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The NVIDIA 10 Series Laptops: Everything You Need to Know!

Tech fans what's up elric here once again on TECA tomorrow we've got some awesome news coming from Team Green today those fans the GTX 10 series video cards you are in for a nice surprise because now that entire series of video cards is moving over to the laptop world that's right so now portable gaming is going to get complete GTX 1060 1070 and 1080 notebooks that's right and what's the most awesome thing about this I think is that gone gone gone are the series of em that's right these are no longer going to be mobile chipset laptops you will get full Pascal that's right baby everything that you got with Pascal before Ansel all those special features that they get are all going to be in this new series of 10 gaming laptops and there's just so many things that have been redesigned about it to make it really really appealing things like overclocking directly out of the box that's right in videos working with their partners so that you're going to get even more performance possibly out of your laptop then you're going to be able to get even out of your desktop because there'll be a lot of different things that are going on all of the electronics everything that has to do with the electronic engineering is being completely done from the ground up inside of these new 10 series notebooks this way you'll be able to game and go on the go gaming for a long period of time even though i don't have performance numbers right here in my hot hands you guys have seen Pascal has surely surpassed Maxwell in every capacity and you're seeing about two times better performance on the new laptops then you were the previous generation so that just means bitter gaming all around another crazy thing about this launch is nvidia is told all of us that they have spent actually more money on this launch than almost anything that they've ever done before they're going to be millions and millions of laptops released and these things will be released actually tomorrow morning so if you guys check back on the site tomorrow morning i'll actually have links to all the products and all these laptops will be V already and some will be as thin as 18 millimeters thick and as light as four pounds plus with a bunch of new games being released for VR the time for portable VR is getting better all the time now you can actually have a space battle while sitting on top of Mount Everest in previous generation laptops 60 Hertz was basically the target that every was trying to hit well guess what that's all in the past now on these new series of notebooks they're going to feature g-sync and have a hundred and twenty Hertz and even more refresh rate so that's pretty killer in the desktop world 25 x 14 monitors are very very popular and now nvidia with the 10 series will be the first laptops in the world to feature 25 x 14 displays and on this screen shot right here you guys can see the performance at both 120 hertz gaming and at 4k gaming and even though all the games aren't over 60 frames per second and 4k gaming you can still see there's some awesome numbers for portability in the beginning video I talked to you guys about overclocking laptops well in the past everything got so hot and everything that you could barely even overclock the laptops to 100 megahertz but with Pascal laptops you'll be able to overclock up to 300 megahertz and maybe even more depending on the configuration from the manufacturer and that's what I think is just really awesome manufacturers making complete notebooks that are geared from the ground up for not only running killer but also to be overclockable on the go okay so so far we can see that all the specs and everything or looking killer all the features VR works all that stuff is all coming with this but what about battery life because hey what we're talking about here is portability and laptops right well battery life has been increased dramatically and NVIDIA is going to release their brand new battery boost now the previous battery boost had some problems with it all the issues were poor brought to their attention and fixed and now tomorrow well actually the 16th there should be a brand-new Patchett's come out which will fix all that now what the battery boost does it allows you to play your game and set certain settings in the game to make your battery last longer so say if you're at home you know you play with everything said it it's extreme because you've got that plug from the wall but you want to go on the road and still play so what you can do is you can go inside the game and change the parameters of the game and change everything in there to make it so your laptop can play your games and play them for a lot longer while you're on the go virtual reality is no longer something that people are just talking about virtual reality is now actually reality in gaming it's not quite as far as like a holodeck and Star Trek but it's getting there ever so slowly and right now NVIDIA has 30 games that they're working on for their VR works program including this killer game called raw data which I hear a lot of people are playing and liking it also people are asking hey will Ansel be available in this yes I just want to clarify this completely across the board everything that you can get on the desktop GTX 1080 1070 and take 60 everything from the GDR 5x memory to the GDR 5 memory to everything like Ansel which is Ansel is really cool you can actually go into a game with ansel take pictures edit those pictures and you can go back into it in VR and even if you didn't take the shot in VR you can see the entire picture in VR which is really really crazy and you can also go and stop the game and while you're in game you can stop it and cheat like hell move your character around take a picture of it and then adjust it and you can even capture it in direct 360 mode so you can see it in complete 360 so for those people wondering hey am I getting a laptop but am I getting cut short no this is one of the absolute most incredible features that I think about the 10 series notebooks no more M chipset when you buy one of these 10 series notebooks you're getting full pascal full video card stuff and what were you here is rumored is like i said is because these things are going to be geared from the ground up it's possible that some of these notebooks will be faster than even some of the desktops that we see on the market now obviously you're going to be able to build an x 99 giant system and they're not going to have that but for anybody who's doing i5 i7 the competition is going to be very very very scary and very stiff especially for Team Red what do they got for laptops and last but not least before i bounce out of here and videos claiming that they now have a notebook for every user and here in this very last screenshot you can see the different specs that are being offered on launch date which will be tomorrow august 16 I'm elric you guys been watching teka tomorrow they'll be links below to some of the information over the nvidia site and tomorrow morning I'll have links to all these notebooks as they get released around the world we'll see you guys back here on the channel looking forward to getting me a hold of one of those uh ten share your notebooks you know what I mean know what I mean
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