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Star Wars 'Storm Trooper' Street by 50 On-Ear Headphones: Sound Test & Demo

today's video was made possible by Squarespace what's up I'm Rick Falcon here on the century sparrow I gave by one and Who I am it's rather lose cousins that Han Solo dude you know I've got a cheaper version of the Millennium Falcon hence the century sparrow but that's not why we're here today first thing off i want to give some advice to people out there you know a lot of people out there believe in the force and all this stuff and i just want to give some advice you know to all you kiddies out their kids trust me you just need what's in your heart and a trustee ir blaster you know or if you come from some redneck place you know damn 22 always works good for me son yep so check this out why are we really here we've got some really cool 50 cent streets headphones by SMS now these things are the storm trooper that's right the storm trooper Star Wars streets edition now I just want to state rob the bat that these headphones are really a collector's item now yes they are headphones they've got 40 millimeter drivers they've got some really cool things that eliminate the outside noise you've got some cool things going on there the plastics must be super duper durable and twisting all around that but to be cross with you I think most folks and like me included people like like to collect things aren't probably going to be taking these things out and dragging the round you're probably going to get them look at them real quick and put them on a shelf and go look they go with my other Star Wars collectibles but with that said these things are 199 bucks I've got them right here in my hand and no we're going to unbox them listen to them and let's see what they're all about I think they're collectors item at the end of the video let's hear what you have to say let's go all right folks so let's move over it out of the box and like I said to me this is kind of a collector's item I have some pretty cool star wars so this is a couple of things I have nothing it's a pencil sharpener can t dispenser thing all in one you pop off the head then in the inside in here you've got some candies Pretty's up there you've got the old candies I keep them in there cuz I just figure what the heck keep it as original as possible All Star Wars dispenser with candy now I also have this one this one's like one of the actual oldest I have Darth Vader on one side Yoda on the other nice Star Wars stuff been collecting this stuff the kid have lots of it so now these headphones also once again we see Star Wars first edition street on ear wired headphones these are also the 50 cent brand so let's go ahead and start unboxing them so I guess I want to show you guys on the box will show you it it's kind of with velocity so I'm I'll just take this stuff off a lot of times the camera tell me it's so glossy we can't even see it so I'll pull this stuff off here first so we can actually get a better view of the box without glaring inside of your face sound like a plan alright alright so it's done we've got this stuff right here and we'll do the usual voila at the cameramen and that didn't hurt him alright so front of the box you guys already saw that down the side these are the stormtrooper auditions now I didn't have a cool costume like these guys I to make up my own little cheesy or you know Rick solo costume but hey I'm rolling with it here's the back of the box once again just has stuff about them all we'll just get a close-up of that real quick just for you folks you guys can just see it I know how some people are they like to check everything out for those who knew the everything will hear some of the everything spinning around on this side we see the headphones themselves and once again just telling us of the first edition stormtrooper SMS audio headphones so pop the cap out I think this thing just pops off or list out one of the other up well up that's it just lifts out some of the school to keep it over there yeah oh is that would shake and bake nope I'll just use my hand then nope never sorry there we go so I can punch it through yeah alright so we're back continuing along all right oh wait all right little blue box what am I thinking about folks the first person who tells you what I'm thinking about and you get it right I'll send your prize it's a blue box to program that I love to watch let's see if una gets where I'm going with this flip the cap kaboom we see all of our favorite characters here in the brands of their carrion they've got the Luke Skywalker in the calm the Rebel Alliance but it's a little Lukey right there the storm trooper obviously the Galactic Empire mr. Vader himself and then Boba Fett now how come Boba Fett gets his own name but our boys Luke and Darth have to be called rebel and galactic I feel these boys are being ripped off stormtrooper I don't know he's kind of generic but that's cool but Boba Fett what's up it's all the popularity boba so amazing to be jealous out there alright then we flip the cap there you guys since you have football karimun actually took two steps backwards in that one he thought i was serious haha just joke in there mr. anything else in there anything on the bottom nope alright nothing on the bottom in there so we'll just go ahead move the blue box out of the way get this out of there kaboom kaboom and out of the way let's check out what the rest is in there alright so right here is a pact with a bunch of cool stuff we'll go ahead and open this up so if you can see all the cool stuff that comes in here I know there's like a poster and like a bunch of cool stuff so we'll just be traverse through it and see it's a little bit sticky there to get it out of there so pool and get some more stuff yada yada yada that's actually sticking to this pretty well well I'm trying to get out of there it's sticking to everything I'm trying to pull out now I think this must be the poster alright so let's just start off with whatever this just tells where they are their distributors no one probably really cares too much about that what is this thing right here now is I derive it be going to be a cleaning cloth or a caring type product I don't know which one and it's this stuff is super duper sticky in fact I have not seen stuff this sticky before I'm having one what time of this ticket here there we go sticky sticky sticky so what do we got going on here cleaning cloth the back all right it's a clean cloth so there we go we get they Star Wars cleaning cloth in fact I'll go up here in just uh I can see you folks clear so the next step we got the SMS audio there's just like a book explaining all about the Star Wars stuff and congratulating you on buying them saying hey congratulations you just spent 200 bucks I hope you're happy but I think it's the people will be happy because the people who look at this the right way will be cool so actually this is kind of cool though because they're quick start guide it pretty much tells all about the headphones what they're about kind of redundant stuff tell us about the audio wire the microphone all that kind of stuff by listening to music you know faq I actually I'm