hey what's up my tech friends and fans
out there in the world elric fares here
once again the tekkit amaro youtube
channel with buddy the dog our mascot
now you guys have seen the last fit that
we brought you guys using three monitors
7680 x 1440 resolution now i know a lot
of you guys are out there you're asking
me why on i just testing this card
directly against a 680 well for one
thing this card isn't really geared for
that this card is geared for multi
monitor technology if you're not using
multi monitor technology there's no
reason for you to go out and buy this HD
7970 talks like a dishing card there's
just no reason for it if you're just
using one monitor stick with the three
gigabyte card you're just fine this card
is for multi resolution monitors at high
resolutions today we're going to bring
you alien vs predator I know it's an
older game but it's also a fun game and
I love playing this game it's really
pretty bitchin so with that said let's
hop in and let's check out this game and
see how it does in a resolution of 76 80
x 1440 on the sapphire HD 7970 toxic
edition featuring yeah six gigabytes of
ram so let's pop baby
oh my god
man I don't know what you guys are
thinking but i'm really loving this now
the overall frames per second was 34
frames per second i know that some of
you doomsayer assholes out there going
to be going oh my god it's you know 34
frames per second it's unplayable let me
tell you no it is not unplayable also I
ran the entire setup without having the
vsync enabled if I enable the vsync
there'll be less screen tearing and in
fact i'm probably going to run another
set of videos and do that but for right
now you can see this high resolution
7680 x 1440 is being pumped out with
this card at over thirty four frames per
second on average not bad for this thing
so you guys saw it here 3 27 inch
monitors 7680 x 1440 rock on see you
guys back her tomorrow
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