To The Best Fans In The World - A Special Thank You!
To The Best Fans In The World - A Special Thank You!
on this particular video I don't really
know where to start because I'm so just
honestly blown away and overwhelmed by
the sheer amount of people showing their
concern from my health and all the
messages and I had to make this video to
tell you guys how much that really meant
to me so this video really is just a
total thank you to all the people out
there who sent me messages about my
health like it honestly makes a person
feel really good
I'll admit recently I've been thinking
about just getting off YouTube
completely because my Health's been bad
and stuff like that and plus the people
just leaving silly comments after a
while it just builds up but after the
enormous amount of support that I got
from you guys I have to say that whether
I'm the biggest channel in the world the
smallest Channel in the world you guys
are the absolute best fans that anybody
could ever have and I honestly thank you
guys from the bottom of my heart for all
the great messages that you guys sent me
now one of the common things that
everybody really said is to try medical
marijuana and so I'll admit I went and I
got something I got something called
Rick Simpson oil well I took it and I
woke up at 4 o'clock in the morning
feeling like I was hallucinating
literally I woke up I couldn't breathe
the whole room was just tripping out I
mean I thought I was having some kind of
demonic experience and I don't think
that Rick Simpson oil what's made
correctly is supposed to be making you
feel like you're higher than the Empire
State Building honestly I I mean back in
the day when I was turning with my
abandoned stuff I did every drug that
existed I smoked pot up tried heroin
I've drank I've done it all but I kind
of left that lifestyle behind and this
stuff hit me so strong that I was almost
like thinking hell am I having an acid
trip so I admit it did stop the shaking
pretty well and I'm probably gonna
search around for some place that
actually has some better RSO because the
true Rick Simpson oil stuff should
actually work to help curb my pain and
help curb the shaking but honestly I
don't feel comfortable being high
at all I just don't I don't maybe just
because I'm getting old or whatever but
being high isn't a state of my mind that
I really want anything to do with
anymore whatsoever so thank you guys
very much for that advice I will admit
it did stop the shaking so if I probably
get the proper stuff or maybe some
different edibles or something maybe
it'll work to help curb the pain and my
shaking now another thing a lot of
people said was the keto diet well I
tried the keto diet I really did I tried
it for two weeks and I felt like I was
just going to fall over that particular
diet doesn't work for me
I'm not eating a bunch of bad foods I
don't know punch people out there like
you know they're probably just the
trolls being their normal jerky cells
but saying oh you know I'm eating myself
to death but I really don't eat that bad
whatsoever very low sugar intake I could
probably up the green vegetables a
little bit I'll admit that but I
honestly man I hate salad I'm not a
rabbit and I don't dig rabbit food so
unless the salads got a bunch of other
stuff in it that makes it so it's really
not a salad anymore I'm just not a big
fan of salad and I do like green beans
and stuff like that so I'll be upping my
diet like that but it's not like I wake
up in the morning have a sugary
breakfast with pancakes and sausage and
all that stuff
that's not normally how how I eat
usually in the morning I usually have
just a piece of bread with some butter
on it and a cup of tea and then at lunch
time we usually get like a chicken
sandwich or something based around
chicken you know even geez the Karimun
he doesn't really eat that much red meat
so he's totally the chicken so sticking
to a chicken diet for me is pretty
easily to do I eat a lot of chicken
really I think I've had chicken in every
way there's a habit sliced diced baked
boiled broiled deep fried I mean I've
had chicken in every single solitary way
and honestly chicken does get boring it
really really does this weekend my son
Aaron came and visited me and I had a
really great visit with him we actually
went out to dinner for the first time
I'd eat what I would consider to be
probably a bad meal there's this place
called grandma's country kitchen and
it's like it's best it's actually a
fourteen miles from my house but the
food there is just to me unbelievably
good all of us around here love chicken
fried steak Ming GE and my son my room a
bill all this love chicken
at stake so on Saturday I had a meal of
chicken-fried steak it was chicken-fried
steak two eggs some potatoes and a
biscuit and gravy and I couldn't eat the
biscuit and gravy I don't know why
usually I love that but my stomach
wouldn't take it and that was honestly
the worst meal that I've eaten in a long
now middlee my diet probably could be a
little bit better I mean let's just face
it every single one of us in our lives
has room for improvement and the day
that you stop improving is the day you
become stagnant so I never really want
to become stagnant so I am always trying
to improve my diet but the keto diet
that just doesn't work for me starving
myself not eating meals trying to eat
just one meal or two meals a day and
there's another reason for this because
of all the medication that they have me
on the antibiotics and all this stuff
what was happening in the keto diet is I
was spending half of my time throwing up
or with diarrhea because I had so many
antibiotics and stuff in my stomach with
no food to back it up that it was
literally making me feel worse than ever
and I admit maybe some people can do
that diet but that honestly that's just
not for me
what I really need to focus on is eating
really more green vegetables more more
more green vegetables if I could make my
diet so during the day time I was
consuming a lot more spinach a lot more
kale and all kinds of stuff like that
