hey what's up about their tech fans and
animal lowers its meet over at Ferris
and Buddy the mascot here in the
detective our YouTube channel and today
we're giving you the 1080p that's right
the 1080p video test of the new iPhone 5
now this is the back camera and you can
see the clarity on it is very very well
most of the cameras that are old-school
only did 720p in fact the one that I
have still hanging on to my might touch
phone that I'm using through t-mobile is
720 but this is full 1080p and the audio
we're using is strictly through the
camera right now so everything that
you're hearing seeing recording is
everything is all through the iPhone 5
now a lot of crazy people out there made
a crunch of crazy comments in last video
and check it out this phone is the phone
so PC people out there awaiting them the
photo doesn't make any sense for one
thing it's not a Mac this isn't a Mac
versus PC war it's a damn iPhone
for pete's sake now I know some people
out there prefer the Droid and there's
kind of a little war going on that and
I'll have some stuff about some other
stuff about that droid later but now
check out the camera check out the video
quality of it it's pretty cool forget
the war man just be into a camera if you
like droids you like it if you like
iPhones you like it we're a channel
about everything equal opportunity that
means all electronics I hate haters
don't be a hater give us your love me
and buddy love you and we'll see you
guys later here on tech of tomorrow
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