today's video is brought to you by
Braintree ripto so about now you're
asking yourself at the bazaar doing what
is a red devil
okay well power car finally sent us the
car gloom waiting for this is the red
devil rx4 Eddie the first aftermarket
card that we have seen in house we've
been asking everybody but but no one
seems to have these damn cards so we
finally got this card has some really
cool feature which we'll talk about as
we go through the thing basically this
card is a cherry pick gold motherfrakker
everything on here is the best of the
best the best it ain't gonna be like any
of those reference forward dates that
we've seen all that stuff's in the past
overclocking should be good so I really
hope that it is I know you're hoping
with me but let's go ahead and let's see
what comes in the box and then we'll
hand it off to our testing guys to the
testing and then we'll bring you all the
results but for today let's just see
what it is I think it's actually pretty
big and pretty devilish
so okay for you a hardcore folks will
first check out the front of the box
yada yada yada nice black box 15 the Red
Devil nomenclature power color oh yes
I'll indeed in the front of the box on
the back of the box just something that
features about their triple fans you
know two times ball bearings four times
the longevity twenty or twenty percent
of longevity four times probably quieter
super cool fans all that kind of stuff
you'll see when I unbox the damn car
that's pretty much it the end of the
thing i nose cap and at the other end
just some more nomenclature nothing more
than that
so beyond that let's just take the card
out of the box and let's check the damn
card out and see what we're getting
ourselves into
now one thing my guys is says they said
damn dude this card is big so obviously
we know this thing's gonna come with a
freaking massive brick and fan with like
I think is eight heat pipes in this
thing to me charcoal pop the cap here
alright there once again we have box
ception on the box within the box and
since we got the new guy Richard behind
the camera don't you think it's time
that I start throwing at him I do
missed him by
much alright so here we go so here's the
box in the box in the box pot exciting
stuff oh yeah more boxes
how are you exciting stuff with more
boxes yeah alright so here more boxes
and boxes check that out alright and
then we get the card blah I'm gonna pull
it up for the side just real quick yeah
get out the bed of God okay so we got in
here oh wow I never knew this and
devil has his own damn business card the
things he's gonna pass out business
cards of people hi I'm the devil let's
do business
Disney supposed to be like a father of
lies anyway sorry moving on so what do
we got we had Satan's business card
let's do business reminds me of an old
Rolling Stone song which startled my
talking about pump it off to the side
put together okay that's pretty much it
it does look like there's any cables or
cords inside of here it's empty so we
get the CD the card say the business
garden alright to the drivers rather and
then somehow to do it how do I do this
alright get that crap out of the way as
well let's look at the card itself the
Red Devil now you guys saw our devil 13
video that was one bad card for him rock
and there's a little bit different now
let's talk about something different now
you guys saw the reference card and
there were a lot of comments from a lot
of people out there who said man no DVI
port are you serious like my um honor
doesn't have that cuz you know like I've
said many times lots of people have
older equipment and still want to stick
brand-new shitness it's just how it is
man you got a Volkswagen I could throw a
v8 in it that's what people think they
do it but here
get a nice DVI port so no problem there
and so beyond the DVI port you get three
display ports in a single HDMI pretty
much the same configuration that most
people out there are using now we have
these new three fans on the front right
here you see one two three these are
called blade three just like blade
movies there was only three of them then
after that
or Snipes but these things are gonna
definitely put a lot a lot of air
pressure in the card underneath it heat
pipes heat fins copper pipes permeating
throughout the card it's kind of hard to
see these guys actually have this card
pretty damn buttoned up even on the side
right here you can see you can't really
see too much of the card PCI slot on the
bottom then we're gonna go Lou it around
the top right here you guys can see we
have the devil nomenclature and then a
single eight pin power connector and
also another thing that's really cool
about this card is there are two
different modes on this card for
overclocking and you can switch the bios
back and forth which is really cool
because if you screw up a BIOS when
you're doing an overclocking you can put
the other BIOS flash that BIOS back to
where it's working and repairable and
you can have those dual BIOS is working
both together so it's a great design
I think gigabytes one the very first
people that ever did it but it's a great
idea so hey why not jump on it also no
longer are we seeing any kind of
crossfire fingers on an AMD card
anything with crossfire is done all
through the motherboard now so we're not
too worried about that whatsoever
and with the additional power that
should get to the eight pin power
connector overclocking on this card
should be amazing it's actually as a
boost clock speed of thirteen hundred
megahertz just right out of the box so
that's pretty insane also check out the
back of this card it's badass now I know
there's gonna be a bunch of people out
there who are like you know metalheads
or so-called Satan worshippers and you
know you guys are probably gonna laugh
at this because like look it it's got
your little design right here so you
guys can all sit around put candles
inside of the room then put the card in
the senator and go oh whatever Satan
worshippers do I've got part of that
club sorry but awesome back plate
nonetheless now this card is also pretty
damn long the card actually sizes in at
12.2 inches long like that's more than
pornstar material there it's actually
five inches high and features a dual
slot design just like almost all the
other cards out there on the market and
what's really incredible though about
the red devil card is it has a boost
clock speed right out of the box of
thirteen thirty that's pretty amazing so
thirteen thirty megahertz rout of the
the overclocking is even better and
pretty much the exact specs that you saw
though on a reference card are pretty
much the same here it's the same eight
gigabytes of gddr5 memory the base clock
is the same the only thing is the
differences this is all you know
completely cherry-pick parts it's got an
eight pin power connector this card is
just basically geared for overclocking
and before we wrap up today's video I
want to give a special shout out to the
people over at Braintree for make in
today's video possible even the best
mobile app will not work unless you have
the proper payment API and that's where
these folks come in to solve all your
problems this is where brain trees V
zero SDK comes in one amazingly simple
integration gives you every way to pay
it supports Android iOS and JavaScript
clients and it offers a simple
integration that you can do in minutes
if this sounds good to you try it out
for yourself in the sandbox all you
gotta do is go WWE bring three payments
dot-com /t ot so overall this card is
extreme it's made to be extreme I mean
look at the car so now we're gonna take
it test it see how far this thing can
overclock you guys happen to miss our
last video and overclocking to 1060 that
thing that Founders edition 225
megahertz overclocked 700 megahertz on
the memory can the Red Devil do that
I think we're about to find out
anyways for more information on this
down there below that like button
whether we can purchase this card and
all that other good stuff hopefully you
liked the video we'll see you back on
the channel I'm mark and you've been
watching take a tomorrow
Red Devil what's that yeah
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