here we are again guys another 100,000
subscriber milestone thank you guys
again so much for this man I don't even
know what else to say but seriously guys
I'm gonna make this as short as possible
I want to bore you guys as always every
100,000 subscriber milestone I do a
giveaway so this time we're gonna be
giving away some GPUs nothing too
special nothing too crazy all so first
up we have an Asus GTX 1060 Strix I'm
also giving away a gigabyte gtx 1060 as
well and last but not least we have an
asus RX 4 80
so yeah three GPUs and I really have the
PC build with me but I'm giving away a
$500 gaming PC I'll list the specs down
below here you want to check that out
but I'll be sending over the parts that
way you guys can build one for yourself
so whoever wins the PC but yeah that's
pretty much its I don't even what the
requirements are gonna be honest I'm
just winging it but if you want to enter
it all you have to do is like the video
drop a comment down below oh here's a
good one
go ahead and share this video on Twitter
with the hashtag team tech source now
way I can just search up the hashtag and
I can easily select the winners if you
don't have a Twitter account you can
easily make one just for this giveaway
doesn't even matter you have to follow
me or anything but it's just gonna make
it a lot easier for me to select the
winners but thanks I think that's pretty
much it
thank you guys so much again honestly I
am so freakin excited I'm so grateful to
have amazing subscribers like you guys
good luck on the giveaway and I will see
you in the next video peace
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