that is with the direction that I'm
going to be heading I would really like
to try to see if I could become a
vegetarian you know I don't mean
hardcore I don't eat eggs or anything
like that I know there's some of these
people who get completely crazy with
that they won't eat anything that comes
from an animal and I'm not that hardcore
into it but I do think that there is
definitely room for improvement in my
diet and that's just how it should be
everybody should be able to improve but
at the end of the day I am really
concerned about my health really
concerned I've been sick for a long time
now it just it doesn't seem to be going
away and ever since I seemed him od'd on
taking the insulin I've had so much pain
in my chest and my shoulder that's got
me worried to death so I've made an
appointment now with a chiropractor so
I'm gonna go get my shoulder looked at
maybe get some x-rays and find it if I
really did some damage because breathing
in too right there hurts really bad and
I thought possibly it was COPD because
my uncle's passing away from that my
guitar player Jesse hunter his dad's
from that so a lot of people that I know
are literally dying of COPD right now
and that scared me but when I checked up
everything they said that basically was
when you breathe out that it's hurting
and that's not my problem my problem is
when I breathe in to about right there
it just feels like there's a giant
weight on my chest but letting the air
out doesn't hurt whatsoever so I don't
think I have that but honestly this
video was here for you guys as a thank
you to you guys
honestly all your emails all the warmth
and stuff that I thought I felt from you
guys honestly man it blew me away it
literally melted my heart in my chest I
admit I probably do let some of these
twelve-year-old kids and still make the
nasty comments I sometimes I probably do
let it get to me because like I'm a kind
of person I don't like to bring
negativity out and when I do there's a
really good reason for it
so if you see me making a video that's a
negative you know like when you want to
call it a background or to it there's a
reason for because I really don't like
negativity whatsoever I don't like it
directed towards me and I really don't
like to direct it towards anybody so if
you see that you can be well assured
that there's a reason for it
but you guys are the absolute most
amazing fans in the world
and I feel so blessed just to have you
guys your messages were very very well
received they touched my heart and I
could tell there are so many people out
there who'll actually care about what
I'm doing on the channel and that alone
just from that reinforced my wanting to
be a better youtuber so because of you
guys the fans even though I'm sick as a
dog all I'm thinking about in the back
of my head is I want to be a better
youtuber and bring you guys the absolute
best videos of anybody and also the best
and the most fairest videos so I've got
all of my stuff in for the risin two we
have the systems built we're doing the
testing everything I'm going to be doing
and I talked to Amy about this is going
to be based on dollar to dollar
comparisons and that is honestly the
most fair way to do something so if a
CPU cost $329 from AMD I'm going to try
to get the same exact price CPU from
Intel I'm gonna make sure that I set the
memory timings the same that we use the
same hard drives the same hardware so
that the tests are strictly based about
the performance of the CPU and at the
end of the day we'll see who's the
but I'm gonna be honest with you there's
really never ever a true total winner
usually one CPU will do something better
in some areas and one will do better
than others the same thing with gaming
if you see something out there that
usually shows just one thing wiping the
floor I would question that
because scores are back and forth they
really are there are some things that
everybody knows that an AMD CPU can do
better and some things that an Intel CPU
can do better and the real objectivity
is to test enough stuff so that you
cover all that different ground and show
the actual strengths and weaknesses of
those products I don't know where
anybody got confused in the end DVD
where they would thought I was against
the AMD products or I hate a and B
because there's nothing like that what's
going on there were just a few people
there that were giving me a hard time
and trying to control me I never judged
AMD as a company if I would have been
judging a.m. gives the company why for
years and years and years where I have
kept reviewing their stuff when nobody
else was touching it's just not like
that whatsoever when you see my scores
you'll see that there is going to be
some back-and-forth there's going to be
some games where the AMD sided thing
wins and there's going to be some side
of the fence where the Intel CPU wins
and that's just the way that it is and
honestly everything including my reviews
and everybody else's should be taken
with a grain of salt because we are all
human beings human beings are known to
make errors and not intentionally but
people make mistakes that's probably
where the word sorry originated at
because people make mistakes if we
didn't there'd never even be any such
thing as an apology or the word sorry it
wouldn't even exist in the vocabulary
v'n be in anybody's language but in
every language around the world there's
usually a word for I'm sorry or I
apologize and that's because we're all
humans and we all can make mistakes I
admit I've made mistakes before and I
will probably make some mistakes in the
future but the thing is when you make
those mistakes you learn from them and
you move on and I hope that we can do
that as an online family we can learn
together do stuff together and discuss
these things together you guys are the
absolute best fans in the world I love
you every single one of you deserves a
a high-five a slap in the back and a big
ol giant hurrah I love you guys thank
you so much for your heartfelt words
they meant the world to me
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