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The New iPad (3rd Generation) 4G LTE Hands on Demo

hello and welcome back once again to the teco tomorrow youtube channel i know request your host and today we're going to be bringing a first look hands-on on the new third-generation ipad that's right this thing in my hand actually has more pixels per square inch than this thing behind me actually a million more pixels pretty incredible stuff now you guys although this new iPad was announced the other day the model that I have here in my hands is the 4g LTE model this is the 18 t model now my friend Jonathan actually owns this thing lent to me said he's going to exchange it and actually get one for verizon since they guess he thinks that AT&T sucks but the purpose of today's video we're going to jump buy into this this thing has 2048 x 1536 resolution all on this little screen we talked about it last week this features the new a5x processor nose is a dual core processor that features quad-core graphics I know that some of you people out there had a lot of questions about this but to clarify that's what it is having a dual core processor actually allows the system to run a lot longer and have much better battery life you get 10 hours of normal battery life but if you actually use the 4g capabilities you get only nine hours now this one right here this is the 32 gigabyte model that's in my hand and basically today we're just going to jump it is we're actually just going to show you some of the nice easy games that are on this thing to play now I know this thing costs around seven hundred dollars that's very expensive ooh pricele pricey but it also has a lot of features so for those folks out there who are fans of the Apple products this is a really cool one let's jump in and take a look at the couple of the games on this here cool little ipad 3rd generation alright so check it out folks this is sky gamblers air supremacy the dogfight one going to go ahead and just press in here and start playing the game now the controls are all on the screen use this to fly around move around void missiles yeah so I'm finally kicking a little bit of but in this game not the most easiest game I've ever played to be honest with you but I suppose it just takes practice I'm sure all the kids out there were probably kicking ass on it and thinking I'm a lame duck now we're gonna do a little racing folks this is one the latest racing games they have on here let this little intro here you guys can see the graphics look pretty cool almost like Need for Speed a couple jens beck so there we go to HD real racing or to rhd real racing so I've never played this before so they're offering me a rookie bonus of twenty-five thousand dollars since I'm broke as a joke i'll go ahead and take their cash so they're offering me a Volvo I don't like Volvo's volkswagen golf that's even worse but I guess what the heck alright we'll go for a golf there we go all right folks let's just do a little quick race here and just check out this little game writer and see how it does so it's really worried about this folks is that this thing like this it's not weird but there's a gyro inside of this thing so that you're actually your iPad is actually the steering wheel I mean it's kind of a cool idea i'm still kind of getting used to the controls on this thing but it's pretty fun still cut a little corner right here that's right big daddy's on his way in if i don't crash out i personally like this game quite a bit this one's actually kind of fun it's not what I'm used to but it's pretty fun to play I'm not sucking too bad I guess I'm mini-dome whoa okay i had an ipad crash there whoa alright guys so here we go from the second lap I'm still racing around this little thing trying to figure the steering went out I'm getting better hit that fool get him out of my way got on my way fool I pity the fool gets in my way now get out of my way I got to tell you guys things are so trippy using this thing as a steering wheel I mean obviously a great idea just takes some getting used to I've moved up to a crappy sixth place on the final lap see if i can get my positioning a little better here got to fifth place I know it sucks still but a my first time playing this thing my mac but he may all it look really really easy and I guess it is pretty easy I'm just not used to it it's kind of weird because the thing accelerates on its own and I don't know how to do anything else really honor to accelerate it or anything to make it go faster so I feel like I'm kind of stuck at whatever speed it's making me go at not only Tempe about that but oh here we go in fourth place fourth place fourth place oh can we do it can we do it oh can we do it I'm in third place folks I am in third place here we go race complete so I took number three not too shabby for my first time on the track all right guys let's take a look at one more game on here this is for the sports fans out there this is foosball you guys know that's where you'll get crazy and drunk in the bar and play some football so I'll play the old one player game foosball right listens kind of I suppose somebody's gonna like this but for me foosball was just kind of half susina a little floozy on the floozy I'm trying to score point here so we can show you guys some points here but yeah whoa yeah finally scored a goal here all right whatever but he right here we go try it again I'm moving my fingers all running screens crazy if he's got to keep moving around moving around like a little finger workout going on here oh well folks that's about it for foosball i'm not a big foosball fan first place because this is one more the games we're showing you on here oh those red bastards scored a goal against me i guess i just plainly suck at this anyways but hey guys this is just showing you guys a few games now all of these games you showed you these are all the high-resolution retina based games for kids and stuff out there this will probably really popular me i'm the pc gamer i probably would never really use this unless i was in an airport or something if I actually owned one I borrowed this from a friend of mine thanks a lot to my friend tldtoday for lending me this thing thanks a lot Jonathan but that's it you guys saw this is the new ipad 3rd generation 2048 x 1536 screen a million more pixels more than my HDTV in my living room so that's it see you folks back here on tech of tomorrow
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