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The Truth About AMD's Ryzen CPUs Beyond The Bullshit!

all right Tech fans welcome once again to a rock condition of tech of tomorrow we're going to talk about AMD's rising CPU so let's go with a little song shall we hey em he is risin hey ma'am ye in yo face hey em C in risin hey em he will win this day so let me unplug my guitar real quick early turn the volume down all right just a quick improv on AMD funk just you know thoughts go out it's okay alright everybody so now that we got the guitar equipment out of the way we tried to film with a goal but it started going I have a tampon like almost literally I had it 110 if it could have gone to 11 I would have turned that to 11th and none of this will go to 11 but 10 was my maximum so first off before we again let's talk about the AMD rise and all stuff about it let's first talk about the last video that I did where some people out there seem to be very offended by some of the things I said and didn't quite understand what I was saying first of all I was giving no hate or any animosity towards any fans of AMD whatsoever I'm a fan of AMD I love all technology as should you I have no loyalty to any brand so if you're a brand out there and you think I'm looking on your ballsack I'm sorry I'm just not that's not my thing I love technology I love Nvidia I love Intel I love course there I love Kingston I love any company out there who's pushing technology so if you have a brand new technological product and it's badass then I guess you could say that's what I'm a fan blade of I'm a fanboy of new technology I don't give a hell who makes it so let's get that off the table I love AMD just as much as anybody else may make cool stuff I am down that's what we were to talk about now we got all of our stuff for doing all of our testing we even got the test kit from AMD you can see a little box back there they only sent me a 1,700 and I bought the other one so I guess that works out it would've been cool if they gave them to me all because I would have been able give them to you but unfortunately that's not how it's going to be so I've watched video you guys have all seen videos in the test scores from everybody like we got all of our stuff late you know that there is an accident we've worked it out with AMD they finally sent in my test kit but as far as the scores go on launch day I got completely skunked on that which sucks because I know you guys want to see all my scores but honestly I've watched so many videos out there and there are a lot of sites that I do trust like I trust Paul's hardware I trust pit wit like I worked with these guys these guys are really solid trusted guys I've never really heard of Jay doing any crazy stuff like I don't really know Linus all that well but the guys that I know in the group that I'm with that we hang out with like I don't think any of those guys would honestly bring you guys dishonest scoring I really don't I would never do it and I don't believe they would either now are there some people who did of course though I saw even before the launch guys who had scores up that we're showing you know the AMD risin going you know completely above and if CP you could ever imagine and there were people doing that but I would never do that but with that said let's just talk to a quick about something everybody's talking about oh my god you know this and that they're still spreading rumors all in all the AMD risin is a success it is success totally so first of all I want to talk about the processing power because many people they play games but they don't really think about a lot of the other things that they're doing on their computer they take that for granted and they're just like oh yeah it runs so whatever but when it comes to doing content creation this means doing all your videos editing music doing all of that stuff the Rison is an unbelievable hands-down huge success the only thing that can really kick its ass the 6950 that cost a ton of more money anything that Intel's got anywhere near the price range AMD is just straight-up it's kicking its ass it's just this that's the way it is so if you're like if you happen to be an Intel fanboy and you don't care about anything else that you're fanboy ism then I'm sure you just be like ass whatever but the numbers they don't lie you know content creation is a lot more important you think as when I say that that's like doing any type of thing you could be editing you could be playing with music you could be listening to music being on the internet and just doing all kinds of things and the more your CPU can handle all that stuff the better your system is going to be so right off the bat as far as the CPU being a please success you know that it is the 1700 is a great price point you can get that thing for $329 it comes with its pan so that's obviously going to be the entry level for people who want to jump in and get a rise in CPU and they just want to have it now that's it some people say that the eyes that excuse me the 7-series Pat one more time the five series and the three series are really going to be where the sweet spot set but for right now just for raw horsepower and doing everything hey the seven series of AMD's Rison are doing very kick-ass thumbs up I got a hand to him it's a cool thing there's really no disputing it I don't care who you like so