hey everybody glad to see you guys back
here once again on the challenge I know
many times you guys have to complain you
guys go my god it's a cheap Chinese crap
product but I'm just going to be honest
to you a lot of the products that you
use you're probably unaware of actually
come from China because they just make a
hell of a lot of stuff now we worked in
the past with gearbest we've been able
to get some products from them for
review and once again we were able to
obtain something from them that they
paid us no money for this whatsoever but
when I saw this little laser engraver I
was just like oh my god and a five laser
engraver this thing can do cool projects
for us here at Tech tomorrow
and if you guys don't know it me and a
friend of mine Chris have started up a
guitar company and that's called Icarus
guitar works and we're doing cool stuff
we're going to start making own guitar
parts and to doing this we're here for a
friend of ours but the bottom line is
though this machine comes in the market
at about 400 bucks we have a discount
coupon that you guys can use to get the
price down and if you're looking for
something that can can can do basically
no engraving it's not I don't know if
it's really true engraved gets laser
engraving so I consider kind of like you
know burning or just cutting out not
quite engraving to me the term engraving
means you got like a metal thing and
you're engraving it out but I guess
that's just semantics so we got this
machine to do a few different things to
do the logos on our guitars to also do
some custom sub 4 pcs like on plastic
windows and stuff we do the engraving
and put the lights inside the window
will be doing projects like that in the
future but today we got to hold this
5500 million watt laser thing and it is
just really cool we've had a lot of fun
with it now when you first get the kit
it does come in a box in a bunch of
pieces and you have to assemble it so
it's pretty much a kit but it's not very
hard to assemble we actually assemble
the kit and probably think it took us
less than 30 minutes to get it all put
together the one thing you really have
to I think consider more than anything
else is getting the setup perfect
because getting the setup perfect make
sure that you ensure that every time
you're doing your cut or your laser burn
is going to be perfect now we were
actually able to do some modifications
you'll see we get into it into our
project today we were actually able to
make it higher than it actually was
because at first it was too low we
couldn't get any guitar bodies any
guitar necks or any of that stuff
underneath it so we had to mod it out so
real quick some warning
when you buy the laser it comes with a
pair of goggles now when Chris came to
film the video for some reason no green
goggles but when you buy it it does come
to these nice green goggles to block out
the light because you do not want to
look directly at this laser whatsoever
it could pretty much probably blinds you
I mean it's really that bright so what
that says though let's real quick let's
jump in and let's see us taking our
project on and doing three different
types of things on wood I think I think
it's pretty cool because we did like a
pen up girl we did Darth Vader and then
we'll get to it my friend jesse is just
a complete Raiders freak thanks this but
let's jump in real quick and let's check
out as we set up and run this laser
doing our project for today which is
doing engraving on a guitar so check
this out folks before you do anything at
all with your laser you want to make
sure that you have it set up on some
type of environment where it's not going
to burn what's underneath like we
actually use one of our really nice
tables but we didn't want to actually
you know engrave on the table so you
have to make sure that you set something
down first off to make sure that you're
protecting what you're working on and if
you're looking at this video right now
and going hey what's that sad bag for
that sandbag say help keep the machine
in place and help balance the weight of
it so that when you're doing your laser
engraving nothing gets out of sync
getting this set up doesn't take very
long at all you just have to place your
item inside the area and like I said
before you guys can see we had to use
feet to actually raise it up to make
sure it could take our guitar necks or
our wood but after that it's a pretty
simple process you have to install the
bend box software the bin box software
is pretty easy to use now there are some
other software programs that you can buy
out there that cost about 40 dollars
that will give you much more variance
but what we're doing today this actually
worked just fine because we're doing
simple images now the first image that
we did you guys can see this is the
pin-up girl it's pretty easy to do not
too much stuff to worry about whatsoever
as far as setup is this once you align
the laser and you know where the laser
is going to go you just hit a button and
it begins the cut
then after that we decided to try a
little something different we're all
incredibly crazy Star Wars freaks so
we're like alright well what the heck
what about Darth Vader hopefully Disney
doesn't sue
currently we're building a guitar for my
friend Jesse hunter he wanted to be the
Raiders Telly because like I said he's a
frickin Raiders fan so we actually took
the Raiders logo first by the way we
tried all of these designs on scrap
pieces of wood so we made sure that
nothing got ruined but once we knew that
everything was actually set and we'd go
ahead and put that expensive guitar neck
we went ahead and began now you guys can
see this came out very very well I'm
sure we'll have some close-ups as
welders as well but this is very very
nice it only takes a few minutes to do
and when my friend Jesse saw the neck he
was like son because he the thought was
so badass so I mean it's the thing is a
lot of fun there's just so much more
that you can do with it so for wood you
guys can see it does the engraving
pretty nicely now you can't do any type
of cutting at all with this laser it's
just not powerful enough
I looked into some other serious lasers
you're talking a serious investment
forty to fifty thousand dollars so for
something that's under $400 that you can
do in your house this is a lot of fun
our next project involves taking a
plastic window out of one of our PC
cases putting an engraving a bit of P ot
and then lighting that up so it looks
really really bitchin but at the end of
the day folks I have to say now maybe
it's not the most expert level pro level
thing in the world but for what we're
going to do it's going to be pretty
awesome we have a logo being made for
our efforts guitar company and we want
to basically get it on the neck and then
burn our logo onto the top of the neck
and every single one that we do is our
trademark and plus the very fact that
every one is just slightly different it
pretty much makes every one that we do
unique in its own special way so I don't
know what you guys think I want to hear
you guys comments down below this is
kind of somewhere in between hobbyists
and you know something really you know
professional style but for the price I
got to say I like it a lot today's
project was really fun thanks a lot to
Chris as you just everybody who was
involved even persons a girlfriend who
kept saying what are you guys doing so
she helped us along as well so a lot of
people are involved is having a lot
with this project many more coming up
here on the channel like usual down
below like button we'll have a link to
this and we also have a discount coupon
codes you can get this thing for any
cheaper but for me for what we want to
do with it I think it's absolutely
perfect what I like to have something
bigger more badass of course I would but
we got to start off you know crawling
then walking and then we'll get up and
run and get something better so I'm at
work you guys been watching teka
tomorrow off to do some more burnin
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