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Best Budget GPUs? RX 580 & RX 570 | Benchmarks

what guys it's that syntax or is sin in this video we're going to be comparing AMD's new rx 500 series graphics cards against their direct competition the gtx 750ti and the 1060 the rx 500 series are essentially AMD's refined second-generation graphics cards that run on the polaris architecture it is designed specifically for system upgrades so I have the RX 580 which is aimed for smooth 1440p gaming and high settings and it's capable of handling VR 2 then we got the rx 570 which is aimed at maximum 1080p gaming and they're basically claiming that you'll achieve well over 60 fps and all chess settings in most triple-a titles but obviously we will verify if this is accurate from our benchmarks there's also the rx 560 and the 550 which I don't have on hand but if you guys are interested in a comparison between these two cards as well let me know in the comments section and I'll go and pick them up for you I'm also going to be doing another top 5 GPUs under $200 so make sure you guys hit that subscribe button if you don't want to miss out so the RX 560 is kind of like an upgrade card it's great for those of you who have a very old GPU that can't quite one game than 1080p it starts at only $99 and it can basically get you over 60fps and most games although you might have to play around with the settings a bit I don't think you can play most games in 1080p maxed out with this card and finally the cheapest of the rx 500 series is the rx 550 coming in at just 79 bucks and this card is essentially competing against intel's integrated graphics processor it's able to run games over 60fps but only on less intensive games like csgo overwatch and rocket League it's also a great GPU for a 4k home theater system mainly because of its low profile design so here is the entire lineup of the rx 500 series and their respective prices the old feature freesync technology so the only free sync monitor already then you can definitely take advantage of that as well as optimization for DirectX 12 and Vulcan gaming oh and also h.265 4k encoding this is the testbed that I use for all the benchmarks then also decided to add in the 1% and point one percent lows along with the average FPS it's a lot of you guys keep asking me to do that also guys just to be clear I am benchmarking the board partner version of the RX 500 lineup as you see in this video so when I say rx 580 I'm actually referring to be sapphire rx 580 and when I say RX 570 I'm referring to the RS RX 570 just to be clear so before we get into the gaming benchmarks let's take a quick look at the fire strike benchmark scores to kind of give you guys an overview of the performance of these cards and I even threw in some GPUs from the rx 400 light up as well we can definitely see a noticeable difference from the last generation GPUs not a huge difference though but just enough to persuade you guys to go with their new rx 500 cards instead of the rx 407th even change it just doesn't make sense going with the older generation at this point unless AMD decides to drop their prices take a look at temp so you can see that the RX 570 is the hottest card during full load followed closely by the RX 580 and with that said here are the rest of the gaming benchmarks so the GPU that push the most frames was the gigabyte gtx 1060 g1 gaming six gigabyte variants with a total of six oh eight frames in HD and 470 in quad HD the runner-up is the RX 580 which isn't that far behind and then in third place is the RX 570 but which card gives you the best bang for your buck well for both 1080p and 1440p gaming the RX 570 gives you the best value almost three frames per dollar for HD and 2.25 frames for 1440p surprisingly the RX 580 gives you the worst value probably because the price of the GPU is way higher than it should be it's claimed a limited edition rx 580 from sapphire and because of that stupid title I'm guessing that's why they priced it a bit higher if you look at other rx 580 prices they actually start at just 220 dollars for the 8 gigabyte variant so hypothetically if I use the actual normal price instead of the ridiculous $275 price tag we get a score of 2 point 61 frames on $1.00 which still doesn't beat the RX 5 70 from Oris nor does it beat a gigabyte gtx 1060 in value so with that said the RS RX 570 gives you the best bang for your buck out of all these GPUs featured in this video so if you're shopping around for your next graphics card and don't want to spend more than $200 then this card should definitely be on your list if you're looking for a bang for your buck that is also guys do keep in mind that other board partners have these cards starting at just 170 dollars and I'll drop a link to all the cards featured in this video down below thank you so much for watching if you guys enjoyed it be sure to leave a like it does take me a long time to make these videos I hope you guys enjoyed it thank you so much for watching and I'll see you in the next one
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