hey let's go on tech fans I work here
once again on TECA tomorrow you guys
seem to really like the unboxing of the
gigabyte g1 gaming Edition well guess
we've got another super freaking badass
card in here once again this is the EVGA
FTW version baby it's a super badass
card like I said killer features and I
think that this is pretty much about as
fast as you can get from these folks
unless you want to go liquid cool so
with that said though let's see what's
in the box and let's see how badass it
is alright folks so for any good
unboxing you need nice knife I guess
mm-hmm it's a knife right then I got to
take this plastic covering up the old
EVGA box now you guys don't know man
EVGA makes a pretty killer product and
the FTW version like I says when the
highest verges they have features they
are a CX 3.0 cooling now we've got a
plastic step off there that the box
won't look so dings shiny get that out
of the way so from the box EVGA you guys
see a goodbye to GDR 5x the good stuff
obviously it's the FTW geforce gtx 1080
alright we know that right side of it
you guys will see that once again m4 the
die hards let me spit it on the back in
the back you guys can seep through the
cards as usual there's still number
everything it's at and it says their key
features and stuff but pretty much these
guys just making a killer car and that's
what it's all about
so that's it right there and I have to
be honest with it not really too much
the outside the box oh it's sealed right
here I'll go ahead and peel that and
break that seal so we can get inside
their plant and faster to use the little
knife I don't know I'll go a little
old-school here and just remove the old
plastic label there we go by the way
cleaning good to go pop the cap there
and shall begin the real unboxing
pulling the card out so I'm just doing
a lot simpler all right and there we go
box out of the way to the floor
and we see once again the box inside a
box it's box ception time dunt dunt uh
solid box EVGA logo Oh like I said she
remembers bottle blah yadda yadda yadda
yeah pill and get to the real frickin
deal let's see it what's this
alright right here on top we've got
something a nice big giant EVGA envelope
so that's pretty cool boils inside
assembly will be getting their turn to
dunfin attention time zone all right so
we get a graphics card user guide hmm
that pretty much it in there ok
just basically tells you a little bit
about their card not too much in there I
know you guys aren't gonna care about it
just basically showing you what the card
is most of my fans out there you know
what it is I use yours guy most people
look at this online this is pretty much
gonna just tell you if you've never had
a car door before in your life how to
stick it in the computer and connect to
your power connector so you don't blow
yourself or your house up alrighty then
then we get a case badge nice TV jailer
case badges are stick in front of your
case so team EVGA go alright
who else we got here alright that's it
um oh it looks like we got a giant
poster here ok
Oh a couple of things here so too bad
add stickers the maximum EVGA enthusiast
built and the maximum VG enthusiast
built in a different color so whatever
your thing they give you two badass
stickers to also apply to the outside of
your case and I think that we also have
a badass poster which when we move we
will attach to our new wallet we've been
doing all along
I think evj even goes that maybe it sent
that along as a nice election but
hopefully everybody
oh shit so I don't know I'll try to do
this is best for you folks so let's see
here I'll start off writing it down here
and I'll bring it up slowly so we can
scroll through and check out this poster
it says arm yourself with EVGA
pretty badass I'm trying to get you guys
can totally see it hope you guys can see
most of it but it's pretty awesome and
just cool because it's absolutely free
in the box how much better can it get
right exactly my thoughts - so you get
this nice and gently and try not to turn
it to mess it up and pull it back up and
get it all the way not waste your time
but let me just get it all the way there
all right
and beyond that you've got a nice little
case in here solid plastic all around
that's kind of interesting where they
have it in here solid plastic let's see
all the connectors are down here you go
right there
okay there's nothing underneath there so
the boy had put that elbow knee as well
here are the connections that come with
it I will go ahead and open the hood see
folks can see them all right you've got
your two 6-pin tape n cable right here
anybody needs that it's included in
there and once again we see the same
thing so if your power supply doesn't
support it you only have the six pin
you're going to be set with these two
things which you're going to need to do
then you need to power guitar now all
the other cards I've looked at so far
you guys know have only had a single
power connector some weddings answers
all the tendons it'll be two power
here you bring it out nice and silver oh
yeah now Freck no let's just do this
backwards now this back place just too
badass to ignore get this big old
plastic sheet off of here look at that
man that is one bad ass back plate look
at a lot of people complain too now this
time I want to note here a lot of people
