hey tech fans day two of CES 2013 cheaha
me we've got the qualcomm booth we're on
South Hall today which has all kinds of
mobile and modular technology we all
voted the place got midlands i got
verizon all kinds of people here so
today's video will be basically south
hall and what we see so with that said
let's go see some tech on tech of
all right next up another phone case
cover this time I cover let's walk in
check out
walls and walls of fries
hi everybody so here we are at razor you
guys love their products let's see what
they've got at CES 2013
the ace of spades the ace of spades all
right we'll check it out or at CES 2013
work motorhead now has products that's
right your favorite metal band of the
80's has been back and now they're
making products they have motor
headphones and all kinds of other
interesting shiznat so with that said
let's pop over and check out their booth
rock on
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