Why Fanboys Screw Us All & Kill Competition In The Market!
Why Fanboys Screw Us All & Kill Competition In The Market!
welcome back again everybody glad to see
you guys here on the channel not today I
want to talk with you guys about
something that honestly really bothers
me and something that I just can't
really grasp my mind around and that is
these people who are totally fanatically
fanboys now let me explain what I mean
when I say fanboy I mean a person who
will buy from a brand regardless of what
that brand has a product so that means
you neither by AMD you'd buy nvidia
you'd buy intel anybody out there you'd
buy their product no matter how much of
a shiny turd it is just because it has
their name on it and I want to tell you
guys why that is a totally up
thing and really just brings the
industry think about it this way we're
going to create a company now we'll call
it x factor company ok x factor company
makes products they have a huge
following but X Factor since all these
fans they have they don't really have to
work anymore and it's true
if you fanboy company so much that
you'll buy whatever they make just
because you think they're either saintly
or you think they're like the better
company and here comes a freaking dog
running across the floor of rangas
collar but we can deal with them and
that's just totally insane when I grew
up these kind of people did not exist at
all I'm telling you there were people
who went to baseball games and they
loved their thing and they were a fanboy
of a team or something like that but
when you're a fanboy of a team you're
not losing money or really buy anything
you're just going to see the game and
rooting for your team and if something
they lose or whatever it's like okay you
move on to the next day but when you
fanboy by something you make that
company where they no longer really feel
like they have to work I mean why would
they if you're going to buy their
product just because you like their name
you don't care if other people you know
make better products because you think
they're evil companies well I'm going to
tell you something right now
and you can either take it to
heart or you can if you think any
corporation out there is above
and hasn't done evil things
seriously no offense we'll pull your
head from your ass because we're going
to choke to death every company
out there that's a giant corporation
does not have your best interest at
heart they never do if you're watching
movies they're evil they have aborted
people who
and they'll over anybody they can
to make sure that their bottom-line
dollar is more so if they could sell you
a cheap plastic ass product that would
only last a couple of weeks you buy
millions of it do you think that they
would honestly care at all it was a crap
product they don't care what so ever
it's just the way it is the way
companies usually drive stuff is that
their products aren't good people stop
buying them and that's the way that
everything should be done because if you
don't buy a product because it's
substandard that forces that company to
get their together and make a
better product but if you fanboy buy it
why do they have to do anything they can
basically keep back in their laurels
laughs and collect your money now I know
a lot of people out there they go oh man
you know Intel did this and vidi has
done this like AMD has done this all
that stuff honestly at the end of the
day if it's not like you know in child
rape or doing something or hurting
somebody those guys are always going to
try to play games when they're doing
their business they'll say little shady
things they'll do little tiny shady
things because at the end of the day
like I told you they're a corporation
and for them the bottom line is the
dollar they don't care and this is why
I'm just so like period at fanboys who
just they come on they say all these
crazy ass stuff and it's like you know I
like this company I like this company
they can do no wrong and that's just
absolutely totally insane honestly if
you think that companies out there are
good and they're like little little
angels honestly men you don't live in
the real world I mean no disrespect for
I can understand liking a brand for a
long time for years and years and years
I've supported AMD as the underdog but I
don't just go by and vie products
because they have the name AMD on it I
don't buy from Nvidia because it says
Nvidia on it and I don't buy Intel
really because it said Intel the same
things with cases I don't buy from just
crucial or Coursera or NZXT I don't buy
from any of those companies just because
they have a name what I do is I search
the research out what I feel is the most
stable best product that runs the
absolute best for my dollar is what I'm
going to buy I don't care about anything
else I don't have any giant
to any brand at all I've never taken a
payment from any of those companies out
there ever never in my entire crew now
if you don't think other sites are
taking money from these companies you
can think again I'm not going to name
any names but you guys know what's up
I've never taken an advertising dime
from any of those guys and there's a
reason for it you start taking money
from these people then you owe favors to
these people which is probably why don't
get a ton of samples from Intel
Nvidia treats me pretty good honestly I
am D even though I've done lots of stuff
for them I feel they treat me like
they don't give me information I have to
call them and bug them and yeah maybe it
does have something to do when I
actually didn't really leak the stuff a
few hours earlier but the same thing is
is that not taking any money from those
companies means that when I get their
products I can say what I want about
their products and sure as Roy Taylor
got pissed off at me before for saying
something yeah it's happened but that's
why I don't take their ad money I want
everything to be completely clean across
the board now if I was just a fanboy out
on one of these companies I would not be
doing you any kind of a courtesy at all
and I would be the worst
reviewer on YouTube and I wouldn't even
deserve to have this channel not one
iota and I'm dead serious
taking money from those guys and saying
stuff is just wrong I get a temper too
these all the time when people try to
force me to say things that I'm not
going to say for their product and I
just will not do it whatsoever at the
end of the day I look at a product
subjectively I tell you guys moaning
mainly excuse me what I like about it I
don't like to beat anybody up if you
guys been following the town you know
that I rarely do pick a company in the
you know if somebody just sends me a
free product I really don't want to like
you know crap on those people now if
something so bad though that you know it
has to be said then I say it but if I
was a fanboy I would never say anything
about anything it the companies that I
fanboy dead I'll just be like oh these
will be up to the best the best
you should always buy these things but I
don't do that and you should not either
fanboys honestly when they get to the
point where all they do is buy a
freaking brand because the brand they're
killing the industry they're killing
competition and they're making companies
so they can sit on their loyals and rely
on their crazy fans just to buy their
product because they like the brand name
now I always want to hear your guys
opinions down below please know
singer disrespects almost delete your
comment cuz nobody needs that negativity
in life I always like to work with you
guys at the end of the day I honestly
feel that fanboys are the absolute worst
thing for getting you know getting
things to the market better for you
because if the company doesn't have to
make a better product and they know
you're going to buy it they're not going
to make a better product they're going
to relay bĂȘlit try to resell it to you
in as many different ways you'll be
buying chicken meat pretty soon no don't
worry about its chicken steak trust me
100% chicken steak you know it's like
saying it's made of 100% artificial
ingredients what so that's my taking it
I always wonder what you guys want to
say but you guys know how I feel I think
fanboy isms are bad liking a brand and
liking a company it's cool but when you
get to a point where you're going to buy
anything if that company makes without
making that company make the best
product you're us all
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