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Why Nobody Buys Sound Cards Anymore?

personally I've been into computers ever since the word computer came out and the first computer hit the market I've been playing with Commodores and migas all that stuff in the beginning till finally we introduced the revolution of the PC and when the PC first came out they were really very few serious you know PC gaming companies out there at this particular time it was barely being touched upon and if you look back at those times sure they had games like Dig Dug I've mentioned this before and they had liking the little tiny games that were like that but there was nothing really graphically stunning nothing very you know audio stunning either and most of the computers back when they first came out to pcs really didn't even have any kind of true dedicated sound solution yeah sure you got the beep-beep type sounds going on but no true audio for listening to music yeah you could put a CD player and you could listen to your CD player from the off your CD and stuff like that but you had no type of sound card so when the gaming market started coming around all of a sudden we've seen this company come out creative with all of these Sound Blaster products and at that time creative ruled the roost I mean honestly back when I was playing the original doom and like the original unreal and all this stuff if you didn't have inside your computer a sound blaster with the ax and you just weren't a happening gamer and then we saw EAX I'm excuse me sorry we saw turtlebeach and a few others jump on this market for a long while these companies sucked in the gravy and the riches of being really the only solutions that you could have for gaming well this really really started to change later on down in the game now I was working with analog devices and Google at the time now I know why people are gonna stop this code no it's but honestly I term the term Gmail I'm not a greedy person I didn't try to sue them or anything else but we were all to lunch meeting and we were talking about it and Google was saying hey we want to come out with a brand new email system and I joked and I said hey why don't you just call it Gmail they all went and Gmail was born this is the absolute God's truth need any money from this everything else it was just a happening conversation that they took up and liked but at this time analog devices was working on the onboard sound on motherboards and during this time I also worked for a company called Sonic focus you guys probably have never heard of them but you probably looked them up and checked them out what we talked about me and Tom paddock and Tom paddock he is my mentor in the sound world he has worked for the Grateful Dead for the Steely Dan he's worked for all kinds of big bands he's a great studio engineer and he was a person who really trained me about audio well me and him were having a conversation one time another type of thing like this and we started talking about why is all the stuff that is pull every mp3 is there any way that we can take that stuff that's pulled out of an mp3 and make that mp3 still sound like a full-fledged sound file like a WAV file without sacrificing stuff and this is the product that we worked on for many years it was sold to Hewlett Packard and then finally guess who it went to be beats by dre the technology that's inside of beats by dre is the same technology dates back all the way to Sonic though because I'm kind of getting kind of off mic my thing but that's what I'd say I've been working with sound for a long time and at this point in time creative and turtlebeach these companies made a serious error and I'm talking about a serious billion-dollar error okay just like when Intel has fumbled the ball and it's costing millions they didn't invest and do the right thing the same thing happened to these companies instead of investing with the motherboard companies to get their chips onto the motherboard they fought a war to maintain domination with sound cards well we all know that in the past few generations of motherboard and stuff you can get on board sound now that's even better than some of the stuff you get in the past hey Zeus has great stuff on their motherboards gigabyte does I believe you mean MSI does a lot of companies now so when this happened these companies completely screwed up because creative labs turtlebeach all these companies they could be on a motherboard but here's the caveat to that okay there's millions of motherboards out there right sound card cost you 100 bucks it's a hundred bucks or something inside of creative or total beats whoever that fracks pocket right only a couple of bucks for an onboard ship or probably maybe probably up to like you know maybe thirty to fifty dollars you know to get the whole implementation but still much lower money unless you have all your sound chips on SuperDuper high-end motherboards and they're all super duper high-end chipsets which they're not mostly everything out there is a real tech 802 something right now they're out there there's so many real tech things because real tech went underneath the radar went directly to them if you guys ever saw the azalea chipset on the motherboards I wrote all the codec for that so all the sounds that you heard the environments I wrote all those on a parametric EQ and gave them to Intel years back so all that stuff that was doing I was working in that and this is when these guys had a chance but instead of doing that we see creative they license creative software oh boy it's not true creative it's not eex and positional audio has changed completely if these guys would have just worked with the motherboard companies these companies would be doing just as good as they were doing before because they'd have the market share but instead they fought against the grain and now hardly anybody ever buys an internal sound card anymore it happens sure it does but whenever somebody calls me and they want me to a build I never hear hail Rick please make sure you put a sound card in there I never hear that because everybody knows that the sound that comes onboard now is actually adequate to power all your games and if you spend money on a really good high-end motherboard you're getting really high-end audio you know you're getting the top Japanese components you're getting everything that's really good all built on your motherboard so you don't have to worry about spending any extra money on the side to do this and this actually helps it another way is to know more PCI card slot no more bandwidth being take from the PCI slot and you have an extra slot open to put something else in is another nestled and okay their card for SLI or something else so really eliminating that discreet sound card was a good idea and all these companies could be in the riches right now and this is how the sound card companies finally went down and have went under you don't hear about them anymore there's no commercials there's no nothing you never see any game that's coming out saying hey use it with creative in the past there were so many games just like it says you know NVIDIA meant to be played or Intel Inside hey creative had there a whole thing with the ax and they would have games coming up and said hey he acts into the side of them you never see that anymore at all even though there probably is positional audio and many many games it's not being talked about touted or being focused upon in any way like it used to be and if those companies would have just played their cards a little bit different they could all still be in the market today instead you see real tech a company that has really nothing to do with audio standard they're not in the audio market whatsoever they're not in the Pro Audio they're not a musical gear audio they're nowhere they're a chip company so all these companies they actually you specialized in high-grade audio and got their asses kicked by a company who just makes cheap chips
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