hey there I see your journey has brought
you thus far to here and why are you
here what you guys are gonna find out
some secret stuff now right now we're
getting ready to go out and film a
battle video of some of your guys's
favorite video cards but during the
interim of that we need something for
you guys now we have all these systems
everybody submitted no last year to win
the prize for the coolest setup well
we've got our top contenders and what we
need from you is the votes that's right
we want to get those boats out so it's a
very fair contest those people so do you
do us and the people who submitted it
and you may be one of them anime you can
vote for yourself cheers to that I don't
care but hey please go over right now
while we'll film these other videos and
go and vote for these cats so the winner
can get their cool prize and everybody
will be stoked I gotta be honest - man I
am so burned out trying to bacon and
drink drink and by the way it's not a
sponsor just an energy drink
kind of tournament John said he likes it
was a brand new user for you on diet
yeah I got to be honest you for me just
taste like alright I won't be insulting
it just tastes not good but I'm drinking
anyway so I consider babies with high
energy drink it's here to pump me up so
go vote
Gavin see you later
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