hey what's up tech world glad to see you
guys back here once again not today
we're gonna be talking about a kind of
touchy subject
what was that gonna be well this video
is the five top reasons why people will
be hatin on invidious Sun that's right
but before we check out this video and
say those five reasons let's hear a word
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alright so check this out Tech fans
there are five main reasons why people
are just hating on NVIDIA and they're
really doing it a lot lately now where I
get these five reasons part of them are
you know my opinion and the other are
from the emails and the comments that I
see in every single video that I make
that has to do with an Nvidia card I'm
just talking about every time I make an
Nvidia haters come out the closet and
they be hatin on me man hey because they
ain't so reason number 5 and this comes
a lot from the comments and from you
know what I see that people are sending
me emails on and this is number 5 is the
availability of Nvidia cards in other
countries it seems like in a lot of
other countries out there there seems to
be a real shortage of Nvidia cards and
getting those cards to them is really
hard and the prices for import duties
and all this stuff push the cards up to
prices that are unbelievable people over
there car almost making you know put a
downpayment on
house none just you know being a little
mischievous here but still it cost a lot
of money so it seems like the fifth
reason that people are really like
getting mad at Nvidia's they just really
can't get ahold of their cards in any
type of way whatsoever will that happen
to really jump through a lot of Hoops
and they say that AMD cards and AMD
products are just more readily available
for them to buy in their countries
making them therefore by AMD products
over and Vidya products I mean if this
was a spice level we were at a Mexican
restaurant ordering food I would say
this probably has a spice level of 1 now
reason number for this particular reason
I kind of agree with a little bit too is
that you cannot get envy link on the
lower end cards like if you wanted to
get yourself an RT X 2060 and you want
to do envy link well guess what you're
going to be ha ha ha I want to see that
slab but doesn't rhyme you're gonna be
shite out of luck to do that it's just
not gonna be happening that's kind of in
a way it's kind of messed up because a
lot of people don't have cards and they
still want to be able to jump in on the
RT X bandwagon you know and still get
those cards and if they buy that
particular card they're not gonna be
able to do any kind of envy link which
means you're not gonna be able to take
two of the entry-level cards put them
together and get that performance boost
in really Nvidia should re-evaluate that
I'm not really sure of why they're
exactly doing this but um it would be
better if you hit n V link all the way
down the board maybe on the new cards
that are become that good or beginning
out excuse me the 1660 that series
maybe those cards because they're not
going to really have all the r-tx
features maybe those particular cards
you could you know omit having and
feeling but it seems like every single
card in the r-tx line for their pricing
it's you know $349 for an entry-level
and some cards are even selling for up
to $1500 with aftermarket fans and all
that stuff so they get pretty pricey so
honestly their entry-level cards
especially the RT X lines should
definitely have n V link built into them
just like the other cards now number 3
on the list I hear quite a bit of
complaints about this quite a bit I
would give this particular one number 3
I would give it a spice level of the
as well and this is our TX and D LSS in
general the bottom line is that you know
many card launches everybody is really
looking for just fast your card but this
time and Vidya did something completely
different they step sideways and they
did you know some stuff that they're
like hey this is all new technology it's
going to be great and all that stuff but
so far what I see as far as the IMP you
know the implementation of it and it's
actually use so far it's been really
really lukewarm promises where all your
stuff gonna be happening it's gonna get
better and better and better and better
but so far only a few games are really
looking great with that stuff going on I
know the technology is kind of really
new but a lot of people out there really
complain and say that our TX and DL SS
really it really is not that great of a
deal right now and is it really gonna be
that great of a deal in 2019 at all I
mean by the end of 2019 are we gonna see
all the games that are being released
actually supporting these features and
those features actually really mattering
in the game so number three is a Purdy
spicy little thing there because the
features that are on the cards in a lot
of ways aren't really there for the
end-user right now and for the things
that are going on which we'll get to as
we go on through the things up to number
one with the price and everything that's
going on RTX and DL SS should really be
a lot more readily available on a lot of
different stuff I'm sure Nvidia is gonna
get totally mad at the video and they're
gonna get an email and go oh my god why
don't you say this but it's just
absolutely true it just is
if RT X and D LSS was available and a
lot more titles it actually worked with
no bugs no anything whatsoever and was
great technology I would be saying hey
double thumbs up but I just can't do it
at this point and many people out there
in the world obviously are feeling and
thinking the same thing
now the second highest reason in the
list of the five and this is a spice
level of number four and I don't know if
I actually particularly really agree
with this because I've said many times
in my videos that when a core
operation is out there there kind of
like an army and they're just out there
to win your money and take your business
and they're gonna do it any way that
they can but in every single video that
I make I get an email from somebody
complaining about me telling me how they
cannot stand and videos business
practices they think they're just
downright dirty and they'll never give
them a penny because they're so angry at