let's just get that gone now as far as gaming goes okay Nvidia and their GPU Department and a and B and their CPU department are also having problems in the 1080i resolution don't ask me why there's just like bottleneck stuff going on with one the other one doesn't support it that well but let's talk about 4k gaming now I know a lot of people out there don't have a ton of money and they just can't go blow money and spend money to get you know the best of the best so with that said are a few frames per second like in gaming and doing gaming really mean all that to you and if you don't have a 4k monitor you honestly plan on getting a 4k monitor because let's just kind of break this out if you're a 1080 monitor guy you've only got a 1080p monitor that's all you've got the rise ins not going to be that great of a thing for you it's not going to be really competitive against Intel they're going to be kind of you know getting their butt kick honestly that's just in 1080 but if you haven't a 4k monitor and all that stuff well there's only actually a few frames per second maybe five Payton to me that's really not a big deal to say oh you know what I'm going to go spend more money on it and tell CPU just buy it just for those frames per second it makes absolutely no sense to me now as things improve around the CPU because AMD see Felix's face it it's brand-new optimization will keep coming as well as a 1080i everything is going to keep advancing as we go down the line so obviously it's going to get a even better as we go along so as they release the 5 Series in the 3 Series hopefully when they do that they'll have been fixing all the problems are in it and you'll get your absolute best performance that so at the end of the day I have to say that AMD's rise in what I've seen so far is absolutely cool it's fitting the price is $500 it's not their most expensive CPU they have ever had they've had more expensive ones it's right there in the pocket but if you're a person out there and you do a lot more computing than just gaming and you still do 4k gaming there's really nothing to complain about honestly probably getting the realizin CPI was well I'm gonna be honest with you guys though rolling off my tongue now that I did my joking thing about it I always want to say risen I just do I always want to take it like they've risen but I'll stick with you guys and that's is anybody Apso rising so there we go I'm trying to think what else I really just want to get across to you guys so basically if you can sacrifice a few frames per second in 4k and your 4k gamer you're good damn go if you're building a brand new system out of the barrel you're good to go also some of the new motherboards they're coming out you guys can see there's a bunch of and back behind me now we're going to do different system builds like I said all three CPUs don't really turn my back on you but I got all three CPUs up here you guys can see the case back here hopefully you guys can see it you can see I have various motherboards from Asus from MSI from gigabyte so what three different systems one for the 1800 one for the 1700 alright the X X and then the 1700 vanilla I want to hear from you guys though is how you want to see these systems done now obviously we already have this case for the biggest and baddest back here we have another case that's around there somewhere the Shogun will be doing within that we haven't actually chose the case for the vanilla 1700 yet so I want to know what you guys have to say down below for the 1800 X system what do you guys want to see in a price range so please leave your comments below also I'll make a little poll which you guys can answer later on the video telling me what you guys want to see because I actually you guys the fans and I want to bring you guys with you guys really want so communicate with me because I'm not a mind-reader either of you let's learn together about everything so that just about wraps it up folks that is the absolute truth about AMD's Rison it is a really killer cpu who really gives a frakkin ass but a few frames per second now obviously like I said if you only have a monitor that does 1080 me well there's really no difference at that point between hippie Intel and the Rison at all I mean there's really not they're going to be pretty much neck and neck you are going to see a few better frames per second on the Intel side I'm to be honest with you about that at the lower res but hopefully with the optimizations everything AMD will figure all these things out so that's the truth I hope you can hear it and deal with it I'm Network you've been watching Tekken tomorrow like usual we'll have links down below to more information about this and we'll see you background check in tomorrow as you start building these systems and bring lots of scores to the table with different variations we're going to be building systems using dual 1080 eyes and SLI and we'll also be doing them with two of the Red Devils I got a pair of Red Devil for you to stick in there so we'll have those in crossfire when Vega gets here obviously since everything's cooled AMD you guys will see Vega here on my channel it will actually be on time this time so peace out everybody glad to see you guys here hope that all reps everything up you guys are cool because I want to be cool with you later
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