hey what's going on tech fans welcome
back to code Amara we're bringing you
all the tech all the time first off I
want to thank everybody for being so
cool with me on my last news video where
I made so many mistakes in my
temperatures like 102 degrees you guys
are the most rockin audience ever I love
you guys so what's in the table today
well today I'll get it correctly so
check this out
you guys all know that lately AMD has
been having serious gaming bundles
they're not screwing around at all when
you go buy an AMD card you get a serious
game bundle now when you buy an Nvidia
card you get a game bundle but it's kind
of the free games it's not the
top-of-the-line titles and in doing that
NVIDIA has solely been losing market
sales to AMD every day they lose a
little bit more so now it's happening
welp it's been rumored that NVIDIA has
just had it flood Zillow released an
article saying that they've had enough
they're not giving them any more market
share whatsoever and that there's a
great possibility that the new 700
series cards will hit at Computex this
me personally I don't really see NVIDIA
doing that they've never traditionally
did something like this the big-time
sales are usually at Christmas time but
hey if it does happen this will be a
really interesting thing to happen let
me hear what you guys got to say about
that in the comments below
next up the world's fastest computer the
throne and Red Dawn yeah black pearl now
we're talking the Titan the world's
fastest computer ever made now this new
Titan system is unbelievable it comes
loaded with 18,000 and 688 AMD Opteron
6270 for 16 core CPUs oh my god and
18,000 688 nvidia tesla k 20x GPUs if
you're not counting that makes Titan a
two hundred and ninety nine thousand
zero zero eight core computer holy
it supports seven hundred and ten Tetra
bytes of information unbelievable and
the transfer rate is at one point four
four terabytes a second so basically
folks this thing is going to be
incredible it's also coming in at 97
million dollars cheap pocket change
all of us folks right so I know you guys
want to learn more about this like usual
click on the link in the description
below I have a full article and you'll
see all the details about this new Titan
also if you were going to have the
world's greatest computer would you have
called the Titan since Nvidia already
has a name like that what would you call
it we want you guys to leave your
comments down below and we'll just
randomly pick one and send you guys a
swag pack but let us know what you guys
think we always want to know what you
guys have to say now last up in the news
Google glass now a lot of people have
made comments saying oh those new Google
glasses they're a fad they're $1500
they're gonna come and go what's so
great about them I think they're gonna
be a little bit more than a fad I think
you're going to see a lot of people have
some duckets just having them around to
show off also these things are like
having a 25 inch monitor that you're
looking at from eight feet away so when
you put the glasses on like you know
just like this as soon as you put those
Google glasses on your head it's like
having a 25 inch monitor viewed from 8
feet away right on your face and with
all the other stuff that's including
these the phone options and all that
kind of stuff
I think it's going to be very
interesting I really can't wait till we
get these bad boys in hands all right
folks now last up you guys always look
when you give you guys the deal of the
day so check this out
SanDisk these guys make all kinds of
killer SD products if you guys are
looking for something that's really fast
really reliable these things work in
your phone in your mp3 player whatever
the heck you can use them in and today
they're 50% off you can't really beat a
deal like that
that means it's normally costing under
bucks you're gonna get it for 49 bucks
today that's amazing stuff like usual
folks everything about video we have in
the link in the description below to let
you guys know what it is if you want to
learn more about any of the things we
talked about just check those out
because they'll be over on our website
of many other dying days
again in the heart rate
prize not
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