iPad Mini Coming This Month? & Nokia Lumia 920 Coming to AT&T!
iPad Mini Coming This Month? & Nokia Lumia 920 Coming to AT&T!
man it just seems like Apple is never
ever happy they just want a slice of
everybody's pie I'm elric here the
tekkit of our youtube channel and you
guys probably heard by now that it's
true that's right apple plans and
release in their new 7-inch ipad mini
sounds like something a girl would use a
mini ipad mini something I'm saying so
nope they're not going to let Google
nope they're not going to let the people
over at amazon have their 7-inch market
apples going to jump into the market and
the fray but there's will be a little
bit more costly instead of the two
hundred dollar price mark that we see in
the Nexus 7 and we see on the kindle
fire we're going to see a
three-hundred-dollar price tag on the
new apple ipad mini now at this point in
time that's all currently speculation if
you guys want to see more about that
check out the link in the description
below also up in the news unless you
guys have been under a rock the new
Lumia 928 20 series phones are going to
be released very soon but there is some
bad news a going to be along with that
as well for those people who have
verizon and those people have tmobile
you are shat out of luck because it's
only going to be for AT&T that's right
AT&T has cornered the market on these
new phones and the rumor to hit the
market in November now if you walk into
the store you're going to be able to get
a black white or red phone but if you
order over the internet you're going to
be able to get yellow and cyan at least
those the rumors that we're hearing so
far from Nokia so all right phone
phreaks and tech fans are you guys
looking for the Nokia Lumia hmm aria and
are you also looking forward to the new
ipad mini let us know in the comments
below also make sure your sub to the
channel because we got a lot of cool
things going on and also if you guys
want to see a lot of written reviews
over on the website wewt cube tomorrow
we have a lot of written articles on all
these new phone technologies so make
sure you check out the link in the
description below and we'll see you back
here on tech of tomorrow
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