kind of blind i thought it was f ro for a second i was like what the heck fro it's kind of weird one but it's a cleaning up my glasses on but all the information stuffs inside of that here is the certificate of authenticity all those big words you guys you can see that all part of the collector's item thing sip it up the side we get stickers check this out stickers stickers stickers so if you know that against sticker star wars' stickers for your car i'm not going to take any of this stuff off because I like to collect my collectibles like collectibles and keep everything intact I honestly we should even have to open up the plastic bags that's just me but I want you folks to see it so I'm doing it and here's the poster mr. one so we got big post right here got ourselves a three of these guys right here shooting at somebody probably some Rebel Alliance come probably sitting a similar soon days folks beyond the poster and all the stuff that we just saw right here now we'll move on and we will take a look at the headphones themselves they will gently put all this stuff back away you guys can see comes completely in its own little football like carry case which is pretty cool pretty durable says star wars on it star wars now I heard that Carrie Fisher was making a porno and she was going to be calling it star whores but I don't have any official announcement on that as of yet I'll have to hear that out so we'll pull that out or put it in whatever carries wanting these days open up you can see everything's seal it a nice plastic bag pop them out internally in the shell we see once again the star wars nomenclature present the SMS is on little zipa and we should move on to the headphones but in platoon fedun two little pieces of something in our own I think they were forward with the heck done with the camera because he looked like he would like them alright so Wow okay these things are very very very very light and I have to say they have the very varied item in the city insulting way but these have the very very super duper a kind of the Chinese feel yeah they're they're all right though member i said that the plastic they using these supposed to be very very flexible like unbreakable and I could definitely you know you guys can see that I mean this thing's twisted like I got almost twisted a pretzel and it's not hurting it in the center we see a single padded band it's going to go on the head then we see the two cups inside of here are the 40 millimeter drivers one on each side they're flexible for folding up as we saw before there is a cable right here with a microphone attached to it as well so you could be listening to these and why you're listening to these things you could answer your phone or whatever that you need to do let me pop this out of their cables are usually about three to four feet long and just pull it out all the way that you guys see it I'm surely be a question about how long the cable is so looks like yeah looks like it's about I don't know maybe this might actually be a five foot cable so right here in the end you can see an indicator button and this right here that'll tell you if it's plugged in and working right here's the other connection we also have the microphone and the level adjuster on here and then I guess from there let's hear how these things sound and then let's see how they feel on my head alright folks since I saw you guys last I'm loosing some different music rocking out to the human zoo right now and i have to say that these things are entirely comfortable you can put them on your head and probably go to sleep and forget about it because they weigh virtually nothing now as far as the audio reproduction goes though very very bassy everything that we play back for you guys we leave the equalizer at flat obviously with some changes around you could increase the trouble and everything but just like basically out of the box these are some of the bassist damn headphones I've ever heard now for gaming this would probably be pretty damn cool you want to hear all the explosions at all that shiz neck so for gaming these things are probably going to be pretty damn good but as far as music goes I don't know I don't think they're my favorite thing for just listening to audio but you know what let's let you guys listen to him what do you think this cold and alright rockers there you guys have it rocking out once again to the benchmark song now why do you guys ask about our music out there what we actually developed our entire music website using Squarespace with over 20 different customizable themes and templates that you can use all drag-and-drop action this is one really killer incredible way to get your media website up and rolling quick and what's even cooler I know a lot of people don't have a normal schedule so these guys have incredible 24-hour customer service so your form of those New Yorkers in the city that never sleeps hey there'll be somebody there tech support to answer your call and help you get through those difficult times is setting up your website so if that sounds good to you check this out you can get even more savings at the checkout counter enter the code t OT you get a free trial period and if you want to keep it you get ten percent off of the price awesome stuff alright folks so there you guys have it want to say once again thank you very much the people over to squarespace for helping bring that video to you today also like I said these SMS fitness and headphones they're much more to my eyes a collector's item than any type of audio file product my personal opinion I think a lot of you'll share it if you're not into Star Wars at all and you're especially under fifty cents then I would avoid these things you know and not get them if you have one hundred ninety nine dollars and you're looking for a Star Wars collectible though that still works and functions and as all around product well this might be something really cool for you if you're an audiophile guy you got 100 99 bucks you want to buy some headphones are going to sound the absolute best these aren't the best headphones for hiring nine by nine bucks trust me you can get some better ones but for collectors item they are what they are and is there a true price on a collector's item because if it's a truly collectible item if you collect it become worth much more so in essence if you have these keep them in their box you buy them strictly as a collectible item they should only increase with value and since Lucas is pouring more money making more Star Wars movies hopefully they're not shitty just saying you know I'm saying if they're really good movies hey there'll be more blood pumped back in once again or the Star Wars universe and these headphones will become even more valuable so that's it there are 100 99 bucks if you guys are collectibles out there and you guys love the Star Wars universe and uh you know you're like me you got your little toys and stuff you like to collect then this might be something that you're looking for I'm elric thanks once again for watching techno tomorrow and thanks to Squarespace for bringing this video possible peace see you rockers later
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