to the gear the original one I think
this thing has actually come a long way
especially as far as style and stuff
goes it's a lot easier to use the
interface is much nicer it's quicker now
some things on this thing are really
really though extremely lame I gotta say
that the way that this thing charges
having to have a separate little thing
that you snap on and then plug into
another USB thing it leaves total room
for somebody to lose this I mean that's
just straight up and I mean I really
wish in a way that this thing did not
have to always be connected to your
phone I wish they come out with the real
Smart Watch though it'd be more of a
life-changing thing even though this
thing is really cool and I'm going to
keep it I think for a lot of people out
there three hundred dollars it's not
going to be a life-changing thing now
being able to have it around with you
being walking around not to dig your
putt you know your phone all the way out
which may be really cool for some people
so let me talk a little bit about that
so I mean I didn't really like the chair
to always have it but there are some
cool advantages like a lady you carry in
your purse you can slap it in your purse
you're a guy you have a pack or
something you can throw it all the way
in there and you don't really have to be
carrying it around and be touching it
all the time and you can access
everything from the SmartWatch you can
make your phone calls you guys saw all
that cool stuff that I did the gym the
heart monitor on this thing
is really really awesome it's so much
easier to use than the one that was on
the you know the s5 that thing was a
pain the but trying to use that was like
ah this is so much easier so there are
some really really cool things ease of
access where you're walking around and
just having something you know right
here on your watch that you can access
is pretty cool now in case some of you
guys missed it when you're using the s5
you have complete control over your TV
and stuff like that you can actually sit
there and program all that stuff and
this transcends over into the Smart
Watch so that's pretty cool so if you
don't want to use your remote or
anything you know you just go up click
on your old Smart Watch couple in the
KaBlam and you're off and you're
operating your TV now the very absolute
most useless thing on this is the camera
it's like off your to the side and it's
just really weird I don't know it's hard
to use I think if you were actually
trying to walk by and use a semi trailer
like a rescue like we were actually
talking about like doing some kind of
funny skit were like I have the police
like fake arrest me for taking funny
pictures but yeah we'll just talk about
that right here so that's kind of a
totally useless thing about it so the
camera feature I'm not going to use it
you're probably never going to use it
but for $300 I think it's a really cool
deal there's all these pebbles there's a
one I look like last week the phosphor
thing this is a totally different type
of breed and if they could just get this
thing to step that next level and not
have to be slave to my phone all the
time I would be totally just going
alright this thing is simply amazing as
is it's pretty cool for $300 is it worth
it yeah I have to say that it actually
is it's not a ripoff in any way you get
your watch you get your weather you get
your notes alarms all that kind of stuff
you can set up things to wake you up
you can tell you when to call people I
mean it's got all kinds of cool stuff in
it for the guy who's traveling business
matter even a sports guy just wants to
keep up with stuff all on his wrist
now before I bounce on out of here I
want to give a special shout out once
again to the people over at Squarespace
now all you guys that they're always a
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awesome stuff so that's it folks
that's about it for this I hope you guys
like this video we're trying to bring
these things more and more real life or
more life uses to you folks because I
mean that's probably better cuz at the
end of the day you know using is better
than just going to go to doradora so hey
peace out love you guys down below like
button will be all the information on
this so if you guys are looking at
getting more information about this
looking to purchase one we're just
checking out more information about it
that will all be down there below that
like button and on that like button I
want you guys to go crazy on it I want
you guys to act like you're hungry
caveman who are just saw your first food
with me
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