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Spigen SGP Samsung Galaxy S3 Neo Hybrid Case Unboxing

howdy tech fans welcome back tech Oh tomorrow I'm Elric your host now if you guys missed yesterday's video yesterday's videos when I told you guys about my new phone that I got my new Galaxy s3 I did the unboxing talked about my stuff that I got with my new verizon account now today is now Thursday and I've got a brand new case for that phone so it doesn't get destroyed this is the new speakin sgp Neo Hybrid this is their gray and blue case and as you can see right here in the box it's called spigen it's kind of kind of a weird name kind of like speaking hetero the speakin yeah though she do look at Nautica don't could do but but this is it there's this spigen case so I'll show you guys the front and we'll show you guys the back not much really to this but you guys can see you know the spigen SGP I'll turn to the side real quick so you guys can see it's Badou and there was you're gonna see it anyways just a second so pretty much this is the case that it comes in so now let's pop in and let's put my phone inside the case let's go alright folks so not too much to go you guys Alba said before you know it's the spigen the SGP the Neo Hybrid you know blah blah blah blah blah you guys know a lot stuff but you want to see is the actual case itself so well let's pop in and get it he's my trusty little fingernail right here open the case up another knife right here so then I'll go ahead and pull it open so come bloom not too much to it kind of blue kind of gray kind of tough not extremely tough still and I mean there's not really too much to I think but it also luckily that's right comes with a shield so inside of here you've got it's a screen protector and you've got an original spigen product serial number and a buffer thing so first thing we're gonna want to do is put on the crystal shield of the phone so I'll set that down really gently now here's my poem and then we're going to go ahead and very gently figure out how to apply this one on to the phone I think it's just like that so I'm gonna very gently try to do this sometimes these are kind of tricky to put on because if you don't do it right the first time it can be a real pain in the butt I'm gonna try to do on the first try without messing anything up and if I don't and then I'll have to be able to buying another one which I don't want to do so let me just get this stuff out of the way here so I'm gonna very gently get in your door it matches on the phone it's my phone wakes up from a sleep mode it's a pretty easy one on there I don't think I got it exactly totally perfect it's not rocket science though so now it's on there how could you move the filter them so I got pretty much all of the air bubbles out there just a really a couple of them right here on the sides which I'm gonna very easily wipe out now as you'll see so there we go other than a few little air bubbles and stuff which I've now been able to completely wipe out you guys can see I now have the phone completely done so and then last but not least we'll go ahead and put the foam cover on so here's the thong and foam cover very easily just sits in there and boom so then we got the foam cover spigen our phone still open so you can use a camera and there we go so that's it folks hope you guys enjoyed it we'll see you guys background ticker tomorrow tomorrow
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