what's up Tech fans it is 2019 CVS we
are here upon my old friends from a Zeus
and they're going to be showing us this
crazy laptop that pretty much does
everything under the Sun is kind of a
really unique thing so let's let him
talk and show us his product because it
actually is something really cool right
yes it's one of the best I think so
desktop replacement I think I work
you're familiar with our G 701 I don't
have big thick desktop replacements
there's a market for people want to be
able to have the top of line stuff in
one laptop or in a form factor that they
can carry around so a few years ago our
D team and we're getting some experience
with dual GV laptops how can you get
more performance how can we cool it
better or try to flip it upside down and
and put the bottom part up in the air
and said oh wow we get it a lot that it
cooling a lot better performance how can
we translate this into another desktop
please so this is what we came up with
nine years later there are a few
mothership and this things death down
right it's got art it's full card
everything inside
nine two six four four games I ran we
have three times five 12 gigs rates your
are a whole PCIe so you get 80 700
megabytes read speeds our eight point
seven gigabytes a second read speeds so
this Jane just flat-out you got all the
specs of any major desktop would have
all in the silver unit and there's a lot
of cool things but this we were watching
some of your demos what homeless do but
this thing's really unique you think
it's kind of a laptop you're gonna pick
it up it's got a couple feet at the
bottom here and you put on the hard
surface and roll it over so you're gonna
have the kickstand that comes out there
it's like a Harley you can go ahead and
set it down and you're gonna flip the
keyboard down from the top so keyboards
nice and 2.5 millimeter ki travel so
it's a nice keyboard but we know that
gamers do like their mechanical
keyboards or they like to reposition
their keyboards so of course we made it
Wireless and detachable as well as you
can still go Y it with the USB C port or
charge it up that way too and that is
totally cool and they sit where you'd
like you can set it off to the side and
use your own mechanical keyboard as we
suspect a lot of people will do when
they bring this at home
this new design is also it allowed us to
put boy these peacefully nice and really
yeah this is like old-school IBM yeah
this is like old-school IBM start man
this is change the kid I mean having to
break these little touch pads for
playing games I thought of a mouse but I
don't think I'd replace the keyboard
it's good really nice we design
shirts right throw with the cameraman
actually stand consistently we're
thinking about eight hours eight hours
and we connect magnetically those are
speakers yeah so we got 400 watt
speakers so you got 16 watts of speakers
so that's more than some TVs it's more
than you're gonna get on any of the
desktop replacements so on top of being
able to bring down the sides by penny
I'm saying throw down the wait a little
bit have a much better audio excursion
where's hello facial recognition
design benefits we have quality back
panelists in air it's a tremendous
corners on both sides of each top corner
and I was here Pentax thanks we're
getting some really good warning on this
is really really in the gap especially
since you can spray some turn into a
desktop I haven't seen any other really
laptop that's a light like that
whatsoever and it's really not that
heavy what's the total weight including
with the keyboard that premieres that
about 10 pounds
top 10 pounds so that just comes in a
little bit under our fully loaded
desktop replacements that are out on the
market now I really like the fact the
speakers are actually located in the
front do you know are there any type of
base type drivers in it as well as it's
just 54 full 1 speakers to put your
pushing out there
about 300 lies Thunderbolt 2.5 g like
Uther net it was well awesome what about
juicing come down so the panel is one of
the best parts so awesome we work with
it you have closely we're one of the but
they only to have 149 for response time
panels a lot before you're a millisecond
Jen a lot of 144 verse panels are
actually seven milliseconds or higher if
you work closely at that I do our three
milliseconds so we know that that's one
of the main points of gamers they want
those response time and it's enough it's
an IPS kind of which an IPS that was an
HPA so it is even better you can see
most of these that's incredible you guys
have we talked about the channel many
times about how you get the different
panels you you sacrifice certain
features such as response times this has
everything as a great screen and keep
your viewing angles
it's g-sync as well and so that's
another big thing is we have a
proprietary nice nice watch so some
people want to go to optimus mode or
usually you can't do that
even with the restart abuse which you go
back into Optima smoke so that I'll go
between the Intel integrated graphics
and Nvidia graphics or if you want to go
back to gaming okay so we're like doing
like a lot of American stuff yeah we
didn't want to like have your battery
run down by using that with the other
card you could use the onboard Intel you
know the all-important chipset for video
and your battery life will actually
probably last a lot longer
that's usually not possible geez like
laptops no no usually to sync it up and
that's it which is great for gaming but
kind of bad if you're doing a bunch of
business and on the road all day long -
the last thing I mentioned is Wi-Fi so
this is gonna have the newest Wi-Fi
standard 802 11 a X or Wi-Fi 6 consumer
friendly wife I said Wi-Fi 6 and then
why fight set antenna what you say why
fight sex that's what I'm hearing
I try not to the last thing is antenna
lies so a lot less you have two antennas
for what the whole frames intended you
have we have four antennas and then
we're gonna pick the two antennas that
have the best signal out of those four
depending on how the weights are
bouncing around in the environment they
scrolls through them all and then finds
the best connection that there isn't
units mechanisms when those uses those
to guarantee yet better Wi-Fi than what
some yes we don't have pricing will be
available in a few months it's gonna be
free you don't have rising yet so Joe
turbo tank it's not free free free you
can look at our desktop replacements and
kind of extrapolate from there will be a
little bit more than our top end that's
okay cool thank you so much for showing
us no problem let's see what else you
got alright let's go
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