them and they're bad business practices
like I said me personally I that
particular one number two is very strong
and I get the most emails and the most
complaints about that pretty much other
than the number one reason which we'll
get to in a second is that people are
just like these guys play dirty pool but
honestly in business unless you're
killing people and actually downright
hurting people to get your goal almost
there are no rules that is no really
rules the object of the game is to
eliminate your partner make the most
sales and get the most business and get
the most money into your shareholders
pockets and if you can't do that then as
a corporation you're not going to grow
and there's only two ways things are
going you're either growing your
stagnant or you're failing so Nvidia
always wants to be on the growing side
of things because that means that
they'll be around for a long time
continuing to do their technology so I
don't really know you know to me
business is a dirty thing and you got to
really be careful of who you do business
with if you guys follow channel you guys
remember me and my motherboard zorg
fiasco I decided that go into some
business with people that's a little bit
more money I thought cool these people
have money they'll be great business
partners no they bent me over and
treated me like I was a little girl like
we were in prison so honestly it's just
not good you got to be very careful
about who you do business with and when
you're doing business people just want
to make money and everybody knows that
money is pretty much evil
it's creates all the problems in the
world trying to get money everybody
always has to need it in bad
neighborhoods people get robbed and all
that stuff because why cuz they don't
money and and this is why the term gets
thrown around a lot and you hear it and
they say ingredient well in some ways I
guess you could say that's true because
invidia wants to win and they're gonna
do business and have a way they see fit
to get that almighty dollar into their
shareholders pockets and try to rule the
okay and reason number one and this
definitely has a spice level of five son
this is burning up this is
extraordinarily high prices I mean oh
come on
okay RTX twenty-eight eti launches the
price on it is almost almost three
hundred percent higher than
top-of-the-line cards in the past not
quite that much but pretty close on most
launches we would see the
top-of-the-line card being around six
hundred dollars so it's not eighteen
hundred dollars it's about thirteen
hundred dollars but like I said almost
three hundred percent more for the
top-of-the-line card now with prices
that are this high this is actually even
affected the stock over at Nvidia
because not that many people can really
afford to go out and buy a twenty atti I
am lucky that I have friends that work
there and stuff and so I've been able to
get a couple cards for myself for doing
testing and stuff and I've been really
lucky in that way and I'll be honest
with you I do prefer nvidia cards in my
system over AMD cards so when it comes
to just pure performance I have to say I
usually go with Nvidia because their
cards are usually always faster but if I
was just a guy sitting at home like most
of you guys are or a girl at home
chilling out and I wanted to go out and
buy a video card I would look at those
prices and just be like totally blown
away because basically if you want the
top-of-the-line card for them you're
gonna have to spend thirteen hundred
bucks up to fifteen hundred dollars this
is really weird almost in like the end
of all my videos miss this guy keeps
jumping into the conversation this is
kind of just just weird no it's up with
this MIT guy
hello t9 transform for the people would
hello t9 transform now my god but
anyways the number one things visible
transforming thing here is honestly
priced NVIDIA has raised the bar I'm
pricing and almost made them like the
elitist video card company because
you've got to have a lot of money to buy
these cards many people are buying up
all the old stock and that's actually
you know good for Nvidia to it and
because all that old stock instead of
sitting on its shelf is actually selling
but the number one complaint that I get
from people and in some ways I agree
with it as well
these cards are very high price and the
349 for the r-tx 2060 it does play games
pretty solid and everything that's not
really all you know that off-the-chart
expensive in my mind I know people are
gonna go my god oh I couldn't your
little video card should only be on a
dull as well things just aren't like
that anymore
things have gotten more expensive even
the Radeon seven is a car that's $700 so
the Radeon 7 at $700 now I know that's
much less than $1300 but still you know
AMD cards usually are only at the top of
the line maybe $500 at the max so there
you have it five reasons why people be
hatin on Nvidia and honestly every one
of them does have a little bit of Merit
number five because I don't live in
another country I can't really verify
deny or do that but all the other
reasons there is some you know truth and
a little bit of something in every
single one of those reasons like usual I
want to hear what you guys have to say
not just the old crazy comments link
cause really give me reasons just saying
oh you know these guys do bad business
stuff you know give some real examples
of why you honestly just can't stand the
company because honestly in my opinion
the technology is there the RT X cards
are expensive but they're still the
fastest cards on the market there's no
doubting that whatsoever it's
undisputable and I
even know if AMD is gonna be able to
keep up at all in 2019 with NVIDIA it
just seems like they're blown completely
off the table and even Navi notes that
they get promises out hmm I don't know I
don't think they're going to be able to
fulfill those promises
so I'm Eric you guys been watching Tecna
morrow like usual we'll have links down
below to our sponsor which is best text
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lamp here does that one looks pretty
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well thanks for watching the channel if
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