what's up YouTube we're back at work
buddy the dog in GP on the Cameron this
time we're bringing you guys the top 5
tech gadgets and goodies for under fifty
dollars so let's go check so first up we
have something kind of unusual and it
seems like the entire world is going
bluetooth and there's bluetooth for
everything now this is the master 44100
d what this is well this is obviously a
bluetooth i'm smart lock right since it
works off your smartphone it's pretty
cool have a little app in here that you
go into i'm trying to get into it as i
as i talk to you folks and it's pretty
easy you but you just simply click into
the app and i should be good to go
what's up top and there it is and i
simply pull the lock and click it so
it's pretty easy to use now obviously I
know what you guys are going to say this
thing can be hacked like the doorbell
thing and all that but it's pretty much
made for indoor use and if you really
don't have to worry about your you know
having a low key for it or anything it's
pretty cool to have around the house and
it's just kind of a nifty device I know
obviously with any type of you know
device of this type there's going to be
some kind of weird thing about people
possibly hacking into it but if it's at
your house in your yard or something
like that you just want to have a cool
lock yet to mess with it's a pretty cool
device it has a protection rating of sex
I mean six well maybe sex because if
somebody breaks it I guess your foot but
you know other than that I mean it's
pretty durable it's not like super duper
tough obviously being that's a Bluetooth
smart lock and that all these things you
know our new technology obviously can
have a little bit of a price caveat but
if you want something that's really cool
and you want to show off to your friends
or somebody go hey man check this out
yeah my locks pretty badass my swinging
lock you know it's a pretty interesting
thing just to make sure you always we
lock it back up it's coming to market it
under 50 bucks and if you're looking for
a lock that works off your smartphone
hey the 4400 II might just do it for you
now this next product is from the people
over at arts here and I know some my pc
our own thesis are going to be looking
this ago and elric have you lost your
mind son no I haven't lost my mind with
some friends of mine
they have these i watch things you know
the Apple watches and I want to get one
of my friends a charger for my friend
Jonathan Morrison from TLD I know he has
a bunch of these things so I got a
charger and so you know he was able to
actually film some stuff for me and show
you guys how this thing works so what it
basically is a 1500 milliamp hour little
charger thing that works for obviously
your Apple watch so if you're a person
out there and you have one of these
products and you're looking for a really
cool charger that's portable and it
looks pretty crafty all at the same time
this might be a product that you're
going to check out and like now I know
like i said pc guys are gonna be going
out work you've gone crazy but not
everybody on the channel is total pc i
got a bunch of apple fans too and like I
told you guys before I don't care who
makes the technology i just love
technology i'm gonna fanboy of anything
i'm a fanboy of everything but if you're
looking for something that's low priced
and you're a person out there and you
have yourself one of those i watches
than hey check out this thing from our
cheer because it'll definitely charge
your watch not everybody out there has
the money to buy themselves a separate
camera and be able to take pictures and
stuff a lot of people out there they had
simply their smartphone or their tablet
and they do a lot of their shooting you
may be surprised even their videos off
of their smart device they call this
product the m lens v2 and it's actually
pretty affordable for what it is this
will attach to any one of those devices
and make it said you can have a fish eye
lens type of thing well just like you
get when you get a DSLR camera or any of
those other things out there but this is
strictly for your smart device it's a
pretty assemble device it's nothing too
crazy or anything like that and like i
said it simply attaches to your smart
device and then you get the option of
shooting all your video or all your film
or just your shots through a fisheye
lens and if you want to see what this
looks like you can see that right here
but in my opinion it looks a little
fishing okay so next up I have another
device than people over at em pal now
this is a set of wireless Bluetooth 4.1
headphones and they call these things
the bullfight maybe because when you
return them upside down there magnet
they look like a pair of bull horns I
know I'm feeling horny what about you
but anyways check these things out they
have a magnetic strip so you can like
put them together
it makes a little noise and they fit
really nicely in your ears and all the
controls and everything are all located
right here something this little bar so
it's very very easy to use and there's
absolutely no question of what ear cup
goes in which air because clearly marked
this one goes in the right ear this one
goes in the left ear and you just simply
stick them on in your ears like so and
away you go and they're pretty durable
you can move around do some fighting in
them I don't have to do the Kung Fu
stuff and I'm gonna try some ninja art
work ha whoo ah but anyways these type
of headphones are really nice for people
who do a lot of exercising moving around
jogging all that type of stuff there
unobtrusive the fact you can control
everything simply from that little
button on the side when the heck is what
I'm trying to feel for it right here
it's right over here you can control all
this stuff from here toggle through and
do everything you need to do so it's
pretty ergonomic for that kind of
purpose so if you're looking for
something that's not going to break the
bank has a pretty nice sound to him
listening to these is kind of hard to
the relay to you the sound we used to
put them like and record them through a
little microphone and show them but with
earbuds that's really hard to do but
these ones are pretty neutral they're
not really really Basie there not to
like super duper high in Tripoli they're
kind of down the middle so if you don't
like anything it's too much flavored of
anything and some of its just right down
the road with your music is then hey
check these out the bullfights also
offer up to seven hours of continuous
talk or playback time you can also
connect to devices so you can seamlessly
switch between your business and
personal phones and you won't miss any
calls it's also universally compatible
it's compatible with most smartphones
tablets PCs and other Bluetooth naval
devices including iOS and Android there
the bull fights and they might make you
horny he said it not me but anyways my
favorite of the bunch obviously you guys
know i'm a sci-fi freak yeah middle of
those geeks a go to comic-con and act
like a dumbass I'm one of those people
yep i admit it i go to renaissance fair
as if i can and as goofy as it gets i
like it but these type of things i can
hang on the wall oh man i love them you
guys have seen other ones that we've
showed you guys we showed you the iron
man i got that one still we got this one
and i just love this thing i am your
father luke you and me baby we can rule
the frickin galaxy or is that is it late
is he faffing don't baby boy starts
doing in there anyways I have joking
aside though this thing's really cool it
mounts on your wall it lights up so it's
got a lot of different options for you
guys who were in the Star Wars you
wanted like decorate a room in fact i'm
moving and when i get move like i told
you guys before i'm gonna have like a
whole wall I stuff dedicated all kinds
of cool stuff like this so that's number
five out of five and gotta say this
one's my fav alright folks are there you
have it the top five for the end of May
hope you guys like them like usual all
of these things that we talked about
will be down there look like but you
guys know what to do there so if you
soon find some of these stuff then hey
you can check it out for yourself or if
you just want more information we got
other videos coming this week we've got
the top 5 under 100 and just remember
this entire week we'll be giving away
games over on Twitter two winners a day
so make sure you stay tuned if you're
subscribed hey I'd appreciate that and
last but not least if you want to try
some free software to control your
computer check out NZXT scam why not
it's free
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