HTC ONE M9 vs HTC ONE M8 - Speed Test (Shocking Results)
HTC ONE M9 vs HTC ONE M8 - Speed Test (Shocking Results)
hey guys it's Edie and welcome to
another comparison video between the HTC
One m9 and the HTC One m8 in this video
I will be running a bunch of tests
between both phones that include a speed
test benchmarks and a battery
performance test but before we jump into
the good stuff let's take a quick look
at their specs now I won't go through
all the specs for the sake of time so
instead you can pause the video if you
do need more time to look at them
alright so that's enough of the talking
let's sit back relax and enjoy the show
so that was kind of unexpected it seems
like the m8 is the faster phone even
though the m9 is running the latest
software maybe the apps are not yet
optimized for the m9 because it really
doesn't make sense that a phone with
much better specs to lose at a speed
test also the battery test from
implies that the m8 has a longer-lasting
battery even phone arena states that the
m8 lasts 7 hours and 12 minutes for a
typical real-life usage whereas the m9
reported to last only 6 hours and 25
minutes this is something you shouldn't
expect from a flagship smartphone
especially from HTC so hopefully HTC
releases an update really soon because
the m9 is becoming a disappointment for
a flagship smartphone anyways that's it
for the video I want to hear your
thoughts on these tests with you guys
think about the results if you enjoy the
video please drop a like and if you
didn't you can dislike and if there's a
phone you want to see the m9 go against
next let me know in the comment section
down below
anyways thanks again for watching this
is that from tech source and I'll see
you guys in the next video
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