complain that the back plates that are
on cards trap the heat inside of them
and actually cause the car to overheat
so evj is taking note of this obviously
and put slips back here in the back so
that the heat can dissipate out the back
of the car
thumbs up for that idea and we all know
how I love a solid back got it upside
down PCI slots right there flip it
around the back you guys can see all of
the heat pipes once again the I guess
gotta spin it over the EVGA logo is
there you guys can see all the massive
heat pipes and everything running
through the card very thick PCB running
throughout it on the top all heat fins
run along the side of the card you guys
can see the heat pipes all running
through this is dissipating all the heat
away into those and the fans blow it
away taking the fans air system and blow
all that heat away from your card and
out of the system so flip it around over
here EVGA GeForce GTX 1080 and hey what
do you know the first non found addition
card that we've seen that requires two
power connectors this ships for
overclocking there are two a pin power
connectors on here and you know this
fucker is made to overclock like a
son-of-a-bitch that's right that's
probably why they call it the FTW down
the old days folks FTW meant a lot
different thing that does nowadays now
FTW is like for the win some you will
pull people out there might remember
what it used to mean it's kind of tricky
there's actually multiple pieces of
plastic on this I'm trying to remove it
all to get it here I don't think I'm
going to screw with that right now but
there is actually some more plastic on
here and try to remove as much of it as
I can on the card for you folks I didn't
actually know if there's plastic
everywhere on
let me just go ahead and take a second
everybody can't get all this plastic
stuff off because none of us really want
to see that at all I don't want to see
it so let's get it off there I have
still little bit on here we're not going
to mess with that but you guys can see
like I said - eight pin power connector
hence with these adapters a four in case
your power supply it doesn't use it on
the front the card you guys can see they
have the AC X 3.0 little thing there
thus for their cooling EVGA logo the GTX
2 fans the color schema this is just
absolutely awesome it looks really
incredible I think people out there who
doing custom builds are going to like it
I know why people build a lot of red
theme builds they've been a lot of tons
of red theme builds tons of green theme
builds this build excuse me build this
is kind of neat having that silver
chroma schluck and the black it just
looks badass you can make some really
cool industrial looking builds with this
car now last but not least you have the
rear i/o we have a single DVI single
HDMI and three display ports just like
all the other cards that are out there
so you can use multi monitor technology
at your discretion what I think you're
going to find really incredible however
about the FTW Edition is its clock
here's a 1721 megahertz base clock and
an 1860 megahertz boost clock and with
the way this card is built you're going
to have plenty of room for overclocking
just like the other card it features
eight gigabytes of gddr5 X memory and is
a 10,000 megahertz effective memory
bandwidth now as far as the FTW sizes
then you guys can see I have the card
sitting right next to each other and
this card is definitely definitely
taller than the founders edition card as
far as its height goes is 128 point 631
millimeters it has a length of two
hundred sixty six point seven
millimeters and its width is a dual slot
design just like all the other cards and
like I said before this car does have
two eight pin power connectors and has a
minimum of 500 watt power supply is
recommended and the total power draw is
215 watts from this card so that's it
folks that's everything comes in the Box
man the card itself that stuff amazingly
enough no driver CD now in the last
video you guys said Wow privacy does not
important well obviously hey guys these
guys agree with you because there's no
driver CDs and it is true
multiple things are done online you can
go down the latest drivers off their
website or off the EVGA site
excuse me off the Nvidia
or up BBG a site art folks so there you
have it the unboxing of the EVGA FTW for
the win Edition which is one of their
bad Asus versions of their cards like I
said you can pretty much only go liquid
cool to get anything better than this
it's like the air cooled Supreme Being
of the world I know you guys are asking
where the score is a lot of stuff I said
chill out will have the score for both
this and the gigabyte g1 coming very
very soon where is changing the test
platform and getting everything ready
for you guys so we can test a shit ton
of games you guys want to see 25 30
games tested just children just a second
and we'll have that but for right now if
you want to see more about this card or
purchase one we'll have a link down
there below where you guys can see them
down like button hopefully you guys will
go Bruce Lee Chuck Norris and all those
badass guys on that like button I'm our
cue been watching techo tomorrow and
we'll see you guys back here for more
killer videos 10 70s and just more cool
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