hey what's up Tech fans welcome back
Tekken tomorrow we're always bringing
you all the tech all the time I'm Eric
your host with my co-host mr. by the dog
you guys all know this guy so eat this
week heard a bunch of really cool
stories so first off we'll talk about
the things that include PC which
everybody loves high in video cards now
you guys know the 7990 it came out but
it wasn't quite an official version from
the people over at AMD was unofficially
official but now AMD is going to jump on
board so to azuz and power color they
previously had their cards now these
cards were actually huge they required
3/8 and power connectors they had giant
fans I mean it's like a lawn mower
inside your system with huge power
requirements but now AMD has said hey
we're on board we really want to compete
with the Titan so we're gonna go ahead
and we're gonna back you guys up and
have an official version now the
official version is really cool it's
going to have to 8th and power
connectors and it's going to have some
different stuff that you haven't seen
previously next up on the PC stuff you
guys all know Intel firewire so far it's
been pretty fast but now it's gonna be
fast enough you can watch a 4k movie and
download 4k video at the same time you
know the people at Intel are prepping
for the future and this thing's like
basically ahead of its time because you
guys know 4k in America it's not here
now I know somewhere it probably is
there's probably some kid in his
basement some country who has 4k every
damn thing is kicking my ass and I'd be
jealous I mean but I haven't met back in
by the way kid if you're watching this
video please contact me that's right
allora the second marcom I want to talk
to you let's do a vid so like usual you
guys know everything about this will be
in the description so let's move on to
the last story now this is from the
people over at Microsoft
now it's Microsoft for mobile you know
we're basically you know how Windows you
know office for Android that's right so
now for your mobile portable advice you
can get the windows type applications
like off of this stuff on your port
device take them with you and use that
shiz Nick why you're on the road that's
pretty pretty cool stuff I know you guys
always like latest gossip the latest
stuff these are three hot stories and
actually all three of these stories like
I said before will be in the link below
and I have full articles and full
pictures so if you guys want to learn
more about those three stories we have
them over on the website I know some
people go hey I don't want to read it
all you don't have to want to read but
for you folks who want to learn more the
information is there and you can rock on
to it all right folks
today's deal is along the audio technica
ath m30 headphones so check this out
these motherfrakkers were $119 and now
there are only 32 but sorry corrected
they're $37 since you can hear the
cameraman correcting me in the
background you guys doing the deal today
is those headphones but they're $37 so
from 1:19 down to $37 I think that's an
incredible frakkin deal the people audio
technica make great headphones so that's
it folks we'll leave you with that at
the end of the video hope you guys like
this video hit that like button peace
out we'll see you later
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