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Want To Upgrade Your Video Card? - What You Need To Know

okay so you've decided that the video card inside of your computer just isn't cutting it anymore and it's time to replace that old video card but there are a few things that you actually need to do before you can even choose what video cards are gonna buy and install it in your system now the very first thing that you're gonna want to do before you even make the decision to buy another video card is to find out exactly what wattage of power supply you have that's the very first thing you can do now to do this pretty much you just need to remove the side panel from your case check out your power supply sometimes this can be seen by the rear of the computer it'll tell you how many watts and if you can find that out that's really easy otherwise just need to remove the side panel from your computer check out the power supply and make sure that the power supply has enough watts to power the new video card that you want to put in your system now the second thing you're gonna want to do is make sure that you have the proper connections now what I mean by proper connections is obviously you're gonna need either a six pin an eight pin two six pins an eight and a six pin or two eight pin connections now if you don't have these connections on your power supply you will not be able to install the new video card that you want to install so before you even go out and buy a video card or prep it to put in your system you need to make sure of these things first check out your power supply make sure that you have enough watts on your power supply to power the video card that you want to buy plus make sure you have the proper connections because without either one of those things you'll pretty much find yourself backed into a corner and you won't be able to upgrade if you don't have the proper requirements okay so if you've already taken those steps you've made sure that your power supply is good enough you have the right connections and all that stuff the very first thing you want to do before you put your new video card in the computer is you want to go in and you want remove all of the drivers associated with that video card now if you don't do this sometimes Windows Update will say hey we need new drivers for your old video card and since that video cards not there it just gets confusing for some people so the next step you want to take is remove all of the drivers that pertain to your AMD card or your Nvidia card you guys can see right here you just go in delete whatever is on there get rid of all the AMD drivers get rid of all the Nvidia drivers get rid of all that stuff and then the next step is to shut off your computer now to remove your old video card you're going to need a Philips head screw driver usually sometimes there are thumb screws depending on your system and the next thing you want to do is you want to ground yourself out on your system just touch the middle frame of your system and grind yourself out and make sure there's no static electricity floating around and then on some motherboards right near more than with a video card pushes into the system there's gonna be a little locking mechanism now sometimes these are very tricky to use be very careful try not to use any screwdrivers of the metal end if you can get a screwdriver that has a rubber tipped in it'll be a lot easier for you to do sometimes you can hit this little button and you can pull the video cart very easily other times it's kind of a pain the but just depending on what motherboard you're using but next up you just remove your video card gently out of the system take it out set it on a nice place where it's not going to you know anti-static bag where it's not going to get any electricity on it whatsoever and then after that ground yourself out again and then gently replace the new video card inside of your system like I said before make sure that you have the proper six or eight pin power connections you connect those close up your system so far at that point you're good to go now next up you're going to want to restart your computer you're gonna restart your computer you're gonna get inside your windows system and depending on whether you have an AMD card or you have an Nvidia card you're gonna want to go to WWE MD comm or W am video comm and make sure that you get the proper drivers for your system now many of the video cards that you buy today will come with a CD and side of it so if for some reason you absolutely don't have any internet connection at the time you can use the drivers off of the CD but those are not the most current drivers that are available sometimes there are even beta drivers which work better on some games but you're only going to get this if you use the latest driver and this can only be done if you go to the website and download the driver now once you download the driver and you install the driver you'll restart your computer and at that point you're up and going your new video cards in there you'll even see the AMD Catalyst control panel or you see the Nvidia control panel you can guys go on screen you click on that and in here is we can do all your different types of settings you can change your resolution you can change the refresh rate now remember the refresh rate though is only going to match the monitor that you have on your system so if you have a system that only as a 60 Hertz monitor you're only going to be able to put the Hertz at 60 Hertz inside of inside of the control panel you're not gonna be able to set a 60 Hertz monitor at 144 it's just not gonna work that way but if you do have 144 Hertz monitor 120 you want to definitely make sure that you go into the control panel and set this and match it to your video card and after that you're good to go all you have to do is jump in now play your games and everything should be running absolutely great and if you upgrade it to a nice newer video card everything should be running much smoother so that's pretty much it folks how to install a video card even if you have an older system that is a completely system built by either Sony or somebody like that once you look inside make sure that you have the right connections and the right power supply you're good to go now people who have done their own do-it-yourself systems you guys will probably have a much easier time of this because you already know the parts that are in your system plus the guys who already building systems I'm pretty sure you guys know how to change your video card out and do all those same steps that I just talked about in this video but if you're a person who's really kind of a computer newbie but you still want to be able to change your video card out those the steps that you have to take I'm Eric you've been watching tech and tomorrow we'll see you guys back here for more tech tomorrow
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