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Sapphire Ultimate HD 7750 1GB GDDR5 Graphics Card Silent Edition Unboxing

I saw south-south I said oh I said bringing you today here I'm taking my channel one blue industrial-sized unboxing y'all don't ask for it I'm gonna bring it to you today sapphire 7750 this here is the silent series you can see it's got a ninja girl on the cover and if you don't want your cupcakes you'll come in your room and kick you ass that's right but that's it is the new seven series of cards and people over the AMD this is the Sapphire this is their super silent version whoo let's take a look inside a lot I say I say I say I say here is the box and we'll see what comes inside of it you guys all know this cards based off a 20 nanometer process it's the latest 7 Series cards we've brought you a lot of reviews on all the series that have been coming out will have this one in a few days right now we're just checking out what comes in the box you know it's got a gigabyte of gddr5 it supports the new PCI 3.0 all that good stuff as soon as Ivy Bridge gets here we'll be able to check that out here's the back of the box lots of logos and stuff on there pop the end cap nice and simply nice and easy go ahead and remove it from outside the box a little sound to fix oh look at that upside down boxing alright so there's what else is in the box here's all this stuff we would want to go flying all over the place we'll start off so here we've got the sapphire drive installation CD and the case badge so the first thing in the box set that on over here then we've got the sapphire graphics quick installation guide telling you how to install your card possibly if you don't know toss that off the side then we get the Sapphire so like club thing this is where you're gonna register your card and make sure that you can get all those benefits that come from actually owning this card good stuff toss it off the side sapphire is known to come with a lot of goodies so real quick I'm just gonna move the card out of the way so we can take a look at some of the goodies not a lot of goodies in this one is that really all the goodies that are in there I mean check the box yeah pretty light on the packaging on this one because I guess there's not gonna be much requirements we have a single HDMI connector and a DVI to VGA connector that's really pretty much it for that so this is supposed to be a silent card so let's check it out nice self ret package you bust this thing out so we'll start off we'll show you guys the back side you can see all the heat rating fins are all the way across the top here here's your PCI insertion thing now one thing to take note of on this card it will not work in any type of crossfire configuration there is no finger on top for this also there's a little warning on top here probably tell you not to burn your hands that sounds kind of crazy do things a little differently right now put Brown show you guys 0l single DVI hdmi displayport nice and simple there on the back show you the side now this is a completely passive cooling solution there are no active parts on it whatsoever which means zero noise hence being the ultimate silent series card we've got a little sticker right here covering full sapphire logo pull it off so you guys can see the car looks really nice and for a lot of people out there who's looking for silent pcs this is gonna be one of the cards are gonna be seriously taking a look at now the set 750 is an entry-level card it's going to be probably around $100 range so it's a very good price card the only drawbacks 128-bit memory interface that's gonna like suck ass probably on really high res and multi monitors but if you're just playing standard games on normal monitor you should be just okay so that's it this is the unboxing of the sapphire ultimate silent 7750 I'm at our first roast and I'll see you back at backer pocket here later
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