hey what's everybody up in YouTube land
yesterday did a video welcoming all of
you guys back and thanking the YouTube
people for letting us become partners so
today we're going to bring you an
unboxing of the new x of x 68 70 what
this is is this is an overclocked
version of their card so follow along as
we show you what's inside the box so
we'll start out down here oh I actually
I'm going to need something alright we
start out with like usual a box inside
of a box then we'll go ahead and we'll
open that up start off right here on top
we've got a little sales thing for their
pro series power supplies that's right
XFX in the power supply business then
we've got some really cool hey these are
cool I didn't even know these came in
here are some black edition stickers
check these out folks these are nice for
those you people collect stickers I know
there's a lot of kids out there like
this stuff for their skateboards
backpacker windows these are actually
really cool i've never seen XFX to us
before and I'm pretty impressed cool
stickers brings up the youth in me
alright then over here let's see you
let's go ahead and pull this box out and
turn around so you get a better look at
it we've got the North American limited
warranty we have got the quick install
guide the driver see the install guide I
don't think anybody really needs
instructions of how install a CD but
they give it to you anyways and then the
graphics card driver itself and we have
a little compartment over here to the
side and this little compartment over
here as a little compartment that we
open up and inside of there we have the
crossfire bridge we have the black
edition something I don't even know what
this is whoo okay fall off me folks I
don't know what this is I've never seen
anything like this before let's take a
look at the camera get nice and there's
two folks and see how it to move it
around so you can get a good look i'll
go ahead and open this up we'll see what
this is
oh wow now this is pretty cool check
this out I'm just going to go ahead and
open it all the way so you post and see
it do a true and boxing and take
everything out sorry as neat you may
want to get rushed out but let me try to
remove this thing from out of here okay
here we go check this out folks now this
is a cool case cover or a case sticker
refrigerator sticker wherever you want
to use it for I'm going to flip it on
the back so you can see it it has a
little 3m double sticky tape there that
is very nice nice job ex-fix we try to
get my big hand out of the way that's
pretty nice then we have the new XFX
hanger now this one is different
distances do not disturb I'm gaming but
it's a different design in the previous
ones pretty cool alrighty then
underneath that we're going to actually
have the card itself pull the card out
for you folks okay so we'll start up at
the front of the card going to follow up
at the bottom spend the card around so
you can see it it's things I'm put my
fingerprints on it here go the two 6-pin
power connections required to run the
card going to flip it around to the back
of the card here is the crossfire bridge
connector already flipped the car to run
through the back of the card really nice
got dual DVI single hdmi to mini display
ports very nice and the lovely XFX thing
carved out inside of the metal itself
not bad card actually ways quite a bit
too so once you guys you get the card
card obviously comes in this little
plastic bag here let's go into this
reverse few folks like I do
car back in there and we got the top box
we've got this little nice little thing
from XFX we got their little case lever
thing i'll go ahead and search that back
into the package if i can got that that
goes in there do not disturb things no
just one reverse here start to speed up
for you folks again the graphics card
the drivers driver installation guide
the quick install guide the limited
warranty the crossfire bridge all the
stickers and a sales catalog thanks for
watching the unboxing look forward to
the full review in the next few days
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