The T-Virus - $1300.00 Gaming PC Build + Vertical GPU?
The T-Virus - $1300.00 Gaming PC Build + Vertical GPU?
what's up Tech fans especially you AMD
fans because today's video is dedicated
to you let's check out the t-virus a
1,300 hour gaming system that kicks ass
so from the outside in first off is the
genome case is that awesome
liquid-cooled case we checked out a few
weeks ago and believe it or not the
liquid cooler keeps the CPU really cool
for the motherboard we have two gigabyte
978 s UD 3p and for the CPU it's the AMD
Black Edition
8350 and right here you guys can see a
shot of how awesome that liquid cool
looks attached to the board for a memory
we have 16 gigabytes of Patriot VIPRE
this is to 8 gigabytes tix for the boot
drive we chose a 240 gigabyte intel SSD
for the main storage drive a WD 1
terabyte for the power supply the
Corsair RM 750 X and for the video card
it's the XFX r9 390 and lastly for those
folks out there want to keep their
legit we've even included a copy of
Windows 10 on a USB stick which makes
installation really really fast so those
are the parts that make up this system
but you guys can see this system looks
really incredible on the inside plenty
of room for expansion the liquid cooler
built into the system looks very very
nice the hard drives mattered in the
cage in the front we see the SSD mounted
on the back and overall everything about
this system is just a totally killer
awesome looking build you guys can see
we paid great attention to cable
there's no wiry cables in the way so the
airflow is completely able to travel
through the case but the absolute
coolest thing about this build is the
vertically mounted a 390 video card you
guys can see this just looks dope
it makes the system bang and bling with
all kinds of cool shits I haven't added
additional lights I plan on doing that
but even right now the entire system is
a totally entirely clean build and with
that vertically mounted video card the
is just looking gangsta
now obviously you guys can see this
system looks badass there's no doubt
about it I'm sure somebody's gonna be
out there it's gonna hate give us a
little comment but you know what
I don't care cuz I know this thing just
looks badass that's all there is
to it
but looks are only superficial does this
PC actually run really well what really
does the whole time that we've been
filming the video it's been running in
the background and even right now I have
the fans turned on it they're like
frickin super freakin loud thing and
they're not that loud and even if you
turn them down this is completely silent
the system still runs pretty damn well
if you're doing like really a whole
bunch of video card game playing all day
long you might want to turn the fans up
just to keep it running close with all
the background stuff playing you're not
gonna hear them anyways I know some
people complain but it's running really
nice quiet and it's really cool you guys
will see right here so we've ran a bunch
of different tests summon your standard
you know resolution for you guys out
there with a 1920 by 1080 we've got some
of those resolutions for you but we
actually ran two tests in the full 34 40
by 1440 that actually goes to this
monitor back here so you guys can see it
all and that is Ashley the singularity
which is the direct x12 and we also ran
firestrike which is a 3d mark test and
we ran both of those the full resolution
so we have those scores as well so
without anything else let's check out
that out let's rock out to the benchmark
see these scores and you guys be
surprised when you guys see the
temperature even at max even if max
fully blown out we jump right out of the
game that we've been playing for a while
hop into the temperatures still lower
than body temperature on the GPU so
obviously this internal liquid cooler
that's on the genome it is working
they've been asking me for weeks
he'll Rick how's it working how is it
working how is it working well actually
you guys will be surprised it actually
does work pretty well a lot of people
complain about the 2 $49 price and the
case but think about it you're getting
that case and you're getting that liquid
cooler liquid core is about 149 to $189
opinion you're going with so all in all
those numbers actually add up and are
very very feasible so let's rock out to
the benchmark and let's check that
alright so there you guys have it the
t-virus the $1,300 AMD system built to
the hilt and looking bad ass to like
usual I want to see all your guys's
comments down below what you guys think
about the system and everything
personally I think it came out very well
I'm very surprised at how well the
genome internal coolers working like I
said you guys saw me show you guys the
screenshots of all that stuff that this
thing runs really cool below body
temperature even when you're fully
playing games for a long time and I
think that's really a decent cooling I
mean come on it's not like you got you
know some kind of crazy cooler you've
got liquid cooling and that's always
gonna have something to do with the
temperature of your room and everything
else so overall it's working pretty damn
well I got to give that a thumbs up
right off the bat that vertically
mounted video card I don't know what you
guys say hey you guys said we want to
see it I brought to the table so tell me
what the frak do you guys think about
that I think it looks pretty damn cool
but you guys be the judge like usual all
these parts we listed down below now
take this also with a grain of salt all
the prices we're gonna be down below our
link to our Amazon account and we thank
you guys when you guys purchase from
that because actually you know it does
help us out and helps T ot run so we
appreciate you hats off and a salute to
all of you out there who do that kind of
stuff but I will say in all honesty if
you shop around you could probably get
this system down to about $1100 if you
go out and search around look on eBay
look at something go to Micro Center you
can get the motherboard and see if you
in a combo Micro Center for much less
than you can get it you know through
Amazon but then you got to go out in
public and go deal with a bunch of stuff
so you know these price you could say
are the convenience prices everything in
this system you can go down below click
on that get it build it make it yourself
and have the same exact PC that we have
here in house and you can build your own
t-virus system i'm Elric you guys been
watching teka tomorrow i hope you guys
like the vid you guys know what to do
with that like button if you did so it
if you're not sub button heym
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