well some guys are dead from tech
stories and welcome to my rising 5
benchmark video as always we're going to
cut straight to the point and look at
temps overclocking performance gaming
benchmarks as well as take a look at the
productivity side the samples I have
with me are the 1500 X and 1600 X which
are part of the horizon 5 lineup and
these were aimed to compete against
until 7600 K and 7700 K so I will be
comparing them against each other as
always at the end of this video I'll be
going over the frames per dollar to
figure out which would be CPUs give you
the best bang for your buck so the 1500
X is a quad-core CPU with a 3.5
gigahertz base clock and it will cost
you 189 while the 600 X is a 6 core
processor with a 3.6 gigahertz base
clock also the 1500 X does come with
their waste by RGB cooler while the 1600
X does not so I managed to overclock
both rise and 5 chips to 4 gigahertz at
Deason volts
however the cable a chips proved once
again that they are much more efficient
at overclocking 5 gigahertz at one point
3 volts for the 7700 K and 4.99 B 7600 K
the coolest out of the bunch would be 77
and 1500 X coming in in the low 30s
during idle and the hottest chips or
actually the 16 is X and 7600 K hitting
close to 80 degrees on full load once
overclocked let's kick off the
benchmarks by checking out these
cinnamon scores so the 1500 X beat out
the 7600 K in the multi score benchmark
but scored lower in the single core then
we got the 1600 X way up there as hole
42 for the multi-core which makes sense
since it is a 6 core processor however
none of Amy's chips come close to the
single core processing power of these
7700 K so our first productivity test is
handbrake which is a free transcoder for
video files exported a three-minute 4k
file using the h.264 codec as expected
the 16x rendered it out the fastest at 2
minutes and 19 seconds but suffice me
the 7700 K wasn't that far off I kind of
expected a much bigger gap between the
two since the 16x does have two
additional cores however when looking at
the biggest pearl exporting times that's
starting to make more sense the 69 FX
finishing a little over seven minutes
rendering at the same three minutes 4k
file while the 77
finished a little over nine minutes
interestingly enough both the 7600 K and
the 15-inch X are neck and neck for both
of the render tests so at this point is
pretty obvious if you're heavy use it
for multi-threaded applications like
editing programs streaming or 3d
modeling the 1600 X is your best option
if you're designing between these chips
but what if you only gaming so first up
we got GTA 5 and 1080p and it looks like
the 77 decay takes the lead with a
massive 56 frame difference against the
1500 X and 1080p the 77 decay is 35%
faster than the 1500 X and the 7600 K is
16 percent faster but look at the
overclocked performance the 1500 X
gained 16 frames just by overclocking
however sadly both wise and 5 chips fell
short compared to the 7600 K and the
same can be said in 1440p although the
scores didn't change much it was
interesting to see that the 1500 X was
severely bottlenecks since both 1080p
and 1440p scores or identical on GTA 5
moving on to ashes of the singularity on
dx12 I did want a CPU focus benchmark
instead of the GPU since we are
comparing CPUs in this video and that's
kind of why the scores are lower than
usual but looks like the 16x slightly
pulled ahead of the 7600 K however it's
still no match compared to be 7700 K in
1080p as well as 1440p it doesn't look
like the scores change that much between
the two hitman is next and we can see a
substantial lead between the 50-meter X
and 7700 K once again that's a 42 FPS
gap making the 7700 K 35 percent faster
than the 1500 X and the 7600 K 30%
faster than the 1500 X we did get
identical scores for 1440p which implies
that there is model-making present and
next up is Metro last light the
performance difference is once again
monumental between the 1500 X and 7700 K
a 37 FPS difference making a 7700 K 24%
faster than the 1500 X however the 7600
K is only 6 percent faster than the 15
and X the gap decreases as we bump up
the resolution to 1440p since the GPU is
doing most of the work however there is
still a 7 to 12
indifference between the 15 inch racks
and the KB Lake CPUs division is another
game I tested in dx11 and surprisingly
all CPUs performs a neck-and-neck
then again division isn't really a
demanding title the same can be said in
1440p even after overclocking we pretty
much got the same scores across the
board and finally we got battlefield 1
not a huge gap in performance between
the chips for 1080p
however the frames are pretty much
identical when bumping up the resolution
into 1440 so obviously the 7700 K is
still the king of all quad cores but how
much more are you really paying for it
taking a look at the frames per dollar
we can see that you're getting a little
over 2 frames per dollar on the 7700 K
whereas you're getting nearly 3 frames
would be 1500 X you get 30% more bang
for your buck going with the 1500 X than
be 7700 K and a 9% value compared to the
7600 K now if you're gaming on a budget
and still need a powerful processor for
multi-threaded applications like I
mentioned before the 1600 X is still a
solid choice even though the 7600 K has
better value than a 1600 X these scores
aren't taking into account the rendering
tests where these 16 rx did really great
so when it comes to productivity these
1600 X is the better option so ask
yourself this guys are you looking to
get the most value out of your next PC
or do you want the best and not care
about how much you pay I collect that's
what it always comes down to when
comparing AMD against Intel either price
per performance or the best performance
at a cost of a premium but I hope this
video helps you guys decide on your next
processor or maybe just watching to
learn something either way if you liked
it leaving a like would be highly
appreciated and if you didn't like it
feel free to dislike as well that is
- thank you so much for watching guys
leave all the parts for CPUs that talked
about down below if you guys are
interested thank you for watching I'll
see you in the